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Part I - Nope! Not going there

Posted on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 3:05am by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Various | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current


Happy to be sprung Zai headed out of sickbay. He'd heard that Ito was gone and Fang was now Chief Engineer. All seemed right with the world. He'd made a pit stop at the mess hall, spoken with their Coms officer about Grappa and Engineering Hooch and had made a fun deal and now he needed to head to his quarters for a shower and change of cloths, to wash away the sickbay smell.

Entering his quarters his eye was drawn to a flashing light on the coms screen that was located on the small desk in his quarters. He raised an eyebrow. His people knew not to call him via Starfleet channels so this was something official. He sighed. "It can wait. Days in sickbay need a good scrubbing."

He stropped off his clothing as he headed towards the shower. Gratefully this ship was still in that new/old phase and some quarters were given sonic showers the new it thing and others water ones. Zai had opted for water and that meant smaller quarters but he was happy. He was very much an elemental and water was his thing. There was nothing quite so soothing as when cold or warm water hit your skin. It was this feeling of all the stresses, and thoughts being washed away.

For the first time in days he felt balanced and it was all thanks to his Vulcan Engineering buddy who popped by the other day and took him through a meditation. He would for sure join the classes in the rec center. He needed to have his mind cleared. When his thoughts tried to go to his lunch with the counselor he forced them away by focusing on the little pings of the water spray as it hit his skin and glided down his soar body leaving a trail of coolness with it.

He soaped himself with the mint and eucalyptus oil body wash that he was fond of. It was actually an item pilfered from Fang's collection. He shook his head. "Nope! Not going there." He washed his hair and then stepped out of the shower to towel off. Minutes later he was dressed and ready to take on the world...or rather that irritating flashing light.

He'd slipped into his jeans and left his shirt off draping the towel around his neck to catch the water drops. "Alright, computer, what have you got for me."

He logged into the terminal using his code and read through the various updates and engineering reports. He also read up on the formal appointment of Fang as Chief Engineer and smiled. "Well done you!" He grinned as his eyes landed on the next notice.

To: Lieutenant Junior Grade Zai
From: Chief Engineer's Office

Zai paused, his brow furrowing. That was odd. So formal. His heart began to race and he was grateful that he was sitting down as his legs suddenly felt weak. Something felt off about this. He took a steadying breath and then turned back to the screen.

To: Lieutenant Junior Grade Zai
From: Chief Engineer's Office

RE: Formal Discipline Action.

Lieutenant JG Zai, as per order of the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Lee Fang you are hereby suspended from Engineering for the remainder of the week. Upon your return further disciplinary actions will be discussed.

Please note that for your actions, reckless endangerment of a fellow Engineer and yourself a formal reprimand has been placed on your record and a probationary period will apply upon your return.

Probationary period is 90 days adjustable based on Chief Engineer's evaluation.

During your suspension you are prohibited from entering Engineering unless granted authorization by Lt. Lee.

-- End --

Zai expelled a sharp breath. His chest felt tight enough that he rubbed the area where his heart was vigorously. His legs felt numb and a cold like numbness seemed to be spreading through him.

Suddenly his whole body tensed as if ready to explode and he could feel himself grinding his teeth. A light blazed in front of his eye sand his normal lavender eyes turned a dark shake of purple. He surged to his feet. "LEE FANG!"

He didn't bother to put on a shirt he called for Fang's location knowing that if he was in Engineering there would be no getting in but happy hear that Fang was in his quarters. This would get settled now, one way or another. Simmering anger turned to rage as he got closer to Fang's quarters.

Zai didn't bother with a chime he entered Fang's code and walked in.

Fang had been getting ready for his shift when the door hissed open. His eyes widened as he took in the image of Zai barefoot and wearing nothing but Jeans and a towel draped over his shoulders. His wet hair was hanging loose down to the waist.

Fang had been getting ready for his shift when the door hissed open. His eyes widened as he took in the image of Zai barefoot and wearing nothing but Jeans and a towel draped over his shoulders. His wet hair hung half way down his back. His normally lavender eyes were deep shade of purple hinting at the simmering emotions brewing behind them. He knew that look and the rapid blinking brought Fang's attention to Zai's long eyelashes. He shook his head slightly and swallowed finding himself slightly speechless.

His eyes were next drawn to a tattoo that matched his own. One that he and his unit brothers had gotten during the Klingon War commemorating their special engineering warrior unit. Fang's eyes traced the tattoo located on Zai's left peck muscle; a large circle of vines and within it are four animals representing the elements around a yin yang symbol. There was a Dragon for Fire to the south; Dolphin for Water to the West; Eagle for the Air to the North; and Wolf for Earth to the East.

His body seemed to betray him as his attention shifted to his own rapid heartbeat. His body, that had been normal a second ago, was flooded with warmth. He could feel the hair on is arms rising and a mild fluttering in his chest.

His hands twitched as if they wanted to move of their own accord so he balled them into fists tearing his gaze away and turning towards the chair that held his uniform Jacket. He slipped it on taking a moment to get back the use of his speech muscle. "Zai, you're out of sickbay. What can I do..."

To Be Continued...


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