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Counselling a Commander Under Pressure

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

1,564 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: USS Arcadia | Deck 04 | Captain's Office
Timeline: Current

After taking in the Arcadia's bridge Lanna had marveled at the site that lay before her, to say it was an impressive ship was an understatement. She offered a polite smile and nod of her head to those busy working as she sought to locate the man in charge. She took the lift down to deck four headed through the corridor towards the Captain's Office. Pressing the chime she waited to be summoned inside.

"Looking for me, lieutenant?" came a voice behind her, over the woman's shoulder as he approached. Kelly had been for a bit of a stroll to clear his head and get some 'fresh air' at least as fresh it was aboard the starship. It was better than sitting in the office behind a desk just scrolling through personnel files and familiarizing himself with service records. He enjoyed people, but this was becoming a bit overwhelming.

As the doorway to the office opened, he gestured for her to enter. "Have a seat. Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea perhaps?" Kelly was used to being a welcoming face aboard a starship and getting to know the crew. The Arcadia was only his first time as First Officer, and with that? He had for the time being at least inherited command from the woman he was to be serving under.

The voice from behind her hadn’t come as a surprise, her Betazoid senses had picked up on the person approaching from behind. Following Kerrigan inside she nodded politely. “A fruit juice would be lovely, thank you Sir” Lanna smiled as she took the offered seat. “I’m Lanna Alexander, your new ships Counsellor.”

Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan proceeded to grab a glass from a cabinet and rummaged around for a juice. The Captain had a decent stock. This ought to do he thought as he poured Lanna a glass of Kaferian apple juice.

He sat the glass down and offered a smile welcoming the woman. "Counselor," he said echoing what she had stated. "Yes, Captain Morelli had mentioned she wanted to participate in the program. It is going to be interesting having a Ship's Counselor aboard for an extended duration."

Lanna nodded. “More so for me, I’ve never served aboard this class of starship before so it’s a whole new adventure for me.” She smiled warmly. “Having empathic senses, and telepathic ability comes in useful, but being raised around Human’s and other races I know how important it is to never read a mind without permission. I rely more on my empathic side anyway.”

Kelly nodded as he had heard from Rhoda a little about this woman. "I was told you were unique, a Betazoid?" He was able to get the name from the tip of his tongue. "I'm not all that familiar with your people, but I take that's not entirely foreign to you."

Lanna shook her head. “No, it’s not. We’re not that much different to Human’s really, our main differences are our mental abilities, and the fact that we’re a Matriarchal society. My grandmother is the current Matriarch.” She offered a wry smile. “As for my abilities, I use my empathic senses the most, I can feel and read emotions. It can be a double edged sword as it can be extremely overwhelming.”

He checked the numbers quickly with a glance. "We're anticipating to have the Arcadia crewed with approximately two hundred souls aboard, ourselves included. You stated you have not served on a Constitution class before, will that be a bit much for you, lieutenant?" It was a genuine concern for her health and wellbeing. "I don't want to push you too far past what you're able to handle" he admitted.

“I have served aboard starships before Sir” Lanna offered a smile. “I’ll admit the number of minds will be an adjustment, but if it’s needed I can always go to Sickbay. It’s something I try to avoid, there’s nothing worse for a telepath and empath than having your senses cut off. The best way I can explain it is like being in a room full of people, the voices are always there in the back of your mind, it’s a case of learning to keep them there by putting up mental shields to protect yourself. Being cut off from input is like being shut away in solitary confinement, it can quite literally drive you insane!”

"We surely cannot have our Counselor being brought to the brink of insanity, can we?" He chuckled at the thought of that. "Is there anything that helps you cope with all of that, a way to calm those voices?"

“I have learned some meditation techniques.” Lanna smiled. “But if it gets too bad then it’s a trip to medical to sort it out. Though that’s something that rarely happens. I normally manage to adjust before that becomes necessary.”

"If there's any accommodations that we can make, please let me know. I value having you aboard and would like to keep you with us for the full five year mission."

Lanna smiled the biggest smile yet. “I would like that very much Sir! As you'll find out I’m completely stubborn when it comes to giving in to anything. I will need time to adjust, but I won’t be allowing it to affect my duties.”

"Good," he responded kindly. "The crew will certainly benefit from your experience and availability. I'm glad that Captain Morelli opted to have a mental health provider aboard."

Lanna nodded. “Plus one whose able to read emotions, it’s a step up from the usual Counsellor.” She smiled warmly. “I’m not just here for that though, I’m also a sounding board, and advisor for you.”

"For the time being at least," he replied wrly. "Until the Captain returns. Then I'm sure you'll be providing her advice and such" he explained though the fear, worry, and concern washed over him. He was wondering if Lanna was sensing that from him.

Lanna was indeed sensing his emotions. “You’re worried, and concerned, and I sense your fear as well.” She offered an understanding gaze. “Put in your position most people would feel exactly what you’re feeling. It’s what you do with those feelings, and how you handle the situation that matters. I’m sure you wouldn’t be in command if Starfleet had any doubts about you.”

"Starfleet Command was comfortable with me here as First Officer underneath a Captain with a wealth of experience to teach me over the next few years" replied Kelly. "I don't have that right now. The Captain is... I'm not sure. Missing."

“Missing...” Lanna gave Kelly a curious look. “May I ask under what circumstances? I take it that we’ll be the ship assigned to investigate?”

"With an untested refit?" Kerrigan pursed his lips. "I wish. She was rendezvousing with the USS Cayuga on a trip to Parnassus Beta, and made the rendezvous point. Parnassus Beta was attacked which we believe was by the Gorn. The Cayuga was scheduled to be there around the time the attack occurred. We haven't heard anything since at least not that Starfleet Command has shared with me. They want us to do a shake down cruise, but I want to be out there."

Lanna nodded. “I guess I can understand, sending us out there with an untested ship and crew could be disastrous if things go wrong.” She paused. “I can also understand you wanting to be out there. It’s a catch-33 situation, damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”

"We are also too far out," stated Kelly. "By the time the docking clamps get removed and we leave port, that's several days of pushing the engines at high warp beyond safety standards to make it there, and even then by the time we arrive several starships will be there looking for survivors and assessing the situation. I'm still considering it though."

Lanna nodded. “Hopefully we’ll get some good news between now and then, if not it would definitely give the ship a good shakedown!” She smiled a wry smile.

"You have a valid point there, Counsellor," Kelly said. "I'm not sure any of us are ready to just sit around and twiddle our thumbs."

“On the other hand none of us want a court martial for disobeying orders either” Lanna offered a wry smile. “So...we’d need good excuses.” She couldn’t help but grin. “Not that I’m suggesting we disobey any orders Sir.”

"I didn't suspect you were," Kelly said with a small smile. "I think there's a way to be good officers, to follow orders, and still feel like we are doing something within the boundaries."

Lanna nodded. “Exactly Sir, in the meantime I’ll get on with psych evaluations for those who require them, as well as those who Starfleet require evaluations of.”

"Thank you, Counsellor. If you need anything at all, I am just a call away" Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan said as he got ready to leave the woman to her work.

“Thank you Sir” Lanna stood to leave. “It’s been nice talking to you.”

"And you as well, Counsellor" he said seeing her out. He appreciated Captain Morelli for having a counsellor aboard.


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