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Unspoken Conversations

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 3:03pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai
Edited on on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 3:04pm

1,720 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Varous | USS Arcadia
Timeline: After: A Deep Conversation - Part II (To be posted)


Zai's Quarters

Zai moved around the quarters setting up the dinner plates. Fang would be here soon and his mind was racing. He was still shaken, slightly by the conversation with Counselor Alexander. It was a lot to think about and digest and Rogers had been pissing him off all day. He was grumbling to himself when the doors opened and Fang walked in tossing his uniform jacket on the sofa.

Fang had been running late already and then he's stopped to update the CO with the surgery and then into Engineering to pick up the reports he had to review tonight. He looked up as he walked into the small dining room area and froze. Zai was muttering to himself setting out dishes with some force.

"Wow...what's gotten into you?"

Zai jumped damn near dropping the salad. "Damn it! Don't sneak up on me!"

Fang's brow creased. "I didn't. Are you alright?"

Zai gave a curt nod and went about setting more food out.

Fang watched him for a moment and when Zai turned, thankfully with nothing in his hand, he grasped the man by the shoulders. "Are you alright!"

Zai looked up a little meeting Fang's gaze. He stared at the eyes of his friend of many years. Did he lie? Tell the truth? "I'm fine."

Fang sighed and let him go. Zai's left eye danced when he lied. He was telling one now but Fang would not push. Whatever it was it had to do with the counselor or rather his lunch with her. He'd seemed off since their lunch but Fang would let Zai tell him in his own time.

They sat down to eat in, what Fang saw as, an uncomfortable silence. Something he had not had with Zai in a long time. He cleared his throat. "So I heard you and Rogers got into again in Engineering and one of our people said she confronted you when you were with the counselor at lunch." Fang thought this a perfect lead into the conversation. Maybe Zai would share something about what got him during the lunch into the mood he was so obviously in.

Zai sighed. "She's a loon, Rogers. Transfer her."

Fang raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Why?"

Zai gave him a look that could peel paint. "Seriously? Since when do you question my advice about staff? Usually you take it. Are you in love with her like she is with you?"

Fang, who'd been drinking, felt as if he'd taken a hit to the throat. He coughed spitting out the water. Grabbing the napkin from his lap he wiped his mouth. "Excuse me?"

"Well she's obviously in love with you. She's been trying to get your attention and she's pretty much admitted it when I confronted her. I'm just asking if you're not transferring her because you feel the same."

Fang stared at Zai. Was the temperature in the room getting both hot and cold at the same time? He cleared his throat. "Well... first off. No I'm not in love with her. I have no interest in her whatsoever beyond her being a capable officer. Second, if this is all about that and you're feeling upset that she's...overstepping I can have her speak with the counselor. She has been rude and dismissing to you as her senior officer and that should be addressed but as far as transfer...well if Ito comes back I doubt that she would..."

"Ito's not coming back, Fin said just as much. I don't want Rogers here."

Fang shook his head. "Zai, what in the Underworld? Seriously just because she's rude you don't want her around?"

"Right, you have NO feelings for her. None. That's why you are jumping to her defense. Excuse me I forgot the salt!"

Fang's eyes widened. What in the name of the Gods is happening here? Fang watched as Zai stood and headed to the little kitchenette.

Zai grabbed the salt and slammed it on the table. "Fine! She's just perfect. You're not in love with her and she's right, I'm wrong! The food is getting cold, eat."

Fang stared at Zai with his mouth open and eyes wide. the hells of Orion? What's happening here? The conversation felt somewhat odd. He felt like he'd spoken incorrectly even though what he said was the right thing. Why was Zai so upset?

The rest of dinner was uncomfortable and Zai seemed to be spacing out. Every once in a while he'd rub his chest above his heart a weird look on his face. Fang had asked him if he was alright several times only to be met with grunts or ignored.

Finally when the meal was over Fang had had just about enough. "Alright that's enough! I'll clean up you go get ready we're going for a swim. You have to burn off whatever weird energy slash headspace you are in."

Zai muttered under his breath but he headed for the bedroom to change.

