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Part I - Lunch

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 11:05pm by Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander & Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor MD

1,092 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Mess Hall | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Prior to finding shuttle


They were almost at the location to meet the shuttle but Zai thought that maybe, since he had acted rash, and since the counselor was an Empath he should invite her to lunch. It had been so long since he was with his people fully. He had his minions here but it was not the same. Also for some reason he'd felt a soft spot in his heart for Chloe O'Conner who'd taken care of Fang and him at the sickbay. It was rare that a non empath could be empathic.

He had invited the two women for lunch and Fang, of course, who had refused. The man was a hermit. He would live in engineering if that was allowed.

Now Zai sat at the table waiting for his guests.

Lanna was surprised to receive a lunch invite from Zai, but she wasn’t going to refuse it. Making sure her calendar was clear she headed for the mess hall. As she stepped inside she saw Zai waiting, making her way over she smiled warmly. “Hello again Zai, thank you for your invite.”

Zai stood as the counselor came in pulling out her seat. "I had hoped Fang would join us but he is working. I am hoping he will join us later. Besides It has been long since I have made new friends especially Empaths. I am not too trusting or warm and fuzzy, as they say, but I am willing to learn." He bowed slightly as he motioned to the pulled out chair. "Please have a seat."

“Thank you” Lanna smiled warmly as she took the offered seat. “I promise no shop talk, as they say. This is purely a social occasion for us all to enjoy.”

He gave a nod. "I have also invited the Doctor Chloe O'Connor. Hopefully she'll be here soon. Until then can I bring a drink for you?"

“Yes, Please” Lanna nodded. “A Risan fruit punch please.”

Zai gave a nod. He hopped up and hurried over to the drink dispenser. Smiling he ordered two. He'd enjoyed the drink before himself so it was a good choice. Within a few moments he was strolling back. "One fruit punch." He sat down. "It has been long since I have had small talk or any talk. On our last ship Fang and I were so busy we barely saw anything but the engine room and sickbay." He studied Lanna. "That reminds me if you like alcoholic drinks you should stop by engineering. I make the best Engineer's hooch."

Lanna nodded her thanks as Zai came back with the drinks. “Sounds interesting, but I tend to avoid alcohol where possible, it tends to go to my head.” She grinned. “the nearest I get is synthahol.”

"Ah well...oh and don't tell Fang about the hooch thing.. He's always been against it. Last time it took me a year to find my equipment. Trust me you do not want to know where he stashed it." For the first time Zai laughed.

Smiling. “That’s the first time I’ve ever seen you laugh. It’s nice to see, and to feel.”

"There is so little in life to laugh about. These small" He turned to the counselor. "So, tell me, why Starfleet?"

“Why?” Lanna smiled. “Because I wanted to be out amongst the stars. My mother is an Ambassador and next in line as Matriarch, politics are not something that interest me right now so I’m taking the chance to do what I want to do with my life. I have my husband and son here onboard too.”

"Politics is...never easy. I come from a somewhat involved family too. I hear that Betazed is a female orientated society, quite admirable. I wish Capella was more inclusive. As for the family I have a question, if I may."

Lanna nodded. “By all means, ask away.”

"Starfleet ships are dangerous, or rather can be...why bring family?" He was genuinely curious and had always wanted to ask.

“I guess I think of assignments as my home, why have children only to leave them behind every time you get an assignment? I couldn’t do that.” Lanna paused. “I know it’s inherently dangerous, but where is safe these days?”

"That's true. My planet is proof of that. It is admirable in a way to not be alone." His attention focused on Dr. O'Connor who had just walked in. "I think your other party has arrived."

Entering the room, Dr O’Connor made a slight detour for a glass of apple juice before heading towards the table where Lt Zai was seated with the ship’s counsellor. “Sorry I’m late,” she apologized as she drew closer, “hope I didn’t leave you both going hungry?”

Zai stood and pulled out a chair for her. "Not at all. We were just talking about the merits of bringing family aboard a Starship." Zai motioned for her to sit down. "Please have a seat."

“Thank you,” Chloe offered as she took the offered seat, nodding towards T’Lanna. “I have to say, it’s the first starship I’ve ever served on which has any children aboard.”

"It is interesting to me. Starfleet is not the safest place for families but I can understand wanting those one loves near." He looked over at Chloe. "Thank you both for meeting with me today. I must admit I have an ulterior motive for inviting you both here."

Smiling warmly at Chloe Lanna turned her attention to Zai. “Oh?” Lanna looked at Zai curiously, “what would that be?”

"It has been a long time since I have spent time with empaths. While you, Counselor are Betazoid and empathic by birth, you Doctor O'Connor are human yet you showed an empathy level and a level of understanding that...I have never seen in humans. Being around you both, as selfish as it sounds, is like being home with my tribe. I feel less homesick."

“I think perhaps meeting Doctor McDonald first may have swayed your opinion of me,” Chloe teased. When compared to the CMO, even a tyrant wound probably seem tame. And the irony being that he hadn’t quite shown that side of himself yet. He was doing rather well, considering. “Missing home is a natural thing, is it not? I do at times. And even though you have your family here, there must be times you miss your home too counsellor?”

To Be Continued...


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