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Food, Ideas, & Deals

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 10:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Finley Walker

929 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Station| Restaurant


Fin wiped down the last table before opening. It had been done last night but needed doing again. The restaurant would take new ownership soon and Fin wanted it tip top. Of course it would be a mess after breakfast and lunch were complete but cleaning was as meditative as sitting like a pretzel with ones eyes closed.

Just as Fin headed towards the back the the door hissed open and a man in a Starfleet uniform came in. "Please have a seat at any table or feel free to sit at the bar. Can I start your morning with coffee?"

Kelly took a seat at the bar as it was always the best seating in an establishment in his mind at least. A Bartender or Barista always was someone worth befriending, and the patrons that were regulars at bars often divulged the most. He planted himself firmly at a central bar stool.

"I'll pass on the coffee, but I will take a hot tea preferably something black, and the strongest you got" he stated. "Milk first please, and two cubes of sugar" added Kelly.

Fin bowed and then turned to prepare the tea. Within minutes they placed mug by Kerrigan. They knew that this was their mark, Higgens had been clear. The Admiral had provided all that was needed to make this possible. Subterfuge was not desired but necessary according to the Admiral. "Would you like something to eat a cinnamon cake perhaps?"

"Not exactly my sort of treat" replied Kelly. "Cheese danish? Or anything of that nature would be more my pace." Those had become a bit of a weakness for him.

"Indeed. I have some freshly made." Fin hurried away and was back from the kitchen in a flash. "There you are. I added some Vulcan Spice that brings out the cheese flavour. Tell me what you think."

Kelly took a bite. "Enjoyable" he responded giving an initial assessment. "Though I'll never understand Vulcans. They have spices yet they rarely liven up their cuisine with it. There is no experimentation, no adventure."

"I agree that's why I started this fusion restaurant. I think that with all the Federation members the foods they bring can compliment one another. I have eaten many meals on a ship and I like to think that part of the reason I retired from the Fleet was the monumentally bad food."

"We have a fish place on my latest assignment" stated Kelly. "A Caitian operates it. It seems nice. I think you have a very logical perspective on the culinary scene."

Fin shrugged. "I try to. It's always been a dream. Now where I really want to be is back on a ship but preferably only cooking." They shrugged. "There is something to cooking for a crew that I always loved. Before I resigned i used to take the kitchen every now and then, it made people happy I enjoyed...observing that."

"So, I imagine that you are happy here on the station with this restaurant?" Kelly looked around. It wasn't a bad looking establishment.

"It is a fascinating place but I would like to be on a ship again. There is a certain beauty in sailing the stars and cooking for those that...don't appreciate Federation rations fake food."

Kelly thought about the empty space aboard the Arcadia, quarters, labs, and mess halls that had nothing to really offer. "There's opportunity awaiting you on Arcadia if you'd like, just pass me a proposal of what you'd like to do and we can verify your credentials."

Fin bowed their head. "It would be an honour. I can have something written up by end of day."

"Excellent," Kelly replied. "And your first assignment will be putting together a reception for my crew aboard the Arcadia. Our banquet hall will be a suitable venue, please confer with Ensign Karri, our Supply Officer."

Fin gave a bow. "That will be a worthy challenge. I will prepare a feast."

"Thank you," Kelly said with a pleasant tone. He would always make an effort to recognize the hard work and determination in all members of the crew no matter what rank they had or position they held. They all were important. They all contributed.

"I know that you'll be able to pull this off and so spectacularly."

"I will try. I must say I am...looking forward to joining your crew. It has been too long since I was able to cook for a crew."

Kelly nodded. "It will be liking riding a bicycle I suppose. Something you'll remember how to do once you start doing it again. If you need anything, we have a supply officer aboard that has a good habit of finding things."

"That is a rare treat. I will make use of them. Now, I do have a question. You said that you had a lounge...I do not wish to step on anyone's toes, as human's say. Will I not be doing that?"

"We do have a few lounges, mess halls, and Finney's which seems to specialize in fish" he said thinking about the Caitian that operated it. "It's a great place for drinks and sushi, but I have a feeling you have a menu in mind that will separate you two."

"Most excellent." Fin gave a nod. "Well then. I will promise to have my proposal on your desk as soon as possible and I thank you for the opportunity."

"Sounds great," said Kelly. "I'll leave you tothe planning and make quarters arrangements for you." Kelly would do so promptly.


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