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Part of the Family

Posted on Sat Oct 5th, 2024 @ 12:26pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

1,137 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: USS Arcadia


Vice Admiral Chen Lee sat at his desk in his office. It had been twenty-four hours since his wife...decided to make that ridiculous call to Fang's ship. He shook his head and smiled. When would she figure out that it was a lost cause. Chen was amongst the few who knew about the one person who would always hold Fang's heart and he was doing his best to find that person.

Sighing again he put the call through to the Coms/Intel woman on the Arcadia. He almost felt sorry for her for having to deal with all three Lee family members but the way she'd handled his wife, who was on a call with the Lieutenant's mother, had been perfect. From that he knew that she could hold her own and be trusted, especially after Fang's call last night.

"Baciami," Ade answered the call with a sigh, expecting to see a mother or two, "oh, Admiral, I apologise for my tone. I wasn't expecting you on the other side of the call. What may I do for you?"

He smiled. "Don't worry about it. You've survived a call from my wife and her matchmaking you can take any tone you want. Thank you by the way, she's been so busy for the last..." He looked at his wrist watch. "Two hours talking to your mother she's forgotten half my office and our kids so that makes me very happy. I should pin a medal on you." He grinned. "In case it wasn't clear Lee Chen here. Call me Chen after you've survived the matchmaking battle field."

Ade chuckled, "She'll be plenty busy for a while, sir. My brothers are older than both your son and myself. So, I should think that it buys us both some time. There is no need to apologise. I understand first hand how mothers can be."

He smiled. "Yes they can be fascinating. My mother was, I'll admit, just as bad if not worse." He sighed. "Now that's one reason I called the other is a bit work related if you have a minute."

Adrianna nodded with a soft chuckle, "of course, go ahead, sir. How many I help?"

"Well. This has nothing to do with the ship but with Capella itself. As you know this is a planet wanted by both us and the Klingons. Starfleet is jus starting to make inroads into that planet and progress, hence why we are sending Ito and a few others there. As much as I want to say that this has nothing to do with my family it does. Fang is Capellan, not only that he's the son of a pretty important and disliked Capellan. And as important as he is to me he's also a little important to Capella."

"I understand," Adrianna nodded her understanding. Between work and family was always tough. "What is it you want from me?" She asked.

"Actually my son would vent me out an airlock if he knew I was asking this but...can you keep an eye out on him. There is also a random element. He has a friend that's been with him since... well the Academy. His name is Zai, we know him well but something has always about him. My wife hates him for the sole reason that he's foiled her matchmaking attempts every time. I like the kid," He rubbed the back of his neck much like Fang did when he's nervous. "But being in the business we are in I get that there is more to him then meets the eye. He's pretty much followed Fang since the Academy and...may I confide something in you?"

Adrianna nodded for him to continue whilst she was thinking.

"He's saved my son's life a lot. I feel bad for suspecting him but as much as his tribe is like the Betazoids in terms of empathy and healing there are too many questions. I am working with the Starfleet team, Fin Walker to be precise, to find information about Zai on Capella. He left a year before joining the Academy. I just want to know why he's so attached to Fang. And frankly Fang is very protective of him."

"I appreciate the concern but if there is no harm, why try and stir the pot?" Adrianna felt it was a valid question. At the end of the day, if it only had positive outcomes, surely nothing was wrong.

"I think that way too but again. Maybe it's the father in me." He shook his head. "Anyway Fin will find out who he is eventually, who is his family etc.. but maybe just keep an eye out and maybe talk with Zai find out if he really is Fang's friend? I guess I'm more asking as a concerned father."

"With all due respect, sir, this is a conversation that you need to have with your son. My duty of care is to this ship, not an individual. My days of that are gone, for my own sanity," Adrianna paused, realising that she may have overstepped with an admiral, "sir, I'll do what I can, but know my opinion and hesitation regarding this."

"How about this. Just keep an ear to the ground. If you feel something is off then call me. If not...well then it is what it is."

"That I can agree with," Adrianna conceded, "on one condition-- when your wife runs out of my brothers to match make, you drop me a message so that I may brace myself for being next."

He laughed. "Hm... that I can do. With the way your mother and my wife are going you'll be adopted into my family and my kids into yours in a few days. I have managed to distract them though. I convinced my wife to go to a spa in Paris for a week and take your mother with her. Delay tactics I have!"

"Be warned," Adrianna smirks, "my mother is the stereotype of Italian's. You may need to put your wife into a hospital to detox."

He laughed again. "Will keep it in mind. In the mean time you need anything I will always be available." He smiled. "As crazy as my wife can be I'm glad she's pulled this stunt now I can have two daughters!"

"Si... But I'm not a daughter you'll like-- my father will tell you that," she shook her head in amusement, "anyway, I'll talk again soon-- my new father has told me I need to gatekeep my new brother."

He laughed. "Sounds good. Take care." He gave a nod and smile and the call disconnected.

Ade ended the call at sat back in her seat with a groan. This ship and specific family would be the death of her.



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