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A Proper Hello

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 4:51pm by Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Finley Walker & Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant K’Var & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander & Lieutenant JG Sawyer Leighton & Lieutenant JG Jarin Alexander, MD

1,156 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Banquet Hall on deck 8
Timeline: Before Shuttle Launch


Fin stood in the center of the banquet hall and looked around. They were really happy with the turn out. The walls were covered in decorations from all across the Federation welcoming all no matter where they were from. They had set up standing tables, sitting tables and a small bar with all kinds of drinks. The cuisine was a fusion of different foods from different places. They had, of course, had the help of the restaurant staff and a few other station chefs but they had tasted everything to ensure it was according to their receipt and they had forgone sleep preparing.

Hot plates held the hot food hot, the cooling units ensured the cold food was cold and they had set a buffet like atmosphere to encourage people to mingle and walk around. Food was strategically placed all over.

The desserts, however, would have to wait until the very end where Fin would bring it out as a surprise. They had created a cake to look like the Arcadia herself one cake mirroring the outside and another that showed the inside of the ship, the decks created from fondant, sponge cake and icing. It was almost showtime and Fin had no doubt that the CO would be the first visitor.

Though not the Commanding Officer of the Arcadia, Kelly was acting as such until further notice. He came in to inspect the work and was delighted by what he was greeted with. "Grand. Absolutely marvelous work. You've done a brilliant job."

Fin gave a slight bow. "I thank you. I am hoping that everyone will find something to their liking. I took the liberty of arraigning something for everyone on board."

Kelly was appreciative of the hard work. "Thank you," he said with a smile. "If you are all set here, then we should summon them in. This is going to be a great opportunity for them to socialize."

"Indeed. The doors, as you say, are open."

K’Var entered the banquet hall with a toothy smiled. She gave a young man carrying a tray of food.

Next through the doors were Lanna and Jarin, along with their two year old Jayce. “You don’t think the Commander will mind us bringing us Jayce, do you?” Lanna gave Jarin a concerned look. She didn’t want to be making a bad impression.

“I hope it will be okay” Jarin said taking her hand and smiling.

"No doubt we'll find out soon enough" Lanna smiled.

Sawyer was next through the door, civilian clothes adorning his form, black t shirt, black jeans and his boots. He looked to everyone present as a waiter passed him with a tray of drinks and little canopies "thank you kind Sir" he said as he motioned to joined the throng of people congregating.

Fin stood back and looked out the group slowly gathering. It was going to be a success. They knew that they'd done all they could. Now, the next step was seeing if Ms. Ito would join the party. Until then there were guest to greet. Fin walked up to the woman he'd IDed as the Counselor. "Welcome Counselor."

Lanna offered a warm smile. “Thank you. It’s Finley isn’t it?”

The half Vulcan gave a short bow. "Indeed. I am...the chef on ship. I have some Betazoid tea for yourself and some sweets from Betazed that I added chocolate to. A most interesting flavor."

"That sounds absolutely wonderful" Lanna smiled at Finley as she balanced her young son on her hip. "I'll look forward to tasting it."

"Indeed." He spoke with the counselor a bit more and then moved on to the gentleman wearing jeans and a back boots. "Welcome," Find said bowing slightly.

Sawyer looked at the party and smiled so many new faces and friends "Thank you the Names Sawyer and you are?" He said holding his hand out for Fin to take "Chief Helmsman At Your Service" he said with a slight wink as rushed his hands through his hair.

Fin gave a nod and shook Sawyer's offered hand. "Hello Sawyer, I am Fin Walker. Ship's Chef. I specialize in Vulcan & Human fusion cuisine but I cook up all sort of trouble."

The party was in full swing and the time had come. Fin approached the man that would be captaining the ship. "I have set up a podium there." Fin pointed to the main part of the room. "Perhaps a few words from the CO to...welcome the crew and get the ship ready to leave in style?"

"That would be more possible if the Captain were here to speak and address the crew" Kelly replied with a reluctance to speak. "I know. I am the First Officer and at the moment Acting Captain. The crew does deserve to be addressed."

"Well you're the acting Captain for now so no better person to address them. Why don't you just speak from your heart."

Kelly shook his head. "Because I'm too scattered. I'm a mess. My heads one place, my hearts at another. I don't have it together to address the crew."

Fin smiled. "We are all scattered. Perhaps sharing your hopes for the ship and crew might help. Something as simple as a welcome and maybe letting them know they are where they are meant to be. A new crew always needs a bit of motivation."

Adrianna stepped in and nodded her apologies for being late. She remained quiet and out of the way, keen to just people watch for now.

Fin excused themselves and walked over to the new guest. "Hello you must be Ms. Baciami." Having worked with Starfleet intel Fin knew every face by heart. "What drink can I start you with?"

The Italian looked at the bottles on the back wall before smiled. She subtly pointed, "it appears as though you stock my family's brand. I'll take a double. Straight."

"Good choice, popular tonight." Fin poured the drink passing it over. "So, how are you liking the Arcadia so far? Settling in?"

"It is a nice change of scenery, I will admit, " she replied, "most intel ships are curled and far less full of laughter like here. I like the change in pace. As the chef here, tell me, anything I should know from a personal stand point?"

"Well things are never what they seem and this ship is full of fascinating personalities." Fin studied her. "But business and the lay of the land, as it were can wait. Tonight we're all just beings here to enjoy ourselves. Right?"

"Spoil Sport," Baciami chuckled, "when I was in intel, I used to go to bar tenders and hairdressers for intel first. Appears you do not have anything juicy for me." She was, of course teasing.

"All good things for those who wait." Fin gave a nod. "If you will excuse me I will make a round."



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