
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Sun Jul 21st, 2024 @ 2:21am

Finley Walker

Name Finley H Walker

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Species 1/2 Human & 1/2 Vulcan
Age 47

Physical Appearance

Height 6 foot 1
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Emerald Green
Physical Description TBD


Spouse None
Children None
Father T'Perin
Mother Adam Walker
Brother(s) Sokep - Older
Aiden - Older
Sister(s) T'Kara - Younger
T'Meriss - Younger

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fin's personality is very much a mystery. Fin tends to be a bit of a loner and not form too many friendships.

Personality as observed by others:

Based on Starfleet Records:
Fin is a very hardworking and loyal individual. Fin loves mysteries and puzzles. Seems to have strong Telepathy and may be the reason that Fin keeps to themselves. While note Vulcan cold Fin can have their moods to coldness yet can have moments of humour and emotional openness seeming to transition flawlessly.

Fin is quiet and withdrawn when off duty. On duty they are sharp and think outside the box. Fin has great leadership abilities and often is the counselor to their team.

They are a builder and have an encouraging manner but also takes the role of teacher and guide to heart. They seem to bleed a sense of ethereal peace that gives them the air of spiritual calmness like the Monks of Vulcan yet there is a hint that great personal pain lays beneath and Starfleet counselors have said that Fin may be suffering from PTSD and that may be a part of the reason that their mind is constantly working without shutting off.

Fin is deeply loyal and honourable and has an uncanny ability to read people. They are very much a caregiver rather then being cared for. They are stubborn and can't sit still in Sickbay. They dislikes getting hypos or any medical treatment for that matter.

Note: -- Very protective of their middle name.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Extremely smart
+ Thinks outside the box
+ Quiet Confidence
+ Hand to Hand (Expert in Vulcan martial arts)
+ Expert tracker
+ Good Analyzer
+ Logical, comes at a problem from all angles.
+ Vulcan strenth
+ Able to easily deal with stressful situations
+ Born with advanced telepathic abilities which can be used at a bit of distance
+ Excellent listening skills
+ Loyalty
+ Is deeply honourable

- Vulcan stubbornness
- Direct (too much)
- Calmness that can be interpreted as coldness
- Not good at cultivating friendships
- Prone to overwork
- Somewhat indecisive at times
Ambitions To run a successful business and to find thier place in the world & to just be.
Having run a successful business Fin now seeks to find the next chapter of life.
Hobbies & Interests Playing the Violin,
Flight (Pilot)

Personal History TBD
Service Record Born 2312 on Vulcan

2318 - 2330 Schooling Vulcan
2330-2334 - Vulcan Defense Academy Double First in Flying and Tactical

2335-2339 - Starfleet Academy - Specialization in Helm

2340-2345 - USS Tammaren - Ensign, Promoted to Lt. JG 2344

2346-2350 - USS Friday - Lt. JG - Assistant Chief Helm Officer Second Flyer
2351 - Promotion to Lt. Full Rank Transfer back to USS Tammaren
2352 - USS Tammeran Chief Helms Officer Promotion to Second Officer
2354 - Lt. Cmdr Promotion - XO
2355 - Resignation from Starfleet & Opening of Their restaurant (Vulcan/Human Fusion)

2358 - Closing of Restaurant and move to Earth Station (Promenade Restaurant Opening)

2359 - USS Arcadia