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The coffee had been so damn close…

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD & Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor MD

1,419 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Sickbay | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current


Fang paced in the small sickbay waiting room. Not only was Ito still recovering but after McDonald's surgical miracle Zai had taken ill and had been brought here. Between the rescue and staying up with Zai all night he hasn't slept in 48 hours or more and then there was the fact that he'd torn the engineering safety team to shreds. There had been tears and yes he was harsh but he never messed with the safety of his people. Between Ito and Zai his hair would turn grey in no time. Those two always took unnecessary risks, point being proven that they were both in sickbay.

He paced waiting for McDonald to update him on Ito and O'Connor to update him on Zai before he went in to see them. Luckily they were bio bed to bio bed so he could rip them a new one at the same time for their....stupidity.

He was muttering in Capellan and didn't notice the doctors enter.

"...or," Chloe was saying as walked around the corner with her department chief and mentor, "we toss a coin?"

"I'm not falling for that trick a second time," McDonald grumbled before his gaze fell on Fang. "Lieutenant, you are starting to look worse than my patients."

Fang stopped in mid stride and turned around. "Doc...sss Docs." He ran his hands through his disheveled hair and then waved an arm. "I'm fine, strong Capellan stock. How are they doing?"

"Recovering well," Chloe offered with a reassuring smile. "I'm afraid we can't say more than that. You, on the other hand, need rest as much as they do."

He sighed. "Yes but the ship also needs me alert until we get out of Gorn space." He looked from one to the other. "May I see them? Are they awake?"

“Ten minutes,” McDonald decided after a moment. “They have been conscious for brief periods but they need rest.”

"Fine, I'll save the yelling for when they are stronger." He looked at both of them. "Thank you. For their lives."

“It’s why we’re here,” Chloe reminded him. “We’ll deal with some paperwork and give you some time alone. Come on,” she added to McDonald, “maybe there is some coffee left…”

Fang gave a nod. He headed into the small room. As reported Ito was sleeping but Zai had his eyes open and was staring at the ceiling. When Fang came in his head turned and he winced. "You've got that I will airlock you look."

"Maybe because I probably will. Honestly! You couldn't take five minutes to get a suit without a hole or to put the patch on properly?"

Zai held his hands up as if in defense. "Hey! I didn't know..."

"Re-think that lie. You took your work partner's suit the only reason you would do that is if you noticed a rip in it and you patched it but not well enough. Five minutes Zai!"

He sighed. "Look, I know it was stupid. But...." Fang walked over and sat down on the biobed. "I'm reporting this. You will be disciplined. You could have..." Fang's voice cracked when he thought what could have happened.

Zai reached over and touched Fang's hand. He smiled innocently. "But I didn't! You took care of me and then the Doc here helped. Right?" He looked over at the doctors who were no doubt drawn by Fangs shout. Ito was still out cold.

Fang’s back was to the CMO who’s piercing gaze could have cut through steel. “I believe we made it clear but perhaps not clear enough. Any more disruption and you will be removed from my sickbay, Lieutenant, Am I being clear enough now?!”

From behind McDonald, Chloe sighed. The coffee had been so damn close…

Fang turned. "This was all avoidable. On both their parts."

It was then that Ito opened her eyes. "Oh calm down." Her voice was low and sounded more like a croaking frog."

"He's just Hangry." Zai added.

"I gathered that." Ito smiled slightly and sighed.

Fang stood up hands balled. "No, neither of you get that. You," He said pointing at Ito. "Are the Chief Engineer of this ship. You took a risk that you didn't need to."

Ito winced. "It was a quick call there was no other..."

"Yes there was! Damn it you put into place the very thing that could have avoided this or did you forget the little blue button you had and the rewired bot."

Ito's mouth opened and closed. "Well Shiiii."

"Yes exactly," He rounded on Zai. "An you had five minutes to spare to grab a suit and put it on, no Gorn, no Klingons, no rush was needed but you wanted to get a task checked off so you chose the quickest way. Both of you are impulsive and you make first year Cadets seem like geniuses."

“Lieutenant, this isn’t the time or the place,“ O’Connor interjected , sure McDonald would shortly blow a fuse.

"Fang calm down. Why don't you rest...." Zai began.

Fang didn't listen to what the doctors had said, he wasn't sure if it was McDonald or Chloe that spoke.

"What bloody rest? Engineering is down three senior crew now because of you two idiots! We're in Gorn space and frankly if something were to happen we'd be three down and space junk.

Zai looked over at Ito, both looked guilty. "Three?" It was Ito that croaked it out.

"Yes a Chief Engineer with zero impulse control and a daredevil complex, you." He said pointing to Ito. "An acting Chief who ignores safety standards and an acting third who omitted to report the acting chief's stupidity! So No I cannot sleep, I cannot rest because the three idiot club decided to cut corners. Ito you're leaving so we were already short handed, Zai you are in the bay after which both you and my third will be suspended pending discipline. You two only act without thinking. How would it affect the ship? How would it affect the department? What about those who care about you and what about the trauma of those who have to stich you back together!"

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned. He was angry yes but there was hurt a worry and fear in his eyes that were not necessarily mirrored in his expression but were there in the eyes, the window of the soul. He was worried yes but he was also a by the book guy so his anger was there and quite justified as an acting Department head.

“Not the time,” Chloe reiterated, her voice low but with more conviction this time. “Why not take some free advice and get some rest? They will both still be here tomorrow.”

His jaw twitched. "Don't worry I won't be visiting them again." He turned and left.

Zai looked after him and rubbed the area over his heard. "Ouch."

Ito mirrored that. "Yeah I think I feel that ouch. He's really mad."

Zai sighed. "Sorry Doc and Doc. Fang doesn't mean anything by that he's just worried and tired and ..."

"Right," Ito finished. "We messed up. Lucky you're his weak spot you'll bat your eyelashes and he'll soften."

Zai growled and pulled the pillow out from his head tossing it at her, regretting it instantly as pain shot through him.

Ito for her part caught the pillow and winced in pain herself. "Owwww!" She laughed. "You throw like a two year old." Zai picked up the second pillow and tossed it with more force grunting in pain. Ito too doubled over this time the pillow catching her in the face. "You overgrown child..."

“The next person who throws anything in here better be me,” McDonald barked, patience long since worn thin. “Get them in separate areas if they can’t behave like adults. Everything he just said is one hundred percent correct. I’ll write you both up myself if I hear so much as a peep out of either of you for the rest of the day”

With that he turned on his heals and stalked off, tension radiating from every pore. Chloe groaned inwardly. Just perfect.

Zai blushed. "Sorry Doc."

Ito muttered. "Yeah, sorry. We'll be quite."

O’Connor glanced between them, clearly skeptical. “Alright…. I’ll be back to check on you later. Ensign Henderson here,” the nurse seemed to appear out of thin air, “Will keep an eye on you. Be good.”



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