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A...philosophical question and answer session

Posted on Sat Oct 5th, 2024 @ 3:41pm by Lieutenant Lanna Alexander & Lieutenant Fang Lee

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Main Engineering | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Backpost


Fang had been working himself to the bone. Zai, Ito, and the third had been out and so he'd picked up on extra tasks. He was sitting in the main area going over reports when one of his engineers interrupted him. "Um...Sir, Counselor Alexander is here to see you."

Fang looked up. "Oh...sure, send her my way"

The officer turned to go. "No wait! Take her to the Chief Engineer's office. I'll be there." He would take the opportunity to talk to her about Zai.

Once the message was relayed Lanna made her way to the C.E.O’s office, knowing Fang was aware she was on her way she didn’t bother to press the chime instead she entered with a warm smile. “Hello Fang.”

"Counselor. Welcome to Engineering. What brings you here? Although I must admit I would have come see you later anyway. Please have a seat, can I get you something to drink?"

“Oh, no thank you” Lanna smiled as she took a seat and made herself comfortable. “Actually I came to talk to you about Zai.” She gave him a curious look. “Has something happened between you?”

He got a water for himself and sat down. " not sure. What do you mean?"

“Well I visited Zai in Sickbay, and the first thing he asked me was whether I’d seen you anywhere.” She gave Fang a curious look.

"Yes, Ito and his monumentally stupid actions have consequences. I have been working to fill the hands down in Engineering and frankly the thoughts of what might have happened to them and how avoidable it was has me staying away. The urge to yell is strong and my anger is not what they need."

He sighed. "But, that said he's been off since your lunch. I don't know why and what happened but I need to know what's got him out of his mind. It wasn't a therapy session so I'm hoping you can shed light on that lunch and what happened."

“Ahh I see, lunch.” Lanna paused. “Let’s just say we had a...philosophical question and answer session, Zai asked and I answered as best as I could. Before you ask I can’t tell you what was said, that would be a monumental breakdown of trust. Zai and I have become friends, at least that’s what I’m hoping he sees it as.”

"He does, he's said as much but whatever that conversation is it shook him. I'm going to need you to help him in a professional manner because I need his head in the game." He sighed. "It's like he's panicking and frankly a mess. He's moody, temperamental, which is not unusual in itself but .... I don't know." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "While he doesn't tell me all things he does consult when things are weighing on him and frankly since his discussion with you he's not eaten properly, his lack of sleep is playing havoc with his system and his obsession with transferring Rogers...another issue we need to speak about, is reaching a crazy level."

He took a sip of water. "I mean she was about to hand me a data pad and he went full on loopy. He just about pushed her out of the way!" He looked at the Counselor. "I mean, fine you can't tell me but he needs help."

Lanna frowned. “That definitely doesn’t sound good, whatever he discovered during his questions at lunch was obviously more than he wanted, or needed, to know,” she sighed. “I will talk to him again.”

He sighed. "Thanks...I don't know what's happening with him. Frankly it might sound horrible with the work levels the added stress of worrying about him and Ito is not something I need."

He looked at her. "Now Rogers is another issue to talk about."

“Okay” Lanna nodded. “Tell me what’s going on.”

He sighed. "She's disrespectful towards Zai. She almost has this possessive jealousy towards me." What he saw in Rogers he didn't not see in Zai. "She's a great officer but Zai is my right hand in Engineering and frankly if it's a choice between the two of them I will transfer her. The other part is Zai is convinced that she has feelings for me, I in no way have encouraged her. In fact I've made myself clear that I have no interests in pursuing any relationships. If my mother can't get me to find a partner well Rogers is barking up the wrong tree. Perhaps you can speak with her."

“That I can most certainly can do” Lanna nodded. “I’ll call her to my office and I’ll get it sorted.”

He sighed. "Thanks. Now if you could only convince my mother to stop trying to set me up."

Lanna couldn’t help but laugh at that one. “Ohh I know that one! You should have seen my mother before I met and married Jarin!” She grinned. “That’s what mothers are for you know, to worry about you.”

"This one is obsessed. The good thing is that I'm more stubborn and frankly speaking I'm already spoken for."

Lanna’s heart sank at that one, she had a feeling there was more going on with Zai in regards Fang, and she didn’t want to see either get hurt.

He sighed. "Well then. I would say on priorities if you could help with Rogers it would be appreciated. Let me know if things don't go well and we'll go from there." He sighed and leaned back massaging the bridge of his nose. "It's been a long day." He paused. "How is Zai doing in sickbay? Has he stopped acting the child?"

“He was eating when I left, but I had to promise to talk to you first” Lanna smiled. “I’ll pop back and see him later. Aren’t you going back to see him?”

He sighed. "No. I'd be too temped to yell at him and Ito. Honestly they are like children. And...when I think that his actions could have resulted in his death...I." He cleared his throat. "It is difficult to remain calm."

Lanna nodded it was obvious that Fang cared for Zai. “Maybe you should tell him that, it might put his mind more at rest than you not visiting him at all. It matters to Zai what you think of him, even if you’re annoyed with him.”

He sighed. "Maybe." What he hadn't told her was that when he was done his duties the past few days he'd spent time outside of sickbay bugging the nurses about Zai's condition and swearing them to secrecy. He'd all but slept a few hours outside of sickbay.

“Just have a think on it okay?” Lanna offered a warm smile. “If you need any advice, or just a chat you know where to find me.”

He gave a nod. "Sounds good. And thanks again."

“Ohh one more thing, you said you were spoken for? I haven’t heard you mention it before.” Lanna gave him a curious look.

He sighed. "A long story. Perhaps another time?"

Lanna nodded. “By all means.”



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