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Part I - Engineers, Doctors, and Shots Oh My

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 3:29pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD & Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor MD

857 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Sickbay | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current


Fang and Zai sat in the waiting room waiting to be called. Zai was as cool as cucumber but Fang sat fidgeting. He hated Starfleet medicals and doctors and shots! He would have delayed this more if Zai hadn't forced the issue. He was just about to find an excuse when the doctor came in. Since they both had their medical today he'd push Zai first, give him some more time to figure a way to not get the medical.

Another reluctant visitor. Suppressing a sigh, Dr McDonald watched as one of those waiting gave a far from subtle push to encourage the man next to him out of his seat. The man recovered quickly enough with no obvious harm done, yet that did nothing to appease the icy stare they both received.

A minor medical emergency earlier involving a hamster and a case of mistaken identity had created a small backlog, which was now down to just four people. After endless chasing, it has seemed like most of the crew had decided this was the perfect time to arrive for their overdue physicals and so for the first time the waiting area had been opened up to give them some place to, well, wait. He was inwardly pleased that his threats (namely to have security physically drag down anyone who hadn't reported in by tomorrow) had finally convinced the crew he was serious.

"Is it now a requirement to have a dislike of doctors to join Starfleet?" he demanded, his question obviously rhetorical. "Or has word of my bedside manner spread at warp speed?"

A young ensign in the far corner seemed ready to speak up, perhaps to say something nice, or perhaps to say something sarcastic. The doctor's icy stare silenced him in a heartbeat.

"It seems the lieutenant here," McDonald looked to the man still seated who had 'encouraged' his crewmate to come forward, before his gaze fell on Zai, "would like you to go first. Fortunately, I am not the only doctor on board so no need for either of you to wait."

As he spoke, Doctor O'Connor stepped around him. The two physicians hesitated a moment as they compared the medical files they were carrying before swapping them over with no discussion whatsoever. "Lieutenant Zai, if you'd follow me?" she began, stepping back and gesturing for the Capellan to follow her out of the room and into Sickbay.

"And Lieutenant Lee, with me," McDonald added, gesturing for the engineering officer to vacate his seat and follow him.

Lee looked panic stricken a moment. Zai on the other hand hid a smile. "That's a great idea. Two at once. A good and efficient way of doing things."

Fang stood behind Zai. "But isn't it more efficient if you two doctors work together on one patient and that way he's done faster..."

Zai shook his head and winced as Fang, who was behind him, reached out and clutched Zai's wrist with a death grip. "Doc I think I may have a broken wrist."

Fang let go. "Sorry...Sorry."

Zai shook his head. "My friend has a tiny fear of doctors. Getting, vented into but give him a shot and you've got a six foot baby."

Fang shot Zai a death glare. "I am the Chief Engineer I fear nothing!"

Again Zai let out an exasperated sign. "How about we use the same exam room. We are crewmates and friends I do not mind my medical information discussed in front of Lieutenant Lee."

"If it will allow us to conclude these medicals faster," McDonald decided, "we can adjust the privacy screen around two adjacent bio-beds. Assuming you are both comfortable in doing so. But I assure you this is entirely unnecessary. This is a routine medical exam, there is no danger whatsoever. Even to Chief Engineers."

"So you say," Fang muttered as they followed the doctors in to allow for the modification of the privacy screen. Fang's eyes darted around the room as Zai stood calmly.

Zai stepped up. "May I ask a question of you both, Doctor?" He addressed McDonald.

“You may ask,” McDonald consented, grateful that if she saw the query being addressed to him as a slight, Chloe didn’t voice it. Instead she seemed as curious as he was, only her interest was far easier to read.

"Which one of you two has more patience. I am assuming it is not you doctor McDonald you seem like the silent festering type slightly prone to throwing things." His empathic senses were never wrong but it was always polite to ask amongst humans.

Behind them O’Connor had to stifle a laugh, turning her back and paying far too much attention to organizing the equipment tray at the side of the biobed. She could feel the icy look that earned her but it did not phase her in the slightest.

Folding his arms across his chest, McDonald pursed his lips. “I have a busy sickbay, Lieutenant,” he pointed out, not adding the personal strain he was under. “Your point?”

To Be Continued...


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