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Resignation Letter [Part 5]

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 8:16pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Fang Lee

984 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Somewhere over the space nebula
Timeline: ---- Past -----


Adrianna pulled away from Vance, placing the small box back in his pocket from where he had retrieved It. She looked over to the general, and cocked her head to the side. She ran through everyone that she had met over the years, be it undercover or otherwise. In truth, she'd not met many Klingons. She could count how many on one hand.

She shook her head, "I'm sorry, if we have met before, I do not remember."

"I don't think we have met," The general replied, "but your face-- it looks so familiar."

Adrianna chuckled, "It's a little racist to say that all human women look the same, my friend, but I'm sure that it will come to you."

"What is your name?" He demanded, not letting it slide, but allowing an anger to seep into his curiosity, feeling played.

"Adrianna Reggimi," she replied simply, taking a step back, subtly holding her hand over the phaser hidden at the base of Vance's back.

"Reggimi... Reggimi... No, that's not right, I must be wrong. But you do remind me of someone-- famous family from Earth. You look like the women on the bottles of their drinks. The guards were drinking it-- I don't remember it's name, but it was weak stuff," he shook his head, "can I sleep somewhere. I know we do not rendezvous with my people until morning."

Vance stepped in. "I'm afraid you must have her confused with someone else. "You can take my quarters general. I just got a message from you ship. Party with lots of Blood wine when we meet so rest up."

Adrianna felt her heart stop for a moment, but all of her training kicked in and she shrugged, brushing It off with a joke, "I would imagine that most drinks from Earth are weak in comparison to Kronos." She gestured down the hall, "two doors down on the left." She watched him leave, cautiously watching him.

Once out of sight, her eyes went back to Vance, retracting her hand from his phaser. Adrianna sighed and whispered, "thank you. Now, where were we?" There was a nervousness in her voice.

"Listen don't rush anything. I get the sense you have to tell me something. When you are ready." He shrugged. "Now then, when we get to the whatever Gods awful ship name we're meeting i have a trick." He pulled out a small bottle. "Drink this before you start on the blood wine, it will neutralize any alcoholic affect. We have a few glasses and we're out of there, okay?" He sighed. "I dislike dealing with them but this was important."

Adrianna chuckled, "I'm Italian-- blood wine doesn't touch me anyway." She paused and put her hand on his cheek, pulling him close to her, "Baciami, Amore mio-- do you know what that means?"

"Hmmm Can't say that I do. Sounds familiar but honestly I don't keep up to date on Earth stuff. "Another job?"

"Well, Reggimi means hold me, Baciami-- Baci means kiss. So what do you think it means?" She stepped close, not leaving any room between them. Her eyes flicked from him lips to his eyes. She would tell him, but first she wanted to kiss him before reality meant that she'd never get a chance.

He smiled. "Ah well I think we could use both then. So is that a yes to the ring?"

"Si, it's a yes to everything, if you'll still have me after I tell you everything," she smiled, "so... Baciami?"

He laughed. "Sounds good to me!" He leaned down kissing her gently. He'd waited a life time for this woman. So this first kiss was a moment he wanted to savor."


Adrianna hadn't slept well. There was too much on her mind. She had concluded that she would leave Starfleet for him. She loved him, that's all that mattered in this life. She'd pulled enough intel from him for Starfleet to end a lot, and now that he was retiring -- he would not longer be an asset anyway. If he didn't forgive her-- then she would return to Starfleet, but change jobs. Her cover would be blown, so what choice did she have?

She sat, curled up in the captains chair, nursing a cup of coffee. Her language skills were better after a coffee, and she'd need them if they were to be conversing in Klingon and drinking this early in a morning. She watched the ship come into range, but they were still an hour off of being able to see it, on screen. Adrianna was lost in her own thoughts-- she didn't even hear anyone get up.

Vance had slept in one of the other rooms, having given the Klingon his. He poured himself a double coffee and smiled. "Good morning Sunshine. Ready for the party?"

Adrianna was pulled out of her thoughts by his voice. She turned her head and smiled at him, tapping her mug with her fingernail, showing that she was wearing the ring-- she'd stollen it out of his pocket whilst he slept. They'd known each other long enough to know that language was difficult before coffee, though she was almost done. "Buongiorno bello," Adrianna nodded, "si, I looking forward to be drunk at nine in morning."

He laughed. "Then you're the only one." He took waved a small bottle. "I took the magic don't get drunk potion this morning." He walked over and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. Vance was always awed by her. He smiled. "Finish your coffee. I'll let the Klingon's know we're ready and get the General up. I better unlock his door before he figures out I locked him in."

She closed her eyes at his gentle kiss, savouring the living nature that she feared that she would lose. She chuckled at his comment about the General, watching him leave.



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