Fang stood a moment staring at the closed door shaking his head. He was more confused then he'd ever been. Sighing he began collecting plates and cups. He tied everything away cleaned the table and was sitting on the sofa when Zai came out in his jogging suit.

"I'll go to the pool you go to your quarters and change into your swim trunks." Zai grabbed a towel from the storage area and headed out.

Fang again was left standing in the room. "What in the hells of Orion!" He muttered again as he left Zai's quarters and headed to his own to change.

Swimming Pool

When Fang arrived at the pool Zai was already swimming laps. He watched Zai for a moment and wondered was it possible to angry swim? It appeared so. Zai was making great time but he seemed out of breath. Fang sighed and placed his towel on one of the chairs. He jumped into the pool in the deep end and headed towards the middle where Zai was. Being tall and having long arms worked to his advantage. He reached Zai quickly and then followed him into the shallow end where he got his feet on the pool floor and grabbed Zai. "Okay that's enough. Take a breather."

Zai tried to pull away but Fang held firm. "Zai what's going on? You've been odd since your lunch with the counselor. Please tell me you two didn't argue again."

"What? No! Counselor Alexander is a lovely woman. Why would I argue with her." Zai waved a hand. "She even defended me against your girlfriend."

"My what?"


"Ooooyyy. Zai! What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," Zai pulled his arm free. "Let's swim."

"Not until you tell me what's going on. Why are you upset and ..." He waved an arm up and down. "Like this."

"I'm fine."

"Zai seriously you're out of breath stop and take a breather. Sit on the edge of the pool and just rest."

Zai stared at him and then walked over to the edge hoping up and sitting so that his legs were dangling in the water.

Fang felt tired just watching him. What had gotten into his friend. Was Rogers that much of an issue? Maybe he should think about the transfer. He made his way over to his friend and hopped up on the pool edge beside Zai. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

Zai was silent for a moment. "There is nothing going on."

Fangs eyes twitched and rolled back. "You're angry. At me?"

"No, I don't know."

Fang pressed his lips together, his mind racing at what to say next. "Okay, fair. You need to take time to sort out your mind and feelings. I get it. As your friend I'm here to listen." As he moved his arm brushed Zai's. He stopped and then reached over to place a hand on Zai's shoulder. "Why is your body temperature up? Did you overwork yourself?"

Zai shrugged. "Hard time sleeping and haven't had an appetite so it all builds."

Fang expelled a sharp breath. "Okay so this exercise is a bad idea. Let's go back to your quarters and we can watch one of those old Earth shows you like from the historical database on media."

"Ohh how about the grumpy doctor?"

"You wish to invite Dr. McDonald to watch?"

Zai turned to him, a shadow of a smile on his lips. "No you idiot I want to watch House."

"You wish to watch a house?"

"No the show called House."

Fang studied him. "Ummm sure."

Zai actually chuckled, his bad mood seeming to lift. "You still don't know what I'm talking about. Okay, come on. out of the pool and back to my quarters. You can shower there and borrow my stuff."

Zai's Quarters

Showered and changed Fang sat by Zai watching the show he'd picked out. He had to admit he wasn't really paying attention. Zai had become restless and pale and was sweating a lot. This was not usual so Fang paused the show and sat up. "Zai what's wrong with you?"

Zai turned and looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"You do not look well." Fang touched Zai's arm. "Your body temperature is still off. Here come here." He pulled Zai forward and gently placed his lips on Zai's forehead.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

He ignored Zai's high pitched voice and then switched to touch his own forehead to Zai's. "You're in a fever and your trembling!"

Zai pulled away. "I'm fine."

"No," Fang stood. "You are not! You have a fever. Go lay down I'm getting a cold cloth and a lemon honey mint water. Go."

"Fang I'm...."

"Zai go!"

Suddenly feeling a bit weak Zai headed to the bedroom to lay down. Fang was by his side within a few moments pressing a drink in his hand and wringing out the wet cloth.

The night was long and the fever seemed to lessen for a while until it spiked all at once and Zai lapsed into unconsciousness. Fang wasted no time. Zai had resisted sickbay but there was no way that he wasn't going there now."



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