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A Deep Conversation - Part I

Posted on Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 4:11pm by Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

1,702 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Mess Hall | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Just before Zai got Sick


They picked up Ito and sent her on her way, now the ship was gearing up for a real shakedown cruse. Zai found himself at lunch again with the good shrink. It was odd, he was weary of her but again, having another empath around eased the homesickness a little. He sat now in the mess hall staring out the small window. It had been an odd morning that had left him with mixed emotions that he couldn't understand. He'd also asked Fang to join them but he doubted the new Chief Engineer could drag himself away from the engine room.

Zai sighed as he looked out at the stars whizzing by. Out here it felt simple but he doubted the life was as simple as it seemed here. This was at best a momentary respite.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Lanna smiled as she once again arrived to have lunch with Zai. “It’s an old earth saying so I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t mean anything to you.”

"Actually Fang uses this a lot. Having spent time at the Academy I can say I'm no closer to understanding them but I have heard many of them." He stood and pulled out the chair for her. "Please have a seat."

“Thank you Zai” Lanna took her seat. “This is starting to become a regular thing between us now, not that I’m complaining.”

"Perhaps it is wrong but spending time with you reminds me of home. It has been... a while since I was around another empath." He looked back out the stars. "It reminds me why I am here," He said forgetting to guard his words.

“Oh? In what way?” Lanna looked at Zai curiously wondering what he meant.

A wave of anger at himself washed over him but he put it away. "Oh, you know, to see new worlds, smite enemies." He shrugged. "The typical stuff."

Lanna felt the change, but she didn’t press for any more of an answer. “Fair enough, I’ve no doubt we’ll be seeing a lot of new worlds and civilizations.”

"I can honestly say it's been interesting. We are all tied to our home worlds and we don't fully appreciate the life that is out there and what it can teach us. When I first came to the Academy I was...overwhelmed. Lee Fang has told me that he had felt the same way when he left Capella. I wonder if it's like that for everyone when they first arrive on Earth."

“Everyone’s experience is different, but I’d imagine those not used to it would find it overwhelming.” Lanna offered a smile. “It was difficult for me at first, my abilities started years before they should have so it’s easy to become overwhelmed when in new situations. Starfleet Academy was such a bustle with so many minds it took me a while to adjust.”

"I can understand. Being on a ship is better but...your mental shields must be strong. There is a Vulcan meditation group that meets. I have attended a meeting. It is helpful. If you wish I will send you the information."

Lanna nodded. “That would be...fascinating” She smiled a wry smile at sounding like an a-typical Vulcan with her answer. “I have attended classes with a Vulcan before as you might be able to guess. Please do send me the details.”

"So tell me more about you counselor." He sat back watching her.

“Me?” Lanna grinned. “There’s not a lot to tell really. I’m one of the direct descendants of the Matriarch of our house, my grandmother is currently Matriarch, and my mother is an Ambassador. I grew up travelling back and forth with my mother, hence my love of starship travel and why I wanted to join Starfleet. Now I’m married to Jarin Alexander and have a 2 year old son named Jayce.”

He smiled. "What lead you to counseling?"

“Being a Betazoid” Lanna smiled. “When I developed my abilities early I had to be taught how to use them, and how to cope with the stresses that come with them. I had several periods of stress where I needed a Counsellor myself, so it seemed a good career for me. To be able to help others the way only an empath can.”

He smiled. "That I agree with. My people did a lot of counseling for other tribes, it's all considered healer arts. You said your mother was a diplomat. Will you follow in her footsteps?"

“More or less I already do” Lanna smiled a wry smile. “Part of my duties requires me to advise the Captain when needed, to assist those guests who come onboard, more or less the duties a diplomatic advisor would undertake.”

"I see. That is fascinating. To be able to do both roles." He smiled. "That is fantastic. So many roles. Do you hope to captain a ship of your own one day?"

“I don’t know about that” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m happy as I am at present, I’ve never really considered command.”

"It might be a road to go down." He was about to say something else when a woman's voice carried.

