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Dropping Off A Child

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 8:14pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant JG Zai & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

1,383 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Counselling Office | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Just before ship launch


The door to the counselor's office rang. On the outside Fang stood beside Zai. They had talked and Zai had promised to behave but Fang wasn't so sure. They waited to be let inside.

Lanna had sensed the familiar presence of Fang outside her door, the other presence was more muted which could only mean that it was most likely Zai. She was up against another empath, capable of hiding his emotions from her. She offered a warm smile as she opened the door and greeted them. “I thought it was both of you, please come on in. Will the office be alright or would you prefer the arboretum or holodeck?”

"Ohhh I'm leaving. I just came to drop off my Deputy Engineer. Who has something to say."

Zai gave him a glare that could peal paint off walls.

Fang gave Zai a little shove. "Zai."

Zai gave a growl. "I should not have yelled at you."

Fang sighed. "The rest of it."

Zai stomped a foot on the floor. "I'm not..."


He sighed again and clenched his fists. Like a petulant child he said through gritted teeth, "I'm sorry."

Lanna nodded respectfully. “I know that was hard, thank you. Apology accepted Zai, please have a seat.” She motioned to the sofa or chairs it was Zai’s choice where he sat.

Zai gave one last glare at Fang and then marched over and sat down.

Fang shook his head. "He has promised to be on his best behavior. If not just call me."

Zai huffed, "I am not a child!"

"No, you are a brat." Fang called back, gave a respectful bow to the Counselor and headed out.

Lanna watched Fang go before taking a deep breath and walking across to her seat. “Okay Zai, how's about we start with a clean slate?”

He studied her a moment ensuring that his emotions were kept in check. His lavender eyes studying her. "I do not need counseling. I am only here as required for the duty roster."

Lanna nodded. “I’m afraid I disagree with that assessment. You’re doing a good job of keeping your emotions in check, but I sensed what you were feeling in the arboretum. A whole jumble of confused emotions, and an attitude that tells me you respect, and dare I say care, about Fang.”

He had been less guarded then. The woman was good in that she had picked up his confusion. Seeing Fang upset had caused emotions inside. There had been anger but he didn't know from what the fact that Fang was upset or something else. There had been worry and maybe a little satisfaction to see the man who was not usually phased by anything pushed to show emotions. He kept that inside but he couldn't help the worry that escaped him. He hadn't planned on this. "Fang and I have known one another since the Academy. He has... saved my life several times." All true but there was something hidden there too; things that he wasn't willing to examine.

She nodded. “Which in itself adds to your working and personal relationships. Tell me more about you Zai, I know you’re from Capella, tell me who you are, what do you like to do?”

The questions although simple took him off guard. Curiosity leaked from his mental shield as well as a suspicion. Why did she want to know? He'd been through Starfleet Counseling debriefs before so they were standard questions but his heckles were still up. He tried to relax his body, to think clearly. After a pause he decided to stick with true but minimal. "Not much to tell. I am from Capella, I grew up in a small village but my family was scattered all over the land belonging to the Eleventh Tribe. As for doing I am pretty boring. I work, I read, I swim, exercise. Nothing special." As he talked the safeness of the responses eased some of his tension.

Lanna nodded but she’d sensed the curiosity and the suspicion that leaked through. “I’m sure there’s more to you than that” she smiled warmly. “Tell me about your friendship with Fang.”

A spike of anger, sadness, and contradicting joy shot through Zai before he could cover it. He sat forward and looked down at the floor. It took him a moment, one that he gave himself to gather his thoughts. As of late things had been rough so he needed to get back his equilibrium. "Nothing much to tell. I met him shortly after I got into the Academy. He saved me from some bullies," the truth of course but not the whole truth. "We were the only Capellan's there so we became friends. We've pretty much been together on assignment the whole time."

Lanna nodded. “Your reaction in the arboretum was one of protection, you wanted to protect Fang from what you thought was someone doing him harm. To me that says you care for your friend, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Lanna paused for a moment. “Tell me, What makes you feel angry when you think of Fang?”

He sighed. "It has been a long time since I spoke with an Empath." Zai leaned back in his seat. "It has been a long time since I was amongst my tribe so my walls will need fortifying." He studied her for a moment. "As for your question that is a long story. By our world, Capella that is, Fang and I should not be friends. He is from the first tribe and I am from the eleventh. Perhaps some old mind sets are creeping in." He shrugged. "It is not easy to offer friendship when our two tribes are at war, I am guessing it is the same for him."

Lanna offered an understanding nod. “So you’re more or less expected to be enemies? Instead you’ve found common ground, it’s a shame your own people can’t do the same. You could both herald in an era of peace for your world.”

He smiled. "But it is a battle daily to maintain that friendship." This part was true enough. There was no falsity there. "Our people are a war like group always but the First and Eleventh tribe have a particular hatred for one another. I can honestly say that, having been there, having seen what the Tier of the first tribe has done to my home and is a struggle daily." He decided to give a little. It could not hurt his overall plan nor was it a secret to be exact. "It's the reason I fall into nightmares or night terrors, whatever they are called. Some memories are...difficult to forget."

Lanna nodded. “That’s understandable, just remember that I’m not the enemy and I’m always here if you’re struggling and you need to talk, or to vent. I’m used to people venting at me.” She grinned.

"I guess I do have to apologize for the arboretum. not know why I reacted so strongly."

Lanna gave Zai a curious look, he was definitely holding something back. “I think that you do, you’re holding back that much I can sense.” She paused. “You can trust me Zai, nothing you say will go any further than this room.”

"Let's just say I'm in a state of confusion. As for holding something back, as an Empath I firmly believe that we are all entitled to our secrets. A deal then." Zai crossed his arms over his chest. "You don't pry into mine and I will not pry into yours. As for this." He waved his hands around the room. "I promised my boss, the Acting Chief Engineer that I would attend somewhat regularly. I don't see a reason but it was his order and as a member of Starfleet you never disobey your superior, right?"

“Right” Lanna nodded. “As for secrets, you are entitled to your secrets just as anyone else is, but don’t presume to threaten me with prying into my mind.”

"Well I think that should be enough for today. What do you think counselor?"

“I think so” Lanna nodded. “I’ll see you again Zai.”



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