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Final Conversation...

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 4:03pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Finley Walker

883 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Various | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current



“Lieutenant Lee, the…umm Chef is here to se you. They don’t have clearance so…”

He gave a nod. “Let Fin in. They were a Starfleet Commander.”

“Yes, sir.”

A few minutes later Fin, hands clasped behind their back, came walking in. “My, this is grand, isn’t it?”

Lee looked around. “By far the biggest Engineering room I have been in. Better laid out.”

Fin gave a nod. “Well, that’s Starfleet. We’re always improving.”

Lee turned to look at Fin. “I take it your rank reactivation came through?”

“Indeed. I’m going to head out. I thought I would say a final goodbye to you.”

Lee’s lip twitched to the side. “Final check in with the Pawn?”

Fin sighed. “Listen. You know I had nothing to do with things back then. I was around your age. I promised to ensure Starfleet paid you back for what happened and I will keep my word. I will find what I can about Xingtian and if he is alive I will bring him from Capella.”

Lee gave a nod. “Fine. Let’s walk I need to find out why Zai is late for shift.”

“Late? Isn’t he glued to you permanently?”


Fin held up their hands. “I give up. I’ll stop bugging him. I should say goodbye, lift his mood since he'll be tickled pink that I won't be around.”

“He’s only antagonistic towards you because you are towards him.”

Fin said nothing. Zai was a loose cannon and an extra string that he was not happy about but Fang trusted him and Fin wouldn’t say anything further. They would just do their research in private.

The two left engineering and headed towards the turbo lift. The two walked in silence until they entered the lift. It was Fin who spoke first. "May I ask you a personal question?"


The grunt acknowledgement made Fin smile. "Man of few words but many sounds. Seriously though will you never go to Capella?"

Lee's jaw clenched. "No. I have left Capella behind. My only link to the planet is my long hair, an acknowledgment of my heritage and that is all."

Fin gave a nod. "I have told the Admiral as much."

Lee stared at the changing deck panel. "He was not happy." It was not a question but a statement that Lee knew was true.

"You are no longer their pawn so yes, they are not happy. They have asked me to locate your fifth brother."

"You are free to do so, however, knowing him he will not agree to be their pawn either."

Fin sighed. "Maybe so but Starfleet needs good relations with Capella."

Before he could say anything the lift glided to a stop and the doors hissed open. Lee was the first one out striding through the hallways at a slow pace. "I will tell the Captain who you are."

Fin gave a nod. "I know. You always were a stickler for rules. I do ask you do it when I leave though and that you keep your background to yourself. Your safety is still at risk."

"I will tell him when you leave as for my safety since I have refused to go back to Capella things should settle down."

Fin said nothing. There was no use with Fang once he dug in. "Another question then?"


Fin smiled. "Why do you walk that way?"

Lee stopped and turned raising an eyebrow. "What way?"

"With your right hand folded behind your back."

Lee's head tipped to the side before he turned and continued walking. "It is something that was always done. It is comfortable and it is something was required in the palace. It was a way to show trust to the one you are walking beside."

"HHMMM. I noted that all Capella tribe kings and their families practice it."

"It is more common amongst the nobility of Capella. It is a lesson that becomes a habit that his difficult to rid oneself of."


Lee stopped again and looked over at Fin. "Why this question?"

Fin decided that now was not the time to bring this up but he eventually would. "Nothing. Just always wondered." They walked on.

"Fin, please do not antagonize Zai. He has been....not feeling himself as of late."

"Oh?" That brought Fin to attention.

"I have noticed that he always enters this mood at this time of year and is easily offended and easily upset. It lasts a week at most then goes away."

Fin again said nothing but cataloged it.

They stopped in front of the crew quarters that carried Zai's name. "Alright, I won't antagonize him."

Lee gave a nod and was about to press the button when a sound drew his attention. He looked towards the door. Zai's voice floated through the door. It was not a usual sound it was grunts of pain and panic.

Fin tensed. "What's that sound?"

Zai's shout carried through the door. "Run! You must run!" Followed by a pained shout so broken and so heartbreaking that both Fin and Lee were spurred to movement. Lee entered the code of Zai's quarters and rushed inside followed by Fin.

To Be Continued...


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