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A Favor to ask

Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Turbo Lift
Timeline: Just before ship launch


Fin's eye widened when the turbo lift doors opened. "Lieutenant Baciami, just the person that I was looking for."

Adrianna raised a brow, "sneak up on me like that again and you may never see again." She couldn't remain serious though and soon smiled, "you are?"

Fin gave a brief smile. "I am Finley Walker, the ship chef. Previous posting Commander in Starfleet but semi retired now." Fin looked at her. "I have read your file in detail and I require...your assistance."

"What could a chef want with me?" She chuckled softly, "access to my family grappa at a discounted price?" Her sarcasm was playful, but the woman nodded, "what can I do for you Chef Walker?"

"According to my contacts at Starfleet intel you have quite an ear for language. Do you by chance understand Capellan?"

"I'm rusty," she replied with a shrug, honestly, "what is it that you need translating?"

"Let's head to my office. I'll explain there. As Admiral Patterson used to say, the bulkheads have ears."

"For a mere chef, you are paranoid," she teased, but followed them nonetheless.

"Call it an old habit." Fin lead the way to the small office in the restaurant. Once inside they hit a button on the desk. "There, more private now." Fin reached into their desk and pulled out a PADD. "Admiral Rogers, Starfleet Intel got this. I...maybe resigning as chef to change my retirement status to go to Capella. I need to know what this says." They passed the Padd over.

Adrianna nodded, "I am sure that you will be missed if you decide to leave. I have heard nothing but good things about your hospitality."

The woman took the PaDD and read over it. She was silent a moment as her brain processed. "As I said, I am rusty. But I believe it says that the 100, sorry, 10 tribes are still at war with another. The tier is not the -- now the third prince of the first tribe- Child- son of Altori. Uhh then the prince of five... Fifth prince of the 10 plus 1- eleventh tribe- he cannot be found. The context strikes me as that prince having been lost for a period of time." She looked back to Fin, "I hope that makes a semblance of sense to you."

Fin leaned his elbow on the chair and their chin rested on their closed fist as they listened. Suddenly lookin old Fin sighed. "And that explains why my commission was reactivated." After a momentary pause Fin leaned back in the chair. "Ms. Baciami may I tell you a story?"

"Depends," she replied, "do you have a drink to match the tone of the story to drink whilst you're telling it?"

Fin gave a small smile. “Indeed. I think I may need one too. How about your home product?”

"Grappa?" She asked, "must be a sad story."

Fin walked over to the a cabinet and pulled out a bottle pouring two glasses. "How much do you know about Capella and the war there?"

"I have a working understanding, but it was far from my focus or assignment," Adrianna admitted with a shrug. She looked to the bottle, feeling a sense of home. She sipped her glass, unphased by the burn.

Fin took their seat again. They reached into their desk and produced a PaDD. "My credentials, should you wish to verify. Now as to the story. How does one start." Fin right hand stroked their chin. "Ah yes, Once upon a time there was a greedy Tier. He feared that his title of King of all tribes would be taken away. He didn't fear the warriors because they were loyal and he was the best of the best, he feared change, reform, intelligence. It was that greed that drove him and his sons to turn against a peaceful tribe of fortune tellers and empaths. It was this greed that drove Starfleet out. With me so far?"

Adrianna simply pushed the PaDD aside, not questioning credentials, for a story. The woman listened, whilst sipping her drink. She nodded, "yes. Please, go on."

"Starfleet, however, did not leave empty handed. They were sure take the seventh son of the tier with them. They knew if there was hope for peace it would rest with him and the fifth prince. Starfleet needed a pawn but that pawn refused to be one. In fact all he wanted was to be a Starfleet Engineer." Fin leaned in. "Even though he has no ambition to go back to Capella and the war still rages there are those who don't believe that he has as pure a heart as he does so he is ever in danger." He could she she was doing the math.

"You tell me this story because you have a concern that you feel I could assist," she half asked after a pensive pause, "or because you are stoic or knowledgeable of the truths and want to share a burden?" She sipped her drink again before adding, "my father used to say that unless you need the dog to move, let them lie."

Fin smiled. "Interesting saying. "I tell you this maybe for both those reasons, maybe because I want to impart the fact that it's important to always seek truth." Fin leaned back. "Shall we wade through my reasons?"

She nodded for them to continue, "I've still got half a glass," she mused.

Fin sighed. "I have three reasons. As you said, I did want to share this with someone who has worked in the same field as me. The second is a favour I wish to ask. And the third is a sense of helplessness."

Adrianna followed the conversation, "if you ask a favour of me, you will owe me a favour. If you've worked in my line of work, you understand -- basic courtesy and business." She sipped her drink, "go ahead."

"Absolutely. I have always payed back favours." Fin sipped from the glass. "Chief Engineer Fang Lee. I am not here now and chances are Lieutenant Ito will not be here much longer either. May I ask you to...keep an eye on him? He is a friend but also owed much by Starfleet for wrongs I cannot get into. He is loyal and forgiving and while a hell of an officer naïve in so many ways."

"I would be happy to, but I cannot make any promises of safety," she replied, "but yes, I'll do what I can, in short. From a distance only."

Fin gave a nod. "Thank you." They reached into the desk. "I can be contacted here anytime. If you ever need to reach me or need a favour don't hesitate."

Adrianna nodded and stood up. She finished her drink, placing the note in her pocket, "I'm not making any promises. But I'll do what I can."

"That's all I ask." Fin watched her as she left and sighed. They packed the rest of their gear feeling oddly sad that they were leaving. There was one final thing to get done and then they were free.



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