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Settling in

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 5:17pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Finley Walker
Edited on on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 5:20pm

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Fang Lee's Quarters | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Just after Post: A Favor to ask


Fang finished unpacking the last of his gear just as the door chimed. He looked at the small display he'd set up to be able to see who was outside and smiled. "Enter when ready."

The doors hissed open and Finley Walker came in. They waited until the door closed and then gave a small bow. "I see you made it in with no trouble."

Fang sighed and motioned for the small round glass table with two chairs. "Depends on who you ask and what your definition of trouble is. The fact of it, in the end, is that Ito needed me here and here I am."

Fin walked over to one of the seats and plopped down. They watched as Fang replicated two cups of green tea and brought them over to the table. The two had known one another for a while so Fang knew their preferences. "Thanks. Is your... umbilical cord here too?"

Fang chuckled. “Zai is here. He's settling into his quarters." Fang took a sip of his tea. "Please don't call him that to his face. He has been feeling rather stormy and lost again."

Fin smiled. "He's been attached to you since you were a second year and he was a first year at the Academy. Umbilical cord is an apt description.” Fin paused and studied Fang over a tea cup. “Why is he in a mood?”

Fang gave a shrug. “I do not know. I do not ask. He will tell me when he is ready.”

“Hmm.” Fin reflected on this. It seemed that whenever Zai was in this mood something was amiss. Fang’s theory had been that it was a result of Zai being a part of the eleventh tribe and his ability to sense the future or chaos.

Fang raised an eyebrow. “I was hoping that he would stay behind at your previous posting.”

Silence filled the room.

“Fin may I ask why you hate him?”

Fin shrugged, “I do not dislike him I just merely do not trust him. There is something…”

“Well he has been saving my life since the Academy days so I do trust him. Please bare that in mind.”

Fin held up both hands. “I surrender. I’m actually here to say goodbye.”

Fang’s brow creased. “You are leaving…but I thought you said the Admiral…”

“I have been reinstated as Commander and am being sent to deal with a situation. Actually…I will be on Capella.”

Fang sat up his eyes wide. “Does that mean you have news.”

Fin didn’t know how much to say so they would take the cautious route. He’d talked with the Coms officer and what she’d translated was enough. The second message he hadn’t asked her to translate and he would keep that to himself for now. He’d managed to translate the second part and it was nothing good and nothing to alarm Fang with. “I have had word. The war still rages. It appears your third brother is the Tier now.”

“What about the Eleventh Tribe?”

“I have no news other then the fact that the Fifth Prince is still missing.”

Fang’s clenched his fist and slammed it on the table. “He has to be alive. If I had stayed…If I we’d waited…”

“Do not do that to yourself. You tried everything to save your friend. I will go there and I will look for Prince Xingtian. I promise you. If he’s alright…”

Fang stood abruptly and walked over to the view port. “He has to be alright. He has to be.”

Fin sighed. “The war has been brutal. Since the Third Prince leads your tribe I am assuming that your Father and First and Second brother are dead and gone. I don’t know about the rest.”

Fang continued to stare out of the view port at the stars. “When I am at my lowest I feel guilty for leaving.”

Fin allowed themselves an emotional outburst and snorted. “For what? Leaving a world that turned its back on you, leaving a family that treated you like garbage and caused Capella to fall into chaos?”

“It’s complicated.”

“With Starfleet involved most things are." He sighed. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

Fang smiled. "Careful means something different to everyone." He sighed. "I should go. I have to get back to Engineering. I do wish to talk more before you go."

Fin gave a nod. "Until Later then."

=/\= Several Minutes later =/\=

Fang walked over to the door and entered the code to enter Zai’s quarters. They had known one another since the Academy and there were few secrets between the two. The door parted and he was greeted with a blast of lively dance music. He smiled slightly and shook his head as he entered.

He walked over to the living area where Zai was sorting some thigs he brought and dancing about to the music.

Fang chuckled and called for the music to stop. The computer obliged.

Zai turned around “HEY! I was unpacking.”

“Ah and the music helps?”

“Of course. I focus on the sound instead of the task. Gets done quicker. Invading my quarters is rude Deputy Chief.”

Fang shook his head. “Hm… At least you are in a better mood. Come on. Engineering is waiting for us and Ito had many changes before we leave. I have this feeling that we will leave sooner than expected.”

Zai sighed. “Fine. The mood was spoiled anyway.” He dropped the towel he’d been folding on the coffee table and followed Fang out. “This ship is better then our previous one. Bigger.”

Fang watched as Zai stared in awe at the walls. There seemed to be a skip to his step and Fang said nothing letting Zai enjoy this. He’d been listless the last few days and angry and sad but today he was back to his old self. Fang would not want to disturb that. He walked behind Zai his left hand folded behind his back as was his preference. His mind lost in thoughts as they entered the lift and then finally their destination.

The Engineering section on the Arcadia was breathtaking and it never failed to mesmerize Fang. He walked over to the coms panel and hit the Engineering wide code. “All on duty Engineering personnel report to ENG Brief room.”

He and Zai headed there right away and waited as the room filled with eager faces. It took a few minutes but then everyone was in and quiet.

“Chief Ito is away on business and will be joining us later. Lieutenant Junior Grade Zai will be acting Deputy Chief while she is away and I will be Acting Chief. Zai, please distribute the data PaDDs. I want everyone to study these modifications. We begin round the clock work today. Pass your findings and status to the next shift and allow twenty minutes for a brief and questions during shift change. Ito is depending on us to get this done. Having been an old hat Engineer I know that rarely is launch on time. Generally, we launch before time. I need this modification done in standard Captain time 72 hours. For Engineering that means 48 hours. No mistakes. Zai you’ll take shift one. After this brief I leave it to you and I will rest. Then during shift two I will work you will rest and we’ll both handle shift three.”

Zai knew better then to say anything. He just gave a nod and readjusted his ponytail. He knew the drill and had to give it to Fang for his dedication to the job.

“Alright everyone. Take five or ten minutes review the data and grab coffee let’s talk through this.”

It was going to be a longer meeting and Fang wanted everyone clear when it was over. He turned only to find Zai standing behind him holding a cup of coffee. His lip quirked up. “Thanks.”

Zai shrugged and settled down with his own cup and the data. Fang looked over the hunched heads and suddenly felt a moment of panic. It was brief but he knew what it was. His old doubts were surfacing. No matter what the voices in his mind telling him he wasn’t good enough came when he needed to focus most. He sat down and felt a kick to his shin. He looked over at Zai who shook his head slightly. It was a signal. He’d told his friend a little about the doubts and this was Zai’s way of telling him to focus. Zai had always said that when he started doubting himself he would help him kick the doubts butts. He sighed and shook his head. Zai had a freedom of spirit to him that somehow always brought Fang back from the darkest place.

Time passed quickly and soon he was back at the front of the room. “Alright. You’ve all seen the data and the modifications. Let’s get to the questions and comments. We need to iron out all the details.”



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