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Shrinking from the Shrink

Posted on Fri Mar 8th, 2024 @ 1:44am by Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

1,129 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Current - Before the shuttle leaves


Calliope hurried to finish her meal before she was due in the shuttle bay to get to the Gorn communications array. She was starving by this point having sat through a medical exam and having made arrangement for her pets to be looked after. She felt the hunger but not quiet as badly as before so she'd eat a bit and then head to the shuttle.

She'd entered to a full room and had found the one table that was not occupied. Half way through the meal she was making record time. She hoped there were no more delays.

Walking in Lanna looked around, she’d been trying to find Lieutenant Ito for the last few minutes and was glad to have finally found her. She offered a polite smile as she walked across to her table. “Excuse me Lieutenant, Do you mind if I join you?”

Calliope looked up. "Um....okay. And you are?"

“I’m Lanna Alexander, the new Chief Counsellor.” Lanna smiled warmly. “I wanted to introduce myself ahead of time.”

Calliope stopped eating. "Oh.." She wiped her hands and held one out. "We're supposed to shake hands right?"

“It’s not a necessity but..” Lanna shook Calliope’s hand politely. “there’s no harm in it either. It’s nice to meet you. This isn’t an official meeting or anything so don’t worry.”

She sighed. "Honestly I was trying to avoid one. I had a good counselor on Earth...before that I hated counselors. now I feel like I’m cheating on her even though I'm not." She shrugged. "I'm...odd."

“Not at all” Lanna smiled as she sat down in one of the empty seats. “I can understand how you feel, when you’re used to talking to one Counsellor who knows you well, talking to someone else can feel a bit off.”

"Exactly." She said. She briefly wondered when it became easy to talk to counselors. "I guess we'll have to formally talk soon."

Lanna nodded. “It’s just a formality, it’s not anything to worry about. I’m not your usual Counsellor when it comes to my approach, I’m less formal than most. Right now I’m just happy to get to know you.”

"Are you sure? I'm...boring."

“No one is boring Lieutenant, actually do you mind if I call you by your first name? Saves the titles” Lanna smiled warmly.

"Um...sure. That works."

Lanna smiled. “Feel free to call me Lanna. So, how have you settled in? If there’s any problems feel free to let me know.”

"I haven't. Been in engineering getting ready for departure and getting things up to speed."

Lanna nodded. “Nothing wrong with that, but do try and take some time for yourself.” She offered a warm smile. “I make a point of getting myself settled in first.”

She shrugged. "Why? It's not really home, we're all here until we're not needed."

“Yes, but that could be anything from weeks, to years.” Lanna offered a smile. “Wherever I go becomes a home, and I don’t intend on moving around too much anymore. If you get on well here, then Starfleet may just see the sense in keeping you here.”

She shrugs. "Not to sound dramatic but the only place I felt like home was where I came from now. Japan. This....I don't know. I'm not a people person so ties and homes are not my thing. I have my engineering and my cats."

Lanna nodded. “Fair enough, you have cats? I love animals but they don’t always suit Betazoids, we tend to get lost in them, their free spirit nature.”

"Yes...they were not planned but I couldn't leave them. They have grown one me. If you wish I can introduce you some time." She paused. "I had heard that about Betazoids. But it's nice that you can at least tell if they are hungry or mad." She shrugged. "I usually have a hard time guessing...although they but are good at letting me know when they want treats."

Lanna grinned. “They won’t let you forget food that’s for sure! I’d love to meet them sometime.”

"After I get back from the...trip." She said not sure if the CO had confided in her about the Gorn.

“Away party duty by any chance?” Lanna gave Calliope a curious look. “You don’t need to give me details I’m not asking for any.”

She sighed and raked her hand down her face. "Yeah..." She shuddered thinking of the Gorn. "Unfortunately." She paused and looked at the woman. "I don't know you but...can I ask you for a favour?"

Lanna nodded. “Of course you can Calliope, what can I do for you?”

She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "My...cats. If I don't come back can you find good homes for them?"

Lanna was surprised by the request, but she nodded nonetheless. “You’ll come back, but if .. and it’s a big if ... you don’t, I’ll make sure your cats are found good homes.”

She gave a nod. "Thanks." She ate a little more of her food. "You're alright."

"Thanks!" Lanna smiled warmly. "I try my best to be a friend, not just a Counsellor."

She ate silently for a while. "I won't be here long...I'm only temporary but it's nice the ship has a counselor." She had no way of knowing that her days on the Sakura were over.

Lanna gave Calliope a curious look. "I didn't realize you were only here temporarily, it'll be a shame to see you go."

"The Sakura is my home." Her parting at the Sakura was almost like it was final but it was difficult for her to acknowledge that.

Lanna nodded. “You really made yourself a home there huh? I’ll admit I hate moving around, I’m hoping this will be the last move for the foreseeable future.”

"This is a good ship. I have always wanted to be on one. Big." She shrugged. "Change is frightening." She studied the woman. "What ship were you on before this?"

“The Standing Bear” Lanna smiled. “It was a good ship, I enjoyed serving there.”

"Interesting. I had a fellow tech in Engineering say he was from that ship." She sighed. "Well then. It was nice talking with you but it's time for me to go. I have a few more shuttle modifications that came to mind. I shall see you around counselor."

“You will indeed” Lanna nodded. “It’s been nice talking to you Calliope.”

"And you as well." She stood, bussed her tray and headed for the shuttle bay. There was a shuttle in need of last minute checks.



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