
  • 1 Mission Posts


Name Jynx

Position Civilian Resident

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Unknown
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft0
Weight 115lbs
Hair Color Various
Eye Color Various
Physical Description Jynx is a happy, positive person who just loves to have fun and wants to explore. She is the first to admit she is not book smart and has bounced around from place to place since she was a kid. She is a diminutive figure but usually bursting with energy and when excited or if she concentrates, her eye and hair colour can shift. Sometimes for just a few seconds, sometimes for days on end. It has helped her get out of a few scrapes in the past, but is not something she can really control.


Spouse non
Children none
Father none
Mother none
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Always happy but not someone likely to think her way out of a problem without some help, Jynx is nevertheless one of the sweetest people you can meet. Despite a lot of hardship in her life she never lets it get her down and she is always looking forward to her next adventure.

Jynx loves music and could sing literally anything, with a powerful vocal range. She just doesn't yet realise she does have a true gift and talent. When she works she will often sing away quietly to herself.
Strengths & Weaknesses + People person
+ Happy, positive outlook.

- Can be easily distracted
- terrible at keeping secrets
- Still learning Federation standard and so what you order at the cafe, may not be what you get. If it even is your order.
Ambitions To travel.
Hobbies & Interests Music

Personal History tbc