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Peace offering

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 3:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

742 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Following Hidden Dangers

Adrianna Baciami had made a full recovery further to the leak onboard. She knew that she had an apology to make, especially after seeing the security footage. She was mortified. After having such great first impressions, the woman felt that all hopes of professionalism and respect had crumbled.

Baciami stepped into the medical bay and sought out the doctor. When she found him in his office she offered a lopsided, embarrassed smile, "buongiorno, doctor MacDonald. I'd say, good morning handsome, but I fear it may be too soon for those jokes."

Organising his medical textbooks, Dr McDonald peered over his shoulder and offered a rare welcoming smile. “Ah! Lieutenant, please, come on in. How is the head?”

"Substantially better, thank you," she smiled before putting a bottle.ofnher family branded grappa on his desk, "peace offering for... Well... I saw the security footage."

“Some would say that if anything,” McDonald reasoned as he turned the bottle over in his hands, “I should be flattered. What is this you’ve brought?”

"I admit, I am a fan of older men, but I was not in my right mind and for all I know-you're married or gay- the good.ones always are," Ade smiled, teasing a little, "as for that - it is a peaceful offering. That is grappa. My family make it. Consider it rocket fuel- it will either make you forget your problems or make you want to make new ones."

McDonald chuckled at her description, “well, where was this during my divorces?”

"Most people choose whiskey or vodka," she shrugged, "grappa is on a whole other level though." She paused, "divorced? Ah, excellent, I won't require a shot of courage to apologise to a scorned woman. If prefer to take on a 9ft beast of a Klingon in hand to hand that deal with a scorned woman."

“Oh I’m sure at least a few of them still have plenty of scorn,” McDonald assured her with a wry smile. “As for the Klingon… you know I dare say I’d pity any Klingon who got on your bad side!”

Adrianna relaxed more and chuckled, "I find myself starting to think that I am like a Klingon at times: I like a bit of violence, the idea of dying on battle sounds much more appealing than dying old and grey and I took am.svated of a harmless, furry creature that weight no more than a few pounds."

“In either eventuality I have the old and grey covered,” McDonald pointed out as he gestured to his head. “And haven seen the horrors of war, I think the peaceful end sounds quite lovely. Ideally on a beach in Samoa or some similar idyllic spot with no ex wives in sight.”

"Now that sounds like a good idea," Adrianna smiled, "well, as much as that kiss was- well heated, I won't make myself an ex wife. I warn you though- I have good genes. My mother is in her 70s and yet doesn't look a day over 25."

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he promised. “Now, I think in the spirit of fairness I shall keep this gift of yours until such times as you can share a glass or two with me. Drinking alone should only be done out of necessity- never by choice. And right now if I started I might never stop…”

"I'd say that it's a date, but honestly, I would be digging a whole further," she chuckled, standing up, "try and have a good day, doctor. If you ever need a drink-- let me know. I can promise you that I'm not a flirtatious drunk."

"In my younger days I most certainly was, it was how I ended up with wife number three," he confided. "Nevertheless, I look forward to sharing this with you when the time comes."

Adrianna grinned, "for the record-- age is just a number... As is your divorce count." She blew him a kiss and winked, although evidently teasing him as she got up to leave, "I'm sure that I will be seeing you soon Doctor."

"Indeed. Try not to get into too many brawls with Klingons," he added as she headed off, "I'd hate to start feeling sorry for them."

Adrianna chuckled as she left. She was grateful that he had been a good sport about what had happened when 'under the influence'. She had expected the Starfleet equivalent of an 'HR nightmare'.



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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Calliope Ito on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 6:22pm

I love the way that the characters interact. Great job to both writers!