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Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 9:28pm

Lieutenant K’Var

Name K’Var

Position Chief Security Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5’9”
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Golden brown (like a lion)
Eye Color Gold
Physical Description K’Var is a female Caitian of average build. Her species are a bipedal feline race that have long tails. K’Var has glossy golden colored fur (like a lion) and the typical Caitian golden colored eyes.

Physically, Caitians are extremely agile and fast. They have retractable claws and improved hearing and sight over most species.


Personality & Traits

General Overview ’Var is very calm and collective on and off duty. She enjoys learning as much about the ship she's serving on as she can. She feels this let's her be the most useful to the Commanding Officer and her fellow crew. She has always been very dedicated and loyal to her friends, family, and Starfleet.

When off duty the feline officer enjoys practicing her cello and continuing her martial arts training.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Fast and Agile
+Improved sight and hearing
+Top rated marksman
+Excellent close quarters combatant
+Excellent leadership qualities

-Weak in medical and science field
-Hates getting wet
-Sometimes skittish
-Has a hard time getting people to accept her or feels that way
-Sometimes over protective of her CO
Ambitions To protect and serve while a part of Starfleet. Puuurrrhaps advance to Command one day.
Hobbies & Interests Hodeck: physical activities (rock climbing, track and field, hand to hand combat).

K’Var enjoys listening to classical music and plays cello.

Personal History Cadet M’Ril and V’lin joined Starfleet Academy the same week. It seemed to be something both families did, like many Caitian. Both Cadet M’Ril and V’lin did quite well while at Starfleet Academy. The two had several classes together and were friends and studied together often. However, like many Cadets the two were busy with their studies and that’s what they focused on. Their small group of friends were broken up once they graduated and were give their first assignments.

Lieutenant Junior Grade M’Ril had been stationed aboard the USS Thompson as a propulsion specialist, he was a great engineer and earned the respect of his superior officers very quickly . Aboard the Thompson is where M’Ril was promoted not only in rank, but to the position of Assistant Chief Engineer.

V’lin had been spending time working on the bridge and her Captain stationed her there as a senior officer and promoted her to a full Lieutenant. The Chief Operations Officer had made a name for herself and made plenty of friends over the years aboard her current assignment. V’lin always made friends easily and there were many she cared deeply for.

Several years later Lieutenant M’Ril had been given the opportunity to teach at Starfleet Academy. During a department meeting for instructors M’Ril ran into his old friend V’lin. It didn’t take long for the two of them to get reacquaint and within a few weeks M’Ril worked up the nerve to ask V’lin out. The couple quickly fell in love and wit-in six months were married and still living on Earth and still teaching at Starfleet Academy.

A year later the Caitian couple became a family, giving birth to a little girl. V’lin was slightly concerned about their careers but M’Ril was thrilled and convinced his wife that Earth was the perfect place to have a baby. With only a few weeks left before the baby was due V’lin took a few weeks of leave and stayed at home while her husband continued to work.

She felt great her entire pregnancy and could t wait to meet her daughter. K’Var was born on a warm and sunny day, delivered by one of Starfleet Medicals best. Starfleet Medical at Sanfransisco was one of the best facilities in the Federation. The delivery was smooth and V’lin was holding her beautiful baby girl.

K’Var had a well balanced child hood. Her parents continued to serve at the Acdemy until their daughter was seven and M’Ril was offered the position of Chief Engineer aboard a newly commisionrd starship and Starfleet needed as many people as they could get right now. So V’lin stayed on Earth and continued to work with the Academy and take care of their chil.

K’Var knew from a young age she would follow in her parents and their parents foot steps and attend Starfleet Academy. When she was of age the young woman enrolled in basic studies at the Academy. It was hard for both K’Var and her mother V’lin to be apart but at least they saw each other every night. Like usual K’Var had no trouble finding friends and people to study with. After months of discussion with V’lin, the Cadet decided the path she wanted to outside. Deciding the best way she could help people would be in the field of security.

The newly commissioned, Ensign K’Var served as a Security Officer. One of the Federations newest version of the ever popular, Miranda-class starship the USS Parker. It wasn’t long before the crew were off on their first mission and seeing multiple types of missions. One of the USS Parkers missions had the crew working side by side with a fellow Starfleet crew, the USS Hamilton. The Constitution-class starship was under the command of Captain M’Ril. The two managed to spend some time together during their mission but the ships parted ways several weeks later.

K’Var enjoyed serving Starfleet and had become well trained at starship tactics and security operations. After several years serving aboard the USS Parker the young officer was Assistant Chief Security Officer and had bren given several accommodations for acts of bravery and saving the Captain once. Her current Commanding Officer ask her to step into the role of Chief of Security aboard the USS Parker. Her former department head was moving to a First Officer position and they were all so proud of him. She did well in her knee role, but her former superior prepared for the job and prepare her well before he left.

During an away mission the team lost a young scientist and K’Var blamed herself. As the Chief of Security and second highest ranking officer on the away team, she was responsible for their safety. It was always hard to lose or have to take a life but her parents always told her there were some parts of duty that were very difficult. Luckily she normally stunned or physically disabled those she needed to. The crew of the USS Parker would see countless missions together before it was damaged and managed to limp back to the closest star base for repairs and resupply.

It was decided most of the crew were needed elsewhere and most of the crew were reassigned. K’Var the Chief of Security aboard the USS Acadia.