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Underneath Their Scales

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 2:19am by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Lieutenant JG Nasir Patel

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: USS Arcadia | Conference Room


Standing near the table in the Arcadia's conference room, Kelly Kerrigan glanced up at the wide holographic projection screen that displayed a region of space that was color coded. Some space was marked in a shade of blue denoting Federation, some a deep crimson red for the Klingon Empire, and a third which could be stated was a reptilian yellow-green. There was not much more to be said as to who that belonged to.

"As you can see, Commander, those cold blooded eastwards are digging their claws into open space" said the tan skinned male with his knuckles pressed firmly down upon the surface of the table. "The Klingons aren't doing anything about it" he added.

Kelly brought a mug to his lips and savored a sip. "Which is why Fleet Admiral April has tapped us for this" stated Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan. He and Lieutenant Patel were waiting for Lieutenant Ito to arrive.

Calliope had been...mesmerized by the Engineering department. She'd spent the last three hours just walking about and viewing every switch and button and just making mental notes. It had been a most fascinating diversion. Her third summons for the meeting had come and she had let out a sigh that was probably heard into Klingon space. This meeting was interrupting her engineering time but Chief Engineer meant senior staff and that meant showing up. The promise of coffee helped. She walked into the room reading her Data PADD bumped into the table and gave a little huff. She side stepped and then almost as if on autopilot got some coffee and clumsily felt her way to a chair. "Well that would make more sense if it were connected inside J tube 3 not four." She huffed. "Honestly where was comment sense with ship designs." She looked suddenly aware of eyes on her.

Calliope raised an eyebrow. "Right...normal people say Hello." She sighed took a breath. "HELLO!" It came out louder then she'd wanted.

"Lieutenant Ito," Kelly said with a pleasant nod and gestured towards the other man. "This is
TAG Lieutenant Junior Grade Nasir Patel." He let the man take over from there.

Nasir walked over towards Calliope and extended his hand "Pleasure. I'm the Arcadia's tactical officer, and I was just going through Starfleet Command's latest star charts."

Kelly chimed in "There's concerns mounting with the Gorn. They have become quite ambitious with their territorial expansion."

Calliope hesitantly extended her hand and shook the Tactical officers hand. She wasn't good with physical contact but she was getting better at it. "Gorn," She said looking at Kelly. "How ambitious?"

"Have a gander" he said gesturing to the view screen. Kelly looked at Calliope. "They have Parnassus Beta and are claiming it as their own. They are now claiming more and more territory."

Nasir shook his head. "Damn reptile scum. Parnassus Beta was a peaceful world, it had nothing."

"Hmmm." She said studying the map. "I think that is the key. The worlds are peaceful they put up little resistance. Logic would dictate that Cestus III will be next."

Kelly nodded "Our thoughts as well. The Cestus system is currently a no man's land, we've charted the system and have surveyed some of the planets. From what our archeological teams have observed there are no active civilizations. The Federation has plans to construct an outpost on the third planet before Gorn lay claim."

She raised an eyebrow. "I see." She thought a moment. "May I ask a question?"

Kelly was caught off guard momentarily. He was used to Rhoda, his Captain. She had a very open floor policy. All ideas were good. All questions welcome. "Please," he said looking at Calliope. "You can always ask questions or share your thoughts openly especially behind closed doors."

"So...this land that the Gorn are going for...The Cestus System. It's a no man's land, we don't own it...other groups don't own it...what makes our claim any more valid than theirs?"

Nasir Patel interjected "Because we're the good guys and we aren't trying to eradicate species" the tactical officer quipped. "The Gorn just take and take. We can't afford that. They quite possibly killed every living soul on Parnassus Beta."

Commander Kerrigan shot Patel a look. A glare that he was overstepping. Kelly looked back at Calliope. "The lieutenant isn't exactly wrong albeit lacking diplomacy."

"Though nobody has claimed Cestus III yet, we need to. Our claim may be no more valid than theirs, but for the sake of the Quadrant, if not the galaxy itself, many would be better off with the Federation seizing it."

Calliope snorted. "My diplomatic credentials have been run over a time or two by a shuttle. Right so we both want it, neither of us has more say to it then the other so it's finders keepers. Got it."

"Precisely the point," Kelly said with an affirming nod and lifted his mug to his lips. A quick sip and onto further matters. "Cestus III is not our problem today though. It's an asteroid field nearby that we suspect was utilized for the attack on Parnassus Beta. We believe a Gorn communications array was placed on an asteroid."

Calliope gave a nod. She waited patiently for the commanders next words. The quicker this meeting was the quicker she could get back to her hobbit hole.

"This is where you matter" Nasir said. He was not one to mince words. He wasn't as diplomatic as Kelly.

Kelly would have to work with Nasir on his wording and approach. "Lieutenant Ito, we can't exactly go into the asteroid field with Arcadia, and blowing up the asteroids is only going to cause more issues and risks to planets let alone the weapons of a Federation starship would surely draw attention from the Gorn."

She gave a nod. "That makes sense. I've had some experience with Gorn tech, not a lot but enough to understand how to disable it without leaving a trace."

"And that's alright" added Kelly. "You can smash it with a rock if you feel so inclined. But getting to it will have to be by shuttlecraft. We know as soon as we deactivate it or destroy it that the Gorn will know, but we're hoping a more stealthy approach buys us time to escape without an armada of Gorn vessels catching us with our pants down and asses out."

"I see." She said. "I don't suppose I can train one of you to deactivate it?"

"And miss an excellent opportunity for a little field trip, Lieutenant?" Kelly smiled. "Besides, it will be a chance to show off your prowess and finesse."

She sighed. "I drive the shuttle."

Nasir crossed his arms. "Just don't crash into anything. I have no desire to die unheroically" stated the tactical officer. "I'll accompany you in case there's any trouble."

"I will only crash if you insist on talking to me. I fly a quiet shuttle."

"Fine by me, Lieutenant" Nasir quipped. He was glad she wasn't a talker. He could get some reading done. "I'll just sit back and sip tea while I judge your piloting skills...quietly of course."

"And I shall maintain my finger on the Eject button. In case you wish to talk."

Kelly was amused yet disturbed by the banter between the two. This mission pairing was either going to work surprisingly well or unsurprisingly awful. Only time would tell. "Right, enough of that. Way too much talking, not enough prepping. I want a shuttle prepped by morning. I'll see what information we can conjure up about Gorn communication technology."

"I do have a recommendation," Ito said.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" Kelly said looking at the woman.

"We should ensure the hull is able to produce electric shocks for any Gorn that may attempt to enter and use us as nests...I can also electrify the inside for any Gorn that breach the shuttle or any creature that complains about my piloting skills." she looked at Nasir.

Kelly nodded. "Make the adjustments, but try not to use it unless absolutely necessary. These lizards are resourceful and adaptive. I don't want to show all our cards."

She gave a nod. "Those words have been used to describe me too. Resourceful and Adaptive."

"Then you are the right engineer for this starship and mission." Kelly gestured towards the doorway.



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