Hailing Frequencies Open


En Route to Starbase 2

Launched in the 2240s, the first Constitution class starship, the NCC-1700 sparked hope and rekindled the flame of the Federation's mission to seek out new life and new civilizations, boldly in the face of escalating conflict and simmering tension that boiled over into an all out war with the Klingon Empire.

From 2256 through 2257, a bloody and brutal conflict between two of the galactic powers caused severe fractures in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. With a suturing of peace barely holding it together, the Federation and Klingon Empire face the lingering of threat of the Gorn Hegemony.

Aggressive, cold blooded, and ruthless - The Gorn are what nightmares are made of. They've infested the Beta Quadrant and have clawed their way deeper into the Alpha Quadrant. With the assault on Parnassus Beta, a Federation colony in 2259, war seems inevitable.

With her Captain missing in action, command of the USS Arcadia falls upon a newly minted First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan. Under his command the crew of the Arcadia are on a five-year mission of bridging relationships within the Federation and her broader allies, strengthening defenses, providing aid and relief to worlds hit the hardest, and protecting Federation assets at all costs. The USS Arcadia is not a ship of war; it is a ship of peace and a beacon of hope in the abyss.


Mild swearing is permitted, with limitations on some moderate language. (The use of vulgar obscenities are limited. Words like fu**, etc. should be sparingly.)

Sexual content is permitted with some limitations. Explicit sex, pornography, or too much detail is not. (Keep it tasteful--more foreplay and emotion, less detail.)

Violence is permitted, with limitations. (Describe it, do it, but don't go into detail. Don't be explicit.)

Co-Game Managers: Ray & Kat

Latest News Items

» Server Migration

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 5:29am by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan in General News

At some point over the next 24 hours, the website will be down for server migration. This may take up to four hours, but is likely to take less.

So, if you get an error today, please try back later.

Latest Mission Posts

» Resignation Letter [Part 3]

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami


Vance felt every muscle in his body tense. "This is going to get a bit rocky. We have the Klingons as backup. I need you to deal with them while I deal with the Telerite transport. It will be safer if you stay here and I go on the…

» Resignation Letter [Part 2]

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 10:37pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Fang Lee


Adrianna had done her due diligence, taking the two hours to thoroughly check what they were transporting. Nothing Starfleet would be interested in, really, but it was the payment that caught her eye. It was a lot of money for such a small cargo. Something wasn't right. Putting a…

» Who The Hell Are You Cafe - Grand Opening

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 8:13pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD & Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor MD & Jynx


Zai had come to engineering despite his suspension to speak to Fang but found him passed out over a console. He'd finished his duties and in the morning they had a bit of a professional talk that netted Zai a suspended suspension and Fang a few days off. They…

» Resignation Letter [Part 1]

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 4:48pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami


Adrianna Baciami stepped off the bustling promenade of Freecloud, the neon lights and holographic advertisements flickering overhead in a constant, chaotic dance. The city buzzed with life—traders, gamblers, and criminals mingled freely, all wrapped in the glittering allure of opportunity. It was the perfect place for someone like her…

» The Puck Will be Joining Us

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 9:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Fang Lee


Lieutenant Fang Lee had wanted the opportunity to prove himself capable of stepping up and taking the role of First Officer of the Arcadia, Kelly's right hand in command. There was perhaps no better proving ground than handing out an assignment to test the patience and stamina of his…

Latest Personal Logs

» Truths and Hopes

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 9:43pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee

The Scene:

The night is late and Engineering has been reduced to a skeleton crew and series of beeps and clicks. The humming of the engines grew stronger as Fang walked towards the small desk located by the engine maintenance section. It was his shift there and it would be…

» Prince Xingtian Log: Shaken from a Stirred Soul

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 2:06pm by Lieutenant JG Zai

The Scene:

The dimly lit quarters of Lieutenant Zai were a cozy place to be. Having been discharged form sickbay he sat on the sofa a warm tea in hand staring out at the stars as they whizzed by.

He brought his knees up onto the sofa curling one hand…

» Bad Dreams and New Assignments

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 12:50pm by Lieutenant JG Sawyer Leighton


"Computer Start Personal Log"

The computer buzzed and whirred to life as soon Sawyer walked into his now spartan quarters on Starbase one. He had spent the last 4 days packing up his room and getting ready to transfer to the USS Arcadia.

"Well here we are 2 years…

» Once upon a time

Posted on Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 9:22am by Ensign Aurora Ng

Start log. "Character as strong as stainless steel, with an uncompromising character."

One aspect of Chinese culture is the emphasis on knowing one's place in the universe. Your birth order determines your seniority in the family and expectation to venerate your elders, for they are the ones who accumulate knowledge…

» Temporary Home

Posted on Sun Jan 14th, 2024 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Calliope Ito


Calliope carried her tea over to the table and gently lowered herself into the chair. She pulled out her leather-bound journal and a pen and after a small sip of tea she opened it to page one and began her daily journal practice.

Personal Log,

I just arrived but…