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New arrivals

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 12:38pm by Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

~ Betazed, Not too long ago ~

With her honeymoon over, and a new life as Mrs Alexander beckoning Lanna smiled as she sat looking out over Janaran Falls. It was one of her all time favourite places, her son Jayce was cradled safely in her lap as she enjoyed her last few minutes before setting off.

“Sorry to interrupt Lieutenant” a voice came from behind her. “Your husband sends his apologies, it seems he’s going to be delayed.”

Lanna nodded. “Why am I not surprised? I knew I shouldn’t have insisted on sending Jarin to look around our medical facilities!” She carefully picked up Jayce and got to her feet. “I take it something came up that requires his expertise?”

“Afraid so ma’am“ The shuttle pilot nodded. “He said to tell you not to wait, and that he’d catch you up as soon as he could. He doesn’t want you to be delayed for your new assignment as well.”

Lanna sighed and nodded as she looked at the wedding ring on her finger as it sparkled in the light. “I suppose Jarin has a point” she nodded. “I just need to pick up our bags and we can go.” She just hoped Jarin would catch up soon.

~ USS Arcadia, Now ~

Walking into her quarters Lanna set her son down on the floor. The room wasn’t bad, in-fact it was pretty nice, right now the only thing she had to complain about was the headache she was starting to get. Being amongst so many unshielded minds, all yelling thoughts at her wasn’t a pleasant experience. It would take her time to adjust.

Checking her things had arrived ahead of her she set up Jayce’s playpen so he could safely play with some soft toys while she looked around, and organised what she needed. First things first she had to find her transfer orders for her new CO, just incase she needed to show them.

Hopefully Jarin would be with her soon, it was oddly strange being away from him so soon after their marriage, and she hated it! Pulling out a fresh uniform she quickly changed into it, putting her hair up in it's usual on duty style she headed back over to Jayce. "Right young man, now all we need to do is sort out where you'll be staying while mummy is at work." She certainly hoped there was a nursery onboard, if not she'd have to arrange a babysitter, and right now she didn't know anyone onboard.

~ A little while later ~

With Jayce safely being looked after for a few minutes, Lanna headed for the bridge. She was pretty new to this class of starship so learning her way around was going to be fun. Pulling up a deck plan she worked out her route to get there and headed to introduce herself to her new Commanding Officer, whom appeared to be one Lieutenant Commander Kerry Kerrigan, the ship's prior First Officer. No doubt she'd find out the reason behind that soon enough.


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