"Well if isn't the Assistant Chief," As she said this she swaggered over.

Suddenly Zai's stomach tightened and a wave of nausea and rage washed over him. He squeezed the glass he'd been holding so tight his knuckles were white. His face showed it a moment and then a deadly calm washed over it a complete opposite to the anger still rolling around inside.

Lanna had been distracted at the time so she hadn’t seen Zai pulling a face.

The woman and her friend walked over. "Hello Counselor."

Zai ground his teeth and sneered. "Ensign Rogers, Keep walking."

She laughed. "Or what? You'll throw me into the dilithym chamber?"

Zai laughed. "No, of course not. I'll put you in an airlock and vent it!"

“Whoa, hold it!” Lanna looked between Zai and Rogers. “What is this all about?”

The woman smiled. "Nothing at all."

"Counselor this is Engineer Rogers, Ensign Rogers is...just passing through on the Arcadia. I wouldn't be surprised if she was transferred out soon."

Rogers laughed. "Ahhh but you see you can't make that call. Only Ito can when she comes back and when she comes back you loose your Assistant Chief Rank that goes back to Fang."

A spike of anger shot through him but his face didn't betray it but he didn't hide it from Lanna's empathic senses. "Lieutenant Lee to you. You. May. NOT. Refer to him as Fang."

“Actually Ensign, I suggest you show Lieutenant Zai some respect, regardless of his position he is still your superior officer.” Lanna gave Rogers a look that said she meant it. “He would be within his rights to report you, if he felt it necessary.”

Zai was genuinely taken aback by her defense. Nobody had done that for him but Fang. He was rendered speechless.

Rogers on the other hand flushed red. She knew she was beat for the moment. "Yes ma'am. Sorry." She glared at Zai and then turned and walked away. Her friend stayed back momentarily. She looked from Zai to Alexander and then back to Zai. "Sorry Sir, she's... out of line. I..."

Zai sighed. "I get it. She's infatuated with Lieutenant Lee. I know you're her friend I... do not place blame on you."

The woman gave a smile and a bow. "Thank you sir." She turned to the counselor. "Ma'am." She gave another nod and headed after the hot headed Rogers.

Zai looked over at her. "Um..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Thank you for defending me."

“Well she was completely out of line speaking to you like that” Lanna offered a smile. “I may have to speak to Ensign Rogers regarding her attitude if she keeps it up. Anyway, what else are friends for?”

"I..." Again he was struck speechless. There was a tightness in his chest he could not identify as if the heart muscle was beginning to work. He resisted the urge to rub the spot. But he did feel perplexed. "I... Lee Fang has thus far been the only one to defend me...not even my family would have stepped in." He shook his head as if he didn't want to think about that now. "She...has developed a crush on Lee Fang and I have been trying to discourage it." He didn't want to examine that feeling either. It was as if he wanted to destroy her just because she liked Fang. "Perhaps a chat may be in order about rank, etc..."

Lanna smiled and nodded. “Having a crush on a superior officer isn’t as unusual as you might think, I’ve encountered it before. I will have a talk with her though, she’s on my list for evaluations anyway. As for defending you, you’re part of a bigger family here Zai, the Starfleet family and I also consider you a friend. It’s nice to be able to spend time with another empath, there aren’t that many of us out here yet.”

"I hope that someday there will be." He studies her. "It is an unusual feeling." He says candidly.

“What’s that?” Lanna grinned. “There are a lot of feelings on this ship.” She knew his meaning but was trying not to put a personal emphasis on it.

" In some ways it is difficult for me to understand. My own family was...different."

Lanna nodded. “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you join us for dinner one evening? I don’t think Jarin would mind, it would give you a chance to experience what our family relationships are like.”

"I will think about it." He shrugged. "It's the best I can do."

“That’s fine, it was just an idea.” Lanna offered a warm smile.

"I think we've talked enough. How about we eat now?"

Lanna nodded. “Good idea, I’m starved!” She grinned as her attention turned to her food.

To Be Continued...


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