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Sail Away Into the Stars

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 9:28pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD & Lieutenant K’Var & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

1,248 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Various on USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current


The ship was buzzing with the sounds of a crew with a purpose. The doors hissed open as various departments came and wend to and from the bridge. The staff was informed and knew what they needed to do. Soon Kelly would take his place in the big seat and the ship would sail out into the stars to bring home their missing crew. What awaited nobody knew but the anticipation with the launch of a ship about to sail into new adventures was evident in the faces of her crew. The Arcadia would make memories and blaze its own trail of fire out in the vast sea of stars.

Some crew would return, others not but the ship and crew were bound to make their mark in this world and would inspire generations to come. The excitement and urgency hung in the air and the ship rocked and shuddered as pre-launch tests and confirmations began to come in.

=/\= Main Engineering =/\=

Fang stood upon the raised platform in main engineering surrounded by all the members of his department. The ship was due to leave in the next thirty minutes so he had to make things quick.

"Arcadia Engineers! Attention!"

He watched as they all turned their eyes to him. "I know that you all were expecting to have Lieutenant Ito up here but that is not possible. It is for her and our other shipmate that we must now fly as if the Capellan demons of Mount Eblin were at our heals.

Since I have been here I have watched you all pull together to get this ship functioning and ready to fly. I know what each of you is capable of and what that is...that is greatness. This is our ship, our home, our domain, and it is our responsibility as Engineers to keep her flying and safe."

He paused looking around at each person. "We go back to get one of our own today so we need to fly fast and fly right. I want all hands on the controls, all eyes on the readouts. Communicate during shift change, prepare for long shifts and battle if necessary. I take Lieutenant Zai as my Deputy until Ito is back. One of us will always be available no matter the time. Work together, we are all brothers and sisters here. We are family and I have faith in you all and in your abilities." He gave a regulation salute. "Stations!"

Zai looked up at Fang from his position to the right just below the makeshift platform and smiled. He certainly had a way with words. Catching Fangs eye he gave a nod and headed out to take his station here in Engineering.

Fang collapsed the small platform and headed to the Main Bridge where he'd take his place at the Engineering station to coordinate the pre and post launch data. It didn't take long and he didn't mind the crowded lift.

=/\= Main Bridge =/\=

His mind was already running all the lists of what needed doing and when the door to the bridge opened he was out and over to his station in a pinch. Within seconds his console to the right fizzed and Zai's image popped up.

"Main Engineering ready. Sending data to bridge station now."

Fang's hands flew over the consoles. He glanced over at the rest of the crew as they took their stations waiting for Kelly to give the word.

K’Var had arrived at her station on the bridge.

While technically there was no need for a Chief Medical Officer to be present on the Bridge unless there was, of course, some medical emergency afoot, Dr McDonald had decided to be present for the launch. He tried not to dwell on who was so obviously not present in the centre chair, for he had little choice but to trust in Kerrington's abilities as he took temporary command.

Adrianna Baciami smiled a little. Of course she liked being on the bridge. It had felt like a long time coming. She was ready for adventure.

Lanna was already in her seat, she wasn’t going to miss being on the bridge for departure.

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan, assigned freshly into command to act as First Officer and Chief Communications Officer for the Arcadia had a difficult job ahead shouldering the responsibilities of Commanding Officer. He was ship's Captain until further notice.

The comm channel was open ship wide. He could have remained seated but chose instead to stand. "It should be Captain Rhoda Morelli making this announcement, but we cannot let her unknown whereabouts tether us. I did not get much time to get to know her as an officer nor as my Captain.

This crew has been cobbled together out of necessity for a greater cause than our individual selves. I will lead us as Captain Morelli would want me to. Our shipmates need us. We will not sit idly by as the Gorn ravish civilizations and encroach on our space. The USS Arcadia will protect those who cannot defend themselves, seek out truth, and make fantastical discoveries far beyond our stars."

Fang had stopped working and looked over as the CO spoke. The man was quite interesting. He was looking forward to being on the ship.

Lanna smiled as she looked towards Kerrigan, from what she was sending his message was being met with approval by the crew.

Fang turned back to Coms. "Lieutenant Baciami please tell dock that engineering is standing by for mooring clamps in case the auto feature doesn't work. Once they are ready to separate we'll start the process on our end."

With the acknowledgement complete the docking clamps unlocked with a click and the release caused a series of several loud thumps.

"Clamps detached," Navigation called.

Fang monitored the engines warming up. He gave a nod to Kerrigan who called for the ship to slowly turn. Using base thrusters that fired on call the ship slowly drifted back from the airlock of the station and began a slow turn. The crew watched as the small bots and shuttles scampered and scurried out of the way.

It was a magnificent sight to see. The excitement in the room was felt by all. This was going to be a grand adventure full of unknowns but this was the start of their steps out of dock and into the found family they were becoming. The crew would have to rely on one another for everything and they were bound now to the same destiny of exploring space and all that came with it.

The ship slowly turned the view changing from the air lock and windows, from which hundreds of eyes watched the ship, to a large bay door.

The clang of the doors opening could be heard through the ship coms as live sounds carried in from the docking port.

"Thrusters on low take us forward."

The pilot's hands flew over the control panels and the ship jolted slightly and began it's slow and graceful move forward. Out of the doors and into the sea of stars.

"We've cleared the gates," The flight officer called.

"Slow and steady."

The ship moved forward slowly. It would take them an hour to get out of the system on impulse and then they could let loose. Soon they would get their shuttle back and then it sail out into the vast universe to see what awaited them.



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