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Resignation Letter [Part 4]

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 6:03pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Fang Lee

1,032 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Beta Tariss Moon
Timeline: ------PAST------


Adrianna took a moment to breathe, having set everything up to get them to safety. The general was using Comms, leaving Vance and her to speak. She grabbed a bottle of his favourite whiskey from under the captains chair and pulled two glasses from the side. She poured the glasses, before walking over to Vance. She handed him one of the glasses, silently.

"See, easy peasy." He tapped the console. "Payment received and we just take the General back, have dinner and blood wine with the Klingons and we're all set! We can officially retire!" He was tired though, that little exercise had take more out of him then he cared to admit.

Adrianna raised a brow, as if to say in a sarcastic manner 'seriously?'. She sipped the whiskey. Normally she was not a fan, but his choice in brand wasn't actually that bad. It was smokey and a little sweet, it burn the same as grappa. She stood close to him, remaining silent, her eyes going to the smears of stars and galaxies that they were going through whilst at warp.

The woman had managed to do some thinking whilst waiting for him. Not a lot, but enough to know that she had to be honest about her feeling. She wanted to go into Starfleet to help people and to go on new adventures, but the secret romanticist couldn't help but think that life was the biggest adventure. Ade knew it was wrong but aside from the jobs, he was actually a really great guy and she had fallen for him, as much as she wouldn't admit it to Starfleet.

Vance studied her. "What's going on in that mind of yours I can almost see the clouds forming." He sipped his whiskey.

Adrianna softly chuckled and shook her head, by-passing his question and returning to a more pressing matter. "Did you mean what you said, fidanzato mio?" She sipped her drink before placing it on a nearby surface. It was a new pet name. One she had not used for him before, but it felt right on her tongue. In that moment, she had made up her mind-- she just needed to tell him the truth, or face hiding from him for a lifetime.

"I always mean what I say...except to clients. Now what part are you referring to?"

She smiled, "the part that you said we needed to discuss when you got back-- when we were safe-- with a drink." She tapped her finger nails on his glass, making the amber liquid dance a little as a light ringing filled the air.

He sighed. "Well now..." He reached into a pocket and slid out a small box. "This is the other reason I didn't want anyone coming along. I've thought long and hard and your answer is in that box."

Adrianna raised a brow, taking the box. Breaking her gaze, she opened it. Her eyes widened, and she felt her heart pound out of her chest at what she saw. She was lost in what to say or do. If this was real, and she had no secrets, she would be jumping up and down and squealing in excitement, but reality was setting in and it made her feel sick.

Adrianna snapped the box shut, her expression unreadable, as her eyes flicked back to his, "are you serious? You've not even kissed me-- we're friends that flirt-- and I love you-- and--" Adrianna's demeanor was shattering, she was struggling between her heart and her head, trying desperately to say what she felt and to be honest with him, but honesty could mean losing him. The usually whitty and calm Adrianna had turned into a stuttering mess.

He grinned. "Is that an I love you Vance?"

"Vance," she whispered, struggling to speak, "Ti amo tanto, I love you-- so much. But-- you cannot love me. There's so much that you don't know."

"I know all I need to know. Love is more then a kiss. It's a recognition of a soul. You know on some worlds, even some cultures on Earth, believe that a person has one soul that is split in two. When you find that part of your soul that was taken from you it's called eternal love. I'd like to think I found that second part of my soul in you. We have a lifetime to get to know one another."

She struggled to maintain her eye contact. He was saying exactly how he felt-- and she felt exactly the same. Adrianna looked to the floor between them. She wanted to scream the truth to him, but knew it she did that one of three things would happen, and the odds were not in her favour, "Vance-- I love you, I do-- but-- there's so much that you don't know. You would hate me if you knew. I don't want you to hate me. I want to be with you. I want to run away and start a life with you. I want to be Mrs Adrianna Adam, instead of Adrianna Reggimi, even though the alliteration sounds stupid. I want-- Madonna-- Vance, I want all of that. But I cannot have that. It is not my destiny to be allowed that. In un'altra vita! In another life, gawd, I hope you find me, because my heart belongs to you."

He grinned. "We'll make it happen. I could never hate you...well maybe if you ate pineapple on pizza. I mean fruit and meat. Yuck."

"Firstly, whilst I appreciate the line of work you're in-- that is illegal, and if it isn't, it should be. Pineapple belongs in hell, not on a pizza," she chuckled, feeling her tension melt away a little. Her smile soon faded though as she looked back to his eyes, "Amore mio, I cannot lie to you any more, because I love you and that is very much real. You have been--"

"Hmm, you know-- you look very familiar," the Klingon General interrupted, pointing at Adrianna. It was like it was on the tip of his tongue, but he could quite place it, "I have seen your face before somewhere..."



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