
  • 6 Mission Posts

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Thu Aug 8th, 2024 @ 6:33pm

Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor

Name Chloe O'Connor MD

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft5
Weight 124lbs
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Average height, slim build, with black wavy hair and a pale, ethereal complexion. Prefers running/jogging and yoga to other more forms of physical exercise, and finds them easier to fit into the busy lifestyle of a Starfleet doctor.

Has a small birthmark on her lower back which she chose to keep. Has an easy going, relaxed demeanour and a ready smile, usually able to take situations in her stride.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Eddie O'Connor (step-father)
Mother Sharon O'Connor (step-mother)
Brother(s) James (step brother)
Ross (step Brother)
Sister(s) n/a
Other Family Elanya (biological mother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Young, intelligent and with a sarcastic side which is undeniably due to her long friendship with Dr McDonald.

Rarely found to be in a bad mood and always ready to lend a friendly ear should you need someone to talk to.
Strengths & Weaknesses Has a way of reasoning with Dr McDonald that others find difficult.
Calm under pressure
Sometimes too vocal when advocating for her patients which has occasionally landed her in trouble.
Ambitions To see the galaxy
Hobbies & Interests Loves music (listening and playing) and enjoys a variety of genres and styles. Will often unwind listening to music and reading a book.

Personal History Raised by her adoptive family, Chloe was initially born during a fierce battle on the edge of Federation space. Caught in the crossfire, the small vessel her pregnant mother was travelling in was hit, crashing on a Class L planet.

A Starfleet vessel came to their aid, but it was far from routine with dangers at every turn facing the rescuers. Nevertheless, Dr Oscar McDonald managed to safely deliver the baby girl and kept her safe while chaos ensued around them. Sadly her mother could not be saved but Dr McDonald searched tirelessly for any possible family before he arranged for close friends who he trusted with raising the child.

And so Chloe was named and became part of a growing family living on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. She remained in contact with Dr McDonald her entire life, and had opportunities to work with him on various occasions after embarking on her own career in Medicine.

She doesn't consider herself an orphan - for technically she does not know if her biological father is alive or dead - but mostly because he feels incredibly grateful to have had a rich and fullfilling childhood with parents and siblings who loved her as if she were their own flesh and blood.
Service Record tbc