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Coffee and Chat

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 6:52pm by Lieutenant JG Zai & Jynx
Edited on on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 6:56pm

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Who The Hell Are You Cafe
Timeline: Current


It was early morning, there was nobody around but a few of those getting off last shift. Zai, however, was just about the start the shift. Having been called back from his forced leave. He and Fang were still on the outs and Zai was finding it hard to concentrate so Coffee would be some much needed relief. He hated the drink but Fang had gotten him hooked on it with all the different flavours.

He walked up to the counter, not seeing anyone for the moment. He called out. "Hello?"

“Welcome!” A bright sing-song voice called out as Jynx appeared as if out of nowhere, waving cheerfully, her eyes - currently a shade of mint green - bright. Indeed her entire head of hair was a pale green. “Who the hell are … oh, Thai, right? Welcome back. Needing some more chocolate?”

He smiled a little. "Zai is the name and perhaps. I actually require something strong with a sweet taste. What do you recommend?"

Holding up a finger for him to wait she disappeared, returning with a small tray with twelve tiny cups holding a mouthful of liquid at most. “I don’t actually drink coffee so maybe this will help? These ones,” she whispered before she pointed to the row furthest to his right, “are the sweetest. So work your way down till you find one you like.”

"Gods almighty 12 tiny cups make one monster cup. Okay let's try." He tried a few until he got to number four. "That one! I need a large of that one."

“Denobulan caramel vanilla expresso, coming right up,” pausing she studied him before adding, “double shot of expresso. It’ll wake you up Zai Thai.”

With that she winked and was then gone, whisking away the little tray and taking it through the back before she began preparing his drink. As she worked, she hummed along to the soft music playing, piped out by speakers by the entrance, dancing a little as she fetched a lid and used a pink glitter pen to write his name it while the machine behind her continued to work its magic.

He smiled, In many ways this little ball of energy reminded him of his own sister. Mayal was also know of forgetting names and twisting them in fun fashions so he didn't mind this. "So then Sprite. Why choose this work and for that matter why this ship?"

“Why not?” She countered playfully as sealed his cup and set it down on the counter. “Wait… Is there something wrong with the ship?” She whispered, eyes wide with concern. “Is that why you look tired Thai Chi?”

He sniggered. "Zai. No nothing wrong. I just like to hear people's stories."

“Then you should pick a table,” she said as she pushed his cup towards him, “you will hear lots of people’s stories.”

He laughed. "I do that sometimes, people watch. It's a failing of my tribe. We like to observe others. Like Betazoids we sense emotions and sometimes the best way to block out your own is by focusing on others' emotions." He studied her. "So are you a coffee lover?"

“Only when it pays me credits,” she shrugged, “I’ve been told I don’t need caffeine.”

He laughed. "No, I can see that. You're naturally cheerful. I know someone exactly like you."

“Lucky you,” she grinned, “more of me!”

He shook his head. "How are you getting used to the ship?"

“It’s pretty cool,” she grinned. “I have my own bunk and a little plant with these cute pink flowers. Very pretty. Most ships aren’t this nice or this big. Do you like it Chai?”

He smiled again shaking his head. "I do indeed. It's a very classy ship. It has its charm. If you like pink plants there is an entire section on the arboretum." He paused. "So where is home when you're not sailing the stars?"

“This is home,” she said, seeming confused.

He shook his head. "No I mean what part of the galaxy?" He pointed at himself. "I come from Capella and you?"

“Oh…” she replied, understanding dawning before she shrugged dismissively, “just around.”

He sensed that she didn't want to say so he let it go for now. "Well then. Just a heads up my department drinks a lot of coffee I don't as much we are going to be your best customers. If anyone gives you trouble you tell me and I'll straighten them out. Don't let them get away without settling their tab okay?"

“Don’t worry, Mr. Klein won’t let anyone away with even half a credit,” she confided in a whisper, fearing he would overhear. “Everyone has been super nice.”

"Now then a Coffee question, if I may."

“I can try,” she answered with a bright smile.

"So I have a friend who drinks those Gods awful Vulcan Plomeek Cafe things." He shuddered. "They taste awful and have the strength of turpentine but he loves them. Can you teach me to make them?"

“Well maybe,” she pondered, biting her lip and brow furrowed. “Do you have a recipe? And ingredients? And instructions?”

“If it isn’t on the menu, it isn’t happening,” Robert Klein announced as he appeared at Jynx’s side. “Is there a problem with the coffee, Lieutenant?”

"No problem." He studied the man.

“In that case,” he put his hands on Jynx’s shoulders and steered her to the opposite side of the counter, “we do have people waiting to order and there are tables to clear up.”

Jynx offered Zai a little wave as was ushered away. “Bye Zee Ti.”

He smiled at Jynx. "Thanks for the chat. It was like I got to speak with my little sister again. You two would get along well." He looked at Klein. "You should be less pushy." He grabbed his coffee and left.

Klein scowled while Jynx bit down on a giggle as she took the next order. “Welcome, who the hell are you and what would you like to order?”



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