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Part III -- Aftermath

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2024 @ 9:46pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai

1,324 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Zai Crew Quarters | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Post Zai's Nightmare (Just before Launch)


Zai froze as he entered the living area. His eyes resting on Fang who sat looking out the small window and into the darkness of space. Zai sighed. "What are you still doing here?"

There was no response.

Zai raised an eyebrow as he tossed the towel he'd been using to dry his hair onto the sofa back using his hands to tussle the long hair so it could air dry. He turned his attention to his friend again, "Lee Fang!"

Finally Fang turned to face him. "Are you feeling better?"

The truth was that he was not feeling better in any possible way. The lingering fatigue of the nightmare and the images were still rolling around in his mind. He clenched his fists flexing his jaw.

"I will take that as a no," Fang turned his head back to the window.

"You did not have to wait around. You should go. I'll change and be on duty..."

Fang waved his hand but didn't turn away from the window. "Ensign Hastings is taking your shift. Your hands are still shaking from the nightmare slightly so don't bother to work. Take it as a day off. Fin asked me to tell you bye and there is food on the coffee table. While you were in the shower they went to make it and brought it back. After a nightmare you need something to ground you and food is a good source."

Zai opened and then closed his fists. His hands were still slightly shaking. The shower he'd had washed off the cold sweat of fear and rage but that had only removed the outer layer. His mind, however, was still processing the memories all the emotions that came with it. He sneered his upper lip raising in distain. "Did they poison the food?"

Fang sighed. "Zai, Fin does not have it in for you. They have been a good friend."

Zai made a grunting sound. "So you say but that does not mean that I have to trust them."

There was a tense silence in the room. Both's minds were one; Zai focusing on the fact that his nightmare had something to do with the happenings on Capella between his tribe and the Tier while Fang suspected the contents of the dream being just that.

Fang slowly turned back. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Zai walked over and sat down hard in the chair opposite his friend. "Lee Fang, not everything requires conversation."

Fang gave a slow nod seeming to reflect on the fact that his friend got more formal whenever he entered memory lane. It meant that his thoughts were right. Zai was thinking about Capella and a part of him was ashamed and angry that his tribe had done such horrible things, the other part was sad and helpless. Not feelings that Fang liked to reflect on. "Zai I'm..."

"If you say you are sorry, the chief engineer rank, temporary or not, will not protect you from my fist. Lee Fang I need to be alone. You will leave."

The words hung in the air spoken sharply and cutting deeply. It was times like this that both realized the gap between them and it was time like this that both wondered if the gap had been too great to get over.

Fang gave a slow nod. He slowly stood his body moving as if it took great effort. He walked over to Zai and placed a hand on his shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze as if saying that he understood and at the same time issuing the unspoken apology that he'd tried to give minutes ago.

Zai said nothing and watched as Fang headed to the door. Just as the door hissed open Zai rubbed the dull ache in his chest and spoke, "Lee Fang."

Fang stopped in his tracks but did not turn to meet his friend's gaze.

"I need time. Some things are...difficult reminders and serve to confuse the mind..."

"I know," the words drifted softly across the room as Fang walked out and the door closed.

Suddenly the silence was deafening to Zai. He stood and hurriedly threw on some dress pants and a shirt. He headed off the ship. It would leave dock soon so he had one final thing he needed to do on the station.

=/\= 1 Hour Later =/\=

Zai sat at the bar nursing his rice wine. He looked up at the approaching figure; a large man with long hair tied in a waterfall ponytail on the top of his head and wearing a long robe like garment that hypnotically swished as he walked. He drew attention to be sure but he looked like someone nobody would mess with so they all kept comments to themselves.

Zai watched as the man sat down and flagged the bartender over. After he'd ordered his own rice wine he stared ahead at the line of bottles on the wall for a moment before he spoke, "Everything is set. Ito's recall notice is issued by the admiral and nobody can stop it. Fin and Ito will both be on Capella."

Zai gave a nod. "Finley Walker just left so keep tabs on them. When they arrive on Capella make sure someone is watching them at all times. Finley specifically they will try to get the information for Lee Fang."

The man took a long gulp of wine. "Understood. The information you want them to get is what they will get."

"Good." Zai drained the last of his drink. "Everything else?"

"In place, My Lord. We have a man with the Tier's welcome party so if the Federation will not land their shuttle we'll force it out of orbit come hell or highwater, as humans say."

"Then we are done here," Zai turned to look at the man. Before the man could say anything Zai jumped back in. "One more thing. Any word on Mayal?"

"Yes, My Lord. She has been found and is safe. She is on her way to your villa on Moon Base Three and she will be safe with our people. We continue to look for other members of the tribe and are moving them in small groups to the Moon Base."

Zai gave a nod and released an audible sigh of relief. "Keep the existence of Moon Three safe for now."

"The ... cloaking devices we were able to obtain from ... our friends were helpful and we have delivered the crystals from Capella they seek as payment."

"Good. We are done for now. You will leave first."

The man stood and bowed slightly. "Yes, My Lord." He turned and left leaving half his wine unfinished.

Zai waited a few moments an then left heading to explore the station one last time. This would be a long voyage and that meant more time that he couldn't get back home but at least Mayal was safe. She was now his only surviving far. He would still search but the Tier had been ruthless and quite thorough. Only time would tell now if they were the last two in their family.

As he walked he clenched his fists. It was Fang's family that had done this. It was times like this that he felt the conflict in his soul. Fang was supposed to be his friend but in reality they were enemies. He may not have participated on Capella but he was not innocent. There was so much turmoil in Zai's mind that he felt a headache coming on. With the nightmare he'd had and the headache now fast approaching he decided to go back to the ship and rest. Perhaps the Vulcan meditation course would help sort out his emptions. The Vulcan lieutenant commander that was running the seminar had a way of calming Zai's emotional storms. He needed that now, the next step would require a clear head.



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