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Who The Hell Are You Cafe - Grand Opening

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 8:13pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD & Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor MD & Jynx
Edited on on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 2:26pm

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Cafe | USS Arcadia
Timeline: .... After a long night


Zai had come to engineering despite his suspension to speak to Fang but found him passed out over a console. He'd finished his duties and in the morning they had a bit of a professional talk that netted Zai a suspended suspension and Fang a few days off. They would be at Starbase later today and Fang would be on an away mission and he needed sleep.

Before all that could happen they had heard rumblings of a new café that had opened. The proprietor had been picked out before the ship had left on its rescue mission, with Ito and Nasir helping to make the space ready. An odd name Who The Hell Are You Café but interesting. Fang and Zai were now waiting in line and were surprised to see the Docs there too. "Good Morning!" It was Zai who spoke, Fang still being half asleep.

"You are far too happy in the mornings," Doctor McDonald concluded after studying the duo for a moment. At least neither of them seemed in need of medical treatment and Lieutenant Zai was in a far better mood than he had been of late. "It shouldn't be allowed."

"Ignore him," Doctor O'Connor offered as she peered around her mentor and department chief. "Anything before his third coffee is rarely nice. Good morning to you too.... I'm afraid there is a bit of a queue. Opening day gremlins maybe? You order over there and then get comfortable..."

She pointed to the far corner of the counter where they were taking orders. "And don't give me that look..."

"I'm not the one ordering a cotton candy frappuccino, or what was the other one...?" McDonald countered as he folded his arms and tapped his foot.

"Double chocolate chip Frappuccino," she grinned, waving as the two engineers passed by to order their own drinks, completely un-phased by McDonald's mood. "With extra chocolate."

"Well that sounds good." Zai said. "Double Chocolate chip Frappuccino with extra chocolate. I'll have that."

Fang seemed snap out of sleepiness. "Gods above are Doctor McDonald and I the only two sensible ones?"

As the two engineers reached the desk a girl appeared to take their order, a whole five foot nothing, the two men were like giants as she took her notebook from the pocket of her pink apron and a pencil complete with a fluffy ball of fuzz on the end. "Hi," she welcomed them with a bright smile, seeming to almost bounce on the tip of her toes with excitement. As she did so, the way the light hit her made it seem as if her eyes shifted from a deep brown to a bright pink, the tips of her long hair doing the same before returning to a more mundane brown. "I'm Jynx. Welcome! Now... Who the hell are you, and what would you like to order?"

Her voice was laced with a heavy accent, her question hanging in the air as she looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to decide.

"Double Chocolate chip Frappuccino with extra chocolate." Zai ordered. "I'm Lieutenant Zai."

Fang muttered under his breath. "Just give me a large coffee two milks no sugar." He paused. "For Fang"

Her brow furrowed in concentration as she took the orders, scribbling their names beside them. "Coming up," she promised them as she disappeared to help with the backlog of orders now in play. Between the manager and his two staff, soon names started to be called out.

"Shone?!" Jinx called out, standing on her tiptoes and having to shout to be heard. Her eyes swept the room as she heard no response. "Triple shot expresso with two pumps of vanilla?" that had one of the medical techs step forward, raising his hand as he made his way forward to get his drink.

"Kinda close," Chloe was saying as the two engineers reached them, trying to be reasonable despite her growing impatience due, surprisingly enough, to the lack of caffeine. "Sean/Shone."

"Charlene?" a different voice called out, louder, clearer but still with the same result. "Vanilla Bean Crema Frappuccino, whipped cream and caramel drizzle?"

"I'm tempted to say it's mine," Chloe whispered as someone else called out that it was theirs, although the voice was far from feminine. Hey, who was she to judge, although from the laughter which had erupted around the customer in question, she suspected he was definitely not a Charlene.

They all listened as more names were called. "Is it just me or is everyone starting to understand why the cafe is named what it is?" Zai whispered to Chloe. "I can't wait to see how they get creative with our names."

“Cleo?” Jynx called out.

“Close enough,” Chloe accepted as she hurried forward to get the order for the doctors lounge. Almost dropping it as a deep voice bellowed the next name.


Fang shook his head. "That would be me I guess." He was however curious how the woman would mess up Zai's name.

“Good luck,” Chloe managed as McDonald hurried her out of the café and managed to save the tray of coffees as his student started howling with laughter and she was not alone.

“Children,” McDonald sighed, “I work with children.”

Fang sat down waiting. This place was suddenly interesting.

"One more coffee chocolate overload for Chai...Lieutenant Chai?"

Fang grinned. "Now I can go to sleep. He left Zai to collect his coffee and headed out.



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