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Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 4:51pm

Lieutenant Calliope Ito

Name Calliope Eden Ito

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Second Position First Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5 Foot 9
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Black/Brown
Eye Color Chocolate Brown
Physical Description Calliope Eden is tall and slender, she has long hair that is naturally curly but that she straightens. Generally she wears the hair up in a bun to avoid it getting caught. She has deep chocolate almond shaped eyes and she sees them as her favourite feature. She doesn’t wear much make up going for eye liner and lipstick only. She has a long slender neck and a regal carriage. She has two tattoos a small phoenix on her write wrist in full colour and a Shinto Temple on her left wrist, both have a deeply personal and spiritual meaning for her.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Takamura Ito
Mother Eliza Ariopolus
Brother(s) Amarin Ito
Sister(s) Kylie Ito
Other Family Various Aunts and Uncles and Cousins

Two Cats
Black Cat Named Midnight
Black and Orange Cat Named Shadow

Personality & Traits

General Overview Calliope is quiet and tends to keep her thoughts to herself. She is quirky and feels deeply. She is what is known as an empath in human terms. She is humble and wise beyond her years. She is stronger then she believes she is and enjoys quiet evenings to herself. Her Engins are her friends and she tends to talk to her ships when alone on engineering. She is kind and caring but also an introvert who values alone time.

Counselor's Report:
Ms. Ito is generally quiet and is often lost in thought. She has what some might call a quirky personality. She is highly intelligent and very much an introvert. She tends to hum when stressed and has exhibited signs of what on Earth is known as Aspergers Syndrome. She has refused the testing for it so it is only a counselor’s observation. She is studious and likes to read. She has great leadership potential but has a lack of confidence that she is working on constantly. She is stronger then she believes herself to be and has done a remarkable job in building herself up after a troubled upbringing.

She sometimes tend to live in her trauma, something that counseling is working on with her so I would recommend placing her on a ship with a counselor.

As mentioned before she finds the need to stay quiet but at times she had a habit of telling it like it is in a rather blunt manner. She rarely raises her voice but when she does it is only in defense of ship and crew. She is very much finding herself and who she is, something she didn’t have time for growing up nor in the Academy. She was once a people pleaser but I am happy to say she has shaken almost free of that.

Her time in the Klingon War has left an impact on her but she does not talk about that often. In that respect I would recommend to her new counselor to get her to try and open up. Again her tendency to keep things to herself is a past Trauma response.

While she can be extroverted in situations where she is forced to she has a hard time trusting people on a personal level and thus has a hard time making friendships while yearning for them.

Chief Medical Officer's Report:

Ms. Ito is fairly healthy, she does have a few scars from the Klingon war and a few bones that have been broken, her ankle is a source of pain for her. Even though the bone has healed. She has a high threshold for pain and is more likely to hide an injury then have it treated. She puts work ahead of her health and it is something she has to stop.

I recommend regular physicals on an annual basis and perhaps a monthly follow up. She has trouble sleeping and tends to read or write. She has taken to exercising as well and that helps.

Her dental care is excellent, her reflexes above normal, she is physically strong and can lift a heavy load. Hearing and sight range in the perfect level. She does have a touch of arthritis in her fingers but nothing that prevents her from work.

She does have a rather unhealthy fondness for coffee and consumes a disturbing amount of it during the day.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
out of box thinking; her engineering knowledge; kind; able to think quick on high pressure situations; attention to detail; resourceful; takes initiative


Doesn’t like change is afraid of it; lives in her own trauma an has trouble forming friendships;
Stubborn at times; Has no filter, has trouble looking people in the eye (it’s painful to her) Tends to hum and rock side to side when thinking or stressed and she's a tad accident prone
Ambitions To find herself and feel comfortable in her own being. To continue to serve in Starfleet to the best of her abilities.

To find peace and truly learn to love who she is.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies & Interests:

Watching old earth sitcoms
All things Engineering
Violin playing

Personal History Calliope was born in 2224 on Earth in the region of Athens to mother Eliza Ariopolus a Science Academic & Father Takamura Ito a Starfleet Diplomat. She was the youngest of three children. Shortly after her birth she and her family moved to Japan where they stayed until her father got sent to Vulcan to serve as the Deputy Ambassador for Earth.

Calliope was enrolled in school on Vulcan in 2230. She thrived there. Her grades were excellent and she really enjoyed the Vulcan way of life. In 2238 her parents divorced and her father went back to Earth.

Not much is known about her time there but in 2242 upon completing high school she left home and came to Earth.

She entered Starfleet academy in 2243 attending until 2247 at the Tokyo Campus while living alone and completing a double first in Engineering and flight.

Academy -- > During her time at the Academy she was always quiet and reserved. She worked in a local cafe having developed an unhealthy love of coffee and went to school full time. She wasn't much for friends but spent her free time in the library, or at the flight Club, or just in her dorm. She excelled in her engineering work and was awarded, in her second year, most innovative student for coming up with a small dilithium battery device that would temporarily function as a dilithium crystal back up while the ship charged or changed her own crystals.

She graduated with Honours in 2247 and was placed as an entry level engineer with the rank of Ensign on the USS Storbel where she served until 2250. That year she was offered a rank promotion to Lt. JG for her innovative thinking and her initiative. She was said to have practically lived in engineering. With that promotion came a transfer to the USS Essential.

In 2253 her third year on the Essential she was promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer where she served until 2255. Just at the end of the year and at the beginning of 2256 she was promoted to full Lieutenant. Just at the start of the Klingon war which lasted until 2257.

In 2257 after the end of the Klingon war she was promoted to Chief Engineer and Second officer for her brave actions in saving her ship during a boarding incident.

She continued to serve until 2258 on the Sakura when she was forced to take medical leave. In 2259 she was recalled from her home in Japan and transferred to the USS Arcadia and promoted to Chief Engineer & XO...kicking and screaming.
Service Record 2224 - Born

2230-2242 -- Schooled on Vulcan

2243 - 2247 (Starfleet Academy) Earth (Tokyo Campus) - Engineering and flight double major

2247-2250 - Ensign USS Storbel Engineer

2250 - Promotion to Lt. JG

2250-2255 - Transfer to USS Essential - Assistant Chief Engineer promotion in 2253

2256 - Promotion to Lieutenant

2257 -2359 - USS Sakura, Chief Engineer and Second Officer Promotion in 2357