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Emergency Transport

Posted on Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 3:30pm by Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD

1,103 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Fang had left the engineering panel to Zai on the bridge and was down in sickbay. "Doctor I can give you a bit of a brief on the medical emergency." He spoke as he began calibrating the medical transporter. "Ito has severe internal injuries caused by the transporter."

“You know this how?” The physician grumbled even as he began barking orders to his staff, while keeping one eye on the engineer. “And if so, another transport would not be advisable. Where exactly is Ito now?”

"She's on the incoming shuttle. We'll be in transporter range in five minutes. I know because the signal she sent out...had a code. This has happened before. She was transported before a blast and the transporter kind of re-arranged her. While risky the last time we brought her back using the last buffer codes of her DNA and then...well the doc fixed the rest of the internal injuries. I take it that it will work again." He looked up at the doctor. "But...if you want to try and fix the mess yourself I won't argue...mostly because you are slightly more frightening then a Klingon."

Slightly… he was losing his touch. “We can test the theory- if the internal damage is severe there will never be enough time to repair the damage ourselves.”

He sighed. "Alright then. Transporter range in 3 minutes. I'm starting to get bio readings. You make the call for transport yes or no and I'll load the buffers in case..." He looked at the doc. "I don't like sickbay but...I’m trusting you with my friend doc. She trusts you and so will I....unless you're aiming a Hypo at me then I'm going to run."

McDonald rolled his eyes. This crew sure had an abundance of people with a fear of doctors. “Let me see those readings,” was his only reply. Any information was better than working blind.

Fang sent the information. There was internal bleeding, a couple things where they shouldn't be. "Transporter range in 60 seconds your call doc."

“Use the transporter, let’s fix what we can before she materializes,” McDonald decided as he studied the data.

"Yes sir." Fang's hands moved over the console. "Shuttle stand by full stop for transport. Mr. Nasir, we're gonna stop you a second then tractor the shuttle in. "Transport in twenty seconds." He got confirmation from the bridge that the shuttle was stationary. "Transport lock obtained." He looked up. "On your mark doc, it's going to take 60 seconds to run her through the buffer and then she's all yours. Which surgical bed do you want to use?"

“This one right here,” came the reply, “SB1.”

McDonald had no particular love of transporters, but for now he was hoping it may perform a miracle or two.

"Okay, this is bringing back Klingon war vibes. I told her then never to try something like that again." He shuddered. "Transport initiated." The 60 seconds that her pattern was scrambled seemed to drag on for what felt like days. Fang monitored it all. "Alright. Incoming!"

The biobed shimmered and a figure formed. Calli opened her eyes and looked to the side holding Fang's eyes. She smiled a little as blood trickled down her lip. "Humpty Dumpty Syndrome take two."

Fang, despite himself let out a chuckle. "Shut it! Doc will take care of you then I will chew you out for your stupidity."

She gave a nod and looked over at the doc. "Doc...Whatever happens ....thanks.' Suddenly her body seized in pain.

McDonald was already in motion, barking orders to the other medical staff he had assembled to aid in the treatment of their chief engineer. Over all the noise of machines and movement, he seemed to be a calm in the centre of the storm. His voice loud, clear and giving focus to everyone working around him. It was a rare glimpse of why he was held in such high regard as a physician and surgeon, despite his character flaws.

Had Fang been able to inch close enough to see, he would have witnessed steady hands as McDonald sought out the source of internal bleeds or repaired damage to various organs and tissue. The transporter may have helped restore things to where they belonged (roughly) the actual damage remained extensive.

“I want Dr Alexander fully briefed and ready to take over her care once surgery is complete,” he instructed after what seemed like a lifetime. “Round the clock care until we are certain there are no complications.”

“Yes, Doctor,” Nurse Henderson responded, nodding to one of her fellow nurses to tend to it so she could remain and assist. “We have the recovery area already prepped.”

At that McDonald all but grunted in approval. They were learning…

They were fast approaching two hours before he finally raised his hands and stepped back. “Humpty Dumpty indeed,” he said with clear exhaustion written all over his face as his team moved in to clean up and transfer Ito to the recovery suite. He realised Fang was still waiting, anxious. “It seems we had a little more luck than all the king’s men. It may be a difficult few hours and quite the recovery but seems she will be fine, Lieutenant. Good idea of yours, using the transporter.”

He gave a nod. First time he wasn't nervous in sickbay. Watching the doc work was like watching grace an elegance. It was mesmerizing. He seemed to have a confidence and focus that Fang himself had in engineering. It was interesting to see. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks for taking care of her. The first time around I was a mess this time...well I was more confident that she would be okay. As for the transporter..." he shrugged. "As I said when the Klingons captured our unit we had to do the same thing Ito got us out but paid the same cost as today for our safety. She came up with the transporter idea I only applied it here again."

He looked over as Ito was taken out. "You're not that scary."

"Don't go giving people that idea," McDonald grumbled as he walked towards the doctors lounge where he could clean up and find a fresh uniform, calling over his shoulder towards his staff, "and I want this area cleaned and sterilised by the time I get back!"

Fang smiled and shook his head as the staff jumped to it. He would head to the bridge to brief the CO and then come check on Ito again in the morning.



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