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Engine Status Update

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 6:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Fang Lee

1,122 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis


Fang strolled onto the bridge of the Arcadia feeling somewhat excited about the new posting. Ito had asked for him personally and he was happy to oblige. She had saved his life several times over in the Klingon war and he was glad to work with her. As her Deputy it was not up to him to prepare the engines. She'd left on a mission to the Gorn system and he, while feeling anxious, was certain that she would do what had to be done, so he could at least make sure her modifications were done.

Sighing he headed to the Acting Captain's location and rang the chime.

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan was standing right there, the doors opening with a swift gliding to either side. "Lieutenant Lee," Kelly said meeting the man's arrival with a curios gaze. "Walk with me" he added. It was evident that this impromptu meeting that Lieutenant Lee had planned was being derailed by a busy and visibly concerned Acting Captain. Kelly was an expressive individual who hid little.

"I was about to summon you anyways, Lieutenant. So, if you are here to break my heart over engineering concerns, have some good news to soften the blow, and be ready to bring them online ahead of schedule" stated Kelly.

The Arcadia's First Officer had command of the starship, and his planned shakedown to quietly head towards the Cayuga's last known coordinates were shelved, but they'd be heading that way nonetheless. Kelly came to a student halt in the corridor near an intercom. Once he pressed a control on the interface a distinct sound in the same vein of a boatswain's whistle rang through ever deck.

"Now here this," he prefaced. "Senior staff to deck two conference room. All senior and acting department heads to the conference room on deck two. This is Acting Captain Kerrigan. "

He turned to Lee with a nod. "Yes, that includes you."

He gave a nod. "I am not in the habit of breaking hearts. Ito brought me here because I know how it goes. The engines will be ready to go online in the next fifteen minutes but I need all of those fifteen. Also...have some... good news and interesting news as Ito would put it."

"Fifteen once I brief everyone," Kelly replied and he would. He'd give the man those Fifteen minutes that he needed. "I'll take any good news that I can."

"The shuttle is okay. Ito set up a secondary signal that only a few people would understand. I got the signal a few minutes ago so I know the status. However the shuttle is fading fast and the signal indicates that someone on shuttle is injured."

"If you don't mind, I would l like to keep some of that information to ourselves for now. I want the crew to know enough to know the situation and urgency, but not plant any doubt or false hope."

"Understood. She's clever. She'll keep things where they need to be. This also sent a data stream. It will take time to fully get it but the closer we get the faster we get information. I'm not sure what it is yet but if she sent it it must be vital."

"Lieutenant Baciami would be beneficial assistance. I'm fine with looping her in afterwards and seeking her help. Her background in intelligence and position as Chief Communications Officer gives her a very high clearance level."

"Understood. Also there is something I should tell you...I found out when I got aboard and I have tried to catch you but your schedule has been busy."

Kelly gestured around "Being Acting Captain has its way of keeping one busy. I was going to ease Ito into being my Acting First Officer, but at the moment it's a one man show."

"Indeed. Have you met Fin Walker?"

"Yes, I asked them to come aboard. I needed someone to help get our lounges and everything up and running."

"Fin Walker, former Commander in Starfleet also Intel unit. They are here under Admiral's order to keep an eye on Ito a personal favour. I have worked with Walker during the Klingon war I was a member of the Starfleet Brothers of the Elements unit. Warrior guard Division Engineer. Walker told me that they have been called away and if precedents serves Ito will not be far behind."

"I don't like the fact Walker was here under false pretenses" Kelly said directly. "I would have asked them to leave now that I know why they were so willing to come aboard. I don't need moles aboard regardless of their reasoning or who they answer to."

Kelly did not comment on Ito. He didn't want to lose his Chief Engineer, but he was not overly fond with her prickly personality or tendency to make modifications outside of the safety lines, the boxes qualified engineers had put into place.

"Walker is a good person. They were there to mold Ito into a better officer more then anything but I can understand your concern. I am to work in the shadows so I try to be open about anything that will affect the ship and crew. As for Ito she can be trusted. I would gather that you seem like a person who follows rules. The modifications we've made to the Engines while not orthodox are well within regulations. I promise you Captain I would have declined to help her if I thought they would be dangerous."

"I appreciate that," Kelly replied. "I will use them if necessary, but never expect me to just use these modifications just because we have the ability to. I am a believer in finding improvements, but if starships roll out with those as the default setting, I will keep them as an ace up the sleeve."

"Understood. But we do have more speed, that is always helpful." There was a pause. "May I be frank Captain?"

'Yes, just don't get too used to addressing me as Captain." Kelly fully believed Rhoda was out there, and he was determined to bring his Captain back home safely.

Fang gave a nod. "For the moment you are Captain and I am Chief Engineer until our counterparts return. When they do proper ranking will return, I assure you but you are the Captain now and my leader. I will follow and obey."

Kelly nodded. "That is true. Now, what else did you want to add?"

He shook his head. "That is all for now. It will be an honour serving with you Sir."

Stepping into a lift, Kelly grabbed on. "Deck two" he said as the light illuminated. "I look forward to working together. "


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