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Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 4:51pm

Lieutenant JG Sawyer Leighton

Name Sawyer Jobe Leighton

Position Chief Helmsman

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5 feet 6 inches
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Salt and Pepper Black
Eye Color Sea Blue
Physical Description Sawyer stands at around 5 feet and 6 inches, the smallest man in his family by a large margin. He has Ashen black hair and a very pale complexion, haling from two very cold countries Sawyer has the classic skin tone of someone of a British decent with that a twist of Ukrainian in him on his mothers side. His eyes are a deep sea blue that utterly contrast his pale skin making him seem almost pearlescent in certain lights. Sawyer is built medium but has the upper body strength of an oxen, has rather large shoulders and biceps for someone of his stature.

Sawyer tends to lean towards darker colors when he is off duty, blacks, greys and royal blues. With classic levi stone wash jeans and high top converse chuck Taylor high tops , Sawyer is a man of the classics, those classic early 2000s earth clothes were entirely his thing. His black hair is the fault of his fathers british roots, its black with ashy grey flecks that seem to pepper through out the dark black hues of his hair. His hair is cut short into a classic quiff style always prefering it up than down and always swept to the to right side of his face. He has a neatly cropped shadow of a goatee that isent fully formed around his lips, but is mearly a whispering of hair.

On duty Sawyer has the classic red uniform of his station, neatly pressed and ironed as if it was the first day he stepped on the bridge, He often wear his standard issue boots over his uniform pants. On duty his hair is neatly put up in a sweeped over quiff to keep it out of his eyes whilst he flys the ship .


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Robert Alexander Leighton
Mother Olena Victorya Leighton (Nee:Petrova)
Brother(s) Adrian Zenith Leighton
Sister(s) Gabriella Katerina Leighton
Other Family NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sawyer is man born of two different worlds, a mixture of fire and ice. Of his parents children is the more vocal for sure, He is quick to anger unlike his siblings. He is the perfect mix of both his parents. Calm and collected in a crisis from his mother and a downright scoundrel on his fathers side. Despite his quick temper, you will not find a more loyal friend. He will stay with you till very bitter end no matter what.

He is easy to talk to and easy to befriend, hes very much like a light when he walks into a room with a slightly darker edge to him. But people sense that lightness in him before they sense the dark. He is an incorrigibly moral person and has a very strict outlook on what is right and what is wrong, lord help the person who qiestions his moral compass or forces him into a corner where those morals are called into question.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+Good With People
+Proficent in Two Martial Arts (Karate and Muay Thai)
+Follows Orders Well
+Has an unwavering Moral compass
+Can Play Guitar and Sing
+Can Speak 3 Earth Languages (English,French and Ukrainian)
+Is Proficient in Speaking and Writing Klingon and Andorian

-Quick to Anger
-Often Leaps Before Looking
-Highly Driven
-Low Impulse Control
is intolerant of bigotry or fascism
Ambitions +To Captain his Own Ship One Day
+Learn More Alien Languages
+Learn more Alien Cooking Recipes
Hobbies & Interests +Reading books
+Martial Arts
+Flower Cutting and Arranging
+Can Sing and Play Guitar

Personal History Sawyer grew up in london england, his father born and bread in england and his mother came from Ukraine, Sawyer was the eldest of three children, his brother Zaden is the middle child and his sister Gabriella Katerina Leighton Is the youngest by 5 years. His father Robert was a chief medical officer aboard the USS Maxima, The children barely saw there father and would only see him, at important dates or birthdays.

There mother was a Florist and would often take her children to the shop, Sawyer became quite good at cutting flowers and arranging them infact it is one of his favourite hobbies to do. At the age of 18 he enrolled at starfleet academy majoring in helm but also taking a minor in security and tactical. During his time at the academy, Sawyer fell in with the wrong crowd and fell for a pretty disastrous human, By the name of Kaden O'Neil, She was Sawyers eventual undoing. She was abusive and controlled his every move. She graduated before him and he was left with damages, therapy became a regular weekly fixture on his time table.

He had his first cadet assignment aboard the USS Proxima, a walker class ship. He remained there for the tenure of his last year of the academy, honing his piloting skills. Soon after he graduated though the Klingon/earth war broke out and he was placed on a frontline ship the USS Carthage a Sheppard class cruiser. The Klingon earth war changed him in so many ways, he saw the brutal battles and bloodshed, He was present at the Battle of J'Gal as ground forces and a shuttle transport pilot ferrying federation soldiers to and from the war zone.

The bloody war lasted a brief year and in that brief year Sawyer saw more battle than he had his entire time as a cadet. After the war he was reassigned to star base one, as a shuttle pilot command knew how badly the war effected Sawyer and gave him an assignment that would calm his nerves and get him back on track, During his time at starbase one he saw a thearpist once more, it was under the orders of his commanding officer.

He has been stationed on Starbase one for 2 and a half years, undergoing high level thearpy and now the base CO had deemed him fit for active starship duty. His first new assignment since the war is the brand new constitution class ship the USS Arcadia. He has been waiting for reassignment and is now thrilled to be on a constitution class.
Service Record Starfleet Academy (Helm and Navigation Minor in Security and Tactical)
USS Proxima (Cadet Assignment)
USS Carthage (Klingon War Assignment)
J'Gal (Klingon War Assignment Shuttle Piolt and Ground Forces)
Starbase One (Shuttle Piolt)
USS Arcadia (Cheif Helmsman)