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Thank you and Goodbye

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 3:07pm by Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Lanna Alexander

1,770 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Various | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Days after rescue


Calliope had returned feeling shaken, to say the least. She didn't know what she'd felt. It had all been a jumble of emotions and her brother had called again. She had discovered, from the COMS officer, that he'd spoken with the CO. That was all she needed. Despite it all she had enough brain space to check on her cats and finding them well taken care of she set about preparing a traditional thank you gift for the counselor. It was nothing much, some sweets wrapped in a Furoshiki , a Japanese cloth used for wrapping food. She had always found the gift prep routine to be meditative and she'd done so again for the counselor.

She headed down the corridor to drop it off on her way to the briefing meeting with the CO. Perhaps the counselor should be invited to this as well. It was something. Her thoughts flew at a mile a minute and before she knew it, she found herself at the door. She chimed and waited to be let in.

Lanna was already sensing a whole jumble of emotions from whoever was outside the door, she smiled warmly as she opened it seeing Calliope standing outside. “Calliope, please come in.” She stood aside to let Calliope enter. “Feel free to take a seat.”

"I can't stay long I have a meeting with the CO." She held out the package to the counselor. "It's a gift." She said awkwardly, she found the preparation of gifts more calming then the gifting. She always felt awkward. "To say thanks for taking care of the cats."

Lanna gave Calliope a surprised look. “A gift! You didn’t have to...” she politely took the package. “Thank you so much!” She carefully opened it seeing the sweets inside. “Now you’re spoiling me! Besides I enjoyed looking after your cats.”

She inclined her head. "I'm glad that they were no trouble." She studied the counselor. "This ship is a lot to get used to." There was a long pause. "I am sorry I'm not good at small talk."

Lanna offered a warm smile. “Don’t worry about it.” She motioned for Calliope to sit down. “Grab a seat if you like.” She placed the gift down on the table and sat down. “Are you finding it difficult right now? As you said this ship is a lot to get used to.”

Ito debated going to see the CO was a must but it could wait. Her appointment wasn't for a half hour yet. She walked in and sat down slowly. "Well having gotten back from the shuttle's been a little bit overwhelming. I have to go back to medical for another post surgical consult, get my engines checked, all the glitch reports...I am...overwhelmed."

Lanna nodded. “Okay, first thing’s first relax and take a deep breath. I suggest you put what you have to do in order of priority. If there’s something desperate that needs doing then concentrate on that first. Don’t try to do it all at once, and if you need it ask for some help. You don’t have to do everything alone.”

"Ah well in that is the problem...or rather that should be in that lays...lies...the problem? Some saying like that." She scrunched her nose up as she tried to think of the right words.

“What kind of problem? Do you not have anyone else to help?” Lanna looked at Calliope curiously.

"No. Asking for help is not....a virtue I have and honestly Fang and Zai have done enough to the point of exhaustion. "

Lanna nodded. “Ahh I see. If you’re not comfortable with communicating with others face to face, then why not try via coms or even message? Orders are orders whichever way they’re given.” She offered a warm smile.

"It's not about the communicating orders. Orders I can give, especially when it comes to engines. I have learned in my life that others will never do things as they should be done and trust is not something that should be given but earned."

“Good point, just remember that they know their jobs, you have to trust people sometime you can’t do it all yourself.” Lanna offered warm smile. “If something isn’t done right then you have them do it again.”

She wanted to point out that in Engineering if something isn't done right it could be a very bad thing and that there may not be chance for fixing things but she kept it inside. She just gave a non committal grunt.

Ito stood. "Well I should get going. I need to debrief with the CO before heading to medical."

“Of course” Lanna smiled and nodded. “I’m sorry if my suggestion was a little impractical, I’m not an engineer.”

Ito studied the counselor. "Perhaps you should come as well."

“You think so?” Lanna grinned. “If I wouldn’t be getting under your feet, it’d be a learning curve for me.”

"Considering what I have to say about the Gorn may be interesting it would be good." She stood. "Shall we go?"

Lanna nodded and stood ready to go. “Sure, why not. Lead on.”

They walked silently for a while. When they were settled in the lift Ito sighed. "This is where we'd do small talk right?"

“Well we don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it” Lanna smiled warmly. “But we’re talking anyway so what’s the difference?”

She shrugged. "I'm not good with small talk. To paraphrase Vulcans I don't see the logic in there."

Lanna nodded. “Well it saves awkward silences, but then it’s not always necessary either.” She offered a smile. “I’ll admit it can be awkward trying to start a conversation with someone you don’t know, or who may not want to talk to you either.”

"It can be difficult to start a conversation with anyone," she said as they got off the lift and headed to the commander's office. They rang the chime.

Kelly Kerrigan stood from his desk and responded to the minor disruption. "Yes?" he called out in response. "One moment" he headed as he proceeded towards the doorway. When it slid open, Lieutenant Lanna Alexander and Lieutenant Calliope Ito were there. "Something that I may assist you with, ladies?"

Lanna offered a warm smile. “I hope you don’t mind me accompanying Lieutenant Ito Sir, she’s here with a report that I’d be interested in hearing.”

"Not at all," Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan said gesturing for the women to enter. "You're welcome to be read into whatever report she has."

Lanna nodded as she took her seat. “Thank you Sir.”

Ito sighed. "We managed to destroy the coms array but we ran into trouble, as you know. Before you rescued us I was able to ... download some Gorn information that maybe useful." She slid a PADD over to each of them. "Some of their data maybe useful to us understanding them better. I have examined some of the information and...while I'm not a fan I think that maybe we can use this to find some common grounds with them."

There was a pause. "I do have something else to say if that's alright."

"Go on," Kelly Kerrigan said wanting to know.

"I have been called to leave the ship. There will be a shuttle here in the next two hours and I am bound for Capella. I also want to give you my personal recommendation for Chief Engineer if you will allow it."

You were going to be my right hand. You were supposed to be my First Officer. What if I don't find the Captain? What if this all falls onto me. Who do I turn to? Kelly had a lot swirling around on his mind.

"And I can't stop this?" he replied questioningly. "I'm supposed to just let this happen. You come aboard, take a shuttle on a risky mission. You damn nearly get killed and I'm losing you."

She sighed. "Starfleet orders. They need an engineer on Capella. Fin Walker's commission was activated and they asked for me. It's been my dream to serve on a ship like