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Resignation Letter [Part 1]

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 4:48pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

989 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Freecloud
Timeline: ---Some Years Ago---


Adrianna Baciami stepped off the bustling promenade of Freecloud, the neon lights and holographic advertisements flickering overhead in a constant, chaotic dance. The city buzzed with life—traders, gamblers, and criminals mingled freely, all wrapped in the glittering allure of opportunity. It was the perfect place for someone like her to blend in, and even better for an illicit meeting to go unnoticed.

She slipped into the bar, her senses immediately hit by the mix of alien music, laughter, and the sharp scent of exotic drinks. The lighting was low, casting long shadows across the room, just enough to hide the kinds of conversations no one wanted overheard. Adrianna made her way to a small, empty table near the back, her movements relaxed, but with every step, she scanned the room—a habit born from her training and the danger that came with it.

Sitting down, she ordered a drink, something local and forgettable, then leaned back in her chair. She had arrived early, as always, giving herself time to settle into the surroundings and ensure no one was watching too closely. The contact would come soon. Until then, she kept her posture casual, her gaze drifting over the crowd, but her mind sharp. She knew the risk. Freecloud was as dangerous as it was enticing, and tonight, she was playing a game where the smallest mistake could unravel everything.

"-- what's a beautiful human like you doing in a place like this, all alone," came a slime ball from nowhere, his hand daring to touch her curves.

"Who said I was alone?" She asked, amused, laying a dagger on the table, poised as if to use it subtly.

The man lifted his hands up in surrender, muttering something derogatory under his breath in his native tongue.

Vance Adams had been keeping an eye on things from a distance. Having located his contact he had set up shot to observe a bit. When the troll came up he'd started to move that way and had to smile at the dagger his new partner had pulled. "And if that doesn't scare you turn around." Vance was six foot five and built like a barn. He had tattoos displayed and a scare across his eyebrow that was given to him on his mission to the Orion system. He started at the troll. "Bothering the lady is not advisable. Breathing in her vicinity is not advisable. In fact staying here in the next fifteen seconds," He looked at Adri. "I'm being generous today." He turned back to the troll and finished his sentence, "is not advisable."

Adrianna couldn't help but snort in amusement at the idea of him being generous. The troll seemed to back off and Ade waved and blew him a kiss in a playful yet sarcastic manner. Her eyes went back to Vance, "why is it, that every time I come to Freecloud, I only ever get hit on by ugly dudes. I mean, come on! Also," she frowned, tapping her watch, "you're late... Again. I'm going to have to start charging for every minute you leave me vulnerable to ogres."

"Hey well we can change that streak of getting hit on only by ugly dudes." He grinned waggling his eyebrows.

She looked around the bar as if being serious, "slim pickings tonight, amore mio." Adrianna ran her fingers through her hair as she sipped her drink. "What have you dragged me to this buco dell'inferno for this time?" The woman returned to topic.

"Hey I may take offense to that brush off." He sighed. "Oh we have a little of this and a little of that." He slipped her a data tape. "You'll find all you need there. I suggest you return to your room and get ready. We leave in two hours."

"Plenty of time to check out the actual talent here," she replied with a cheeky grin, before picking up the tape and placing it in the inside pocket of her jacket.

He smiled. "Well then I won't stand in your way...I will stand in there way though. Been hoping for a good exercise mouth to fist session. You send them my way and I'll smash." He laughed. "We'd be doing Freecloud a favour."

Adrianna chuckled, rolling her eyes, "gawd you're an idiot." She stood up, downing what was left of her drink. "I'll see you in two hours. Meanwhile you can wonder why I called you an idiot." She went to walk away, but stopped close to him. She placed a finger under his chin, forcing him to look at her, "maybe one day, I'll break you."

For a big burly man who showed no fear and little emotion other then sarcasm Vance blushed. "Awwww come on then."

"No, amore mio," her lips came close to his, but only to tease him, "you missed your opportunity-- again." Her eyes flicked to his lips, then back to his eyes before pulling away and smirking, "I believe, that is at least the fourth time that I have said that to you."

Chuckling and getting back to topic, she grinned, "I assume that you have parked in your usual place. I'll see you in 2hrs. Don't make me wait for you, or I will steal your bird again."

Vance shook his head. This woman was seriously something. He sighed and then headed to the hotel. There was much to do. After a quick call to check on things and a confirmation of a few details he showered and changed taking care to ensure that everything they would need they had. This was going to be sticky but they would finish things and get out okay. Once this was done he was going to retire and just live the simple life. Hell, maybe he'd get enough courage to ask his companion to join him. He'd had a crush on her from the moment he'd met her.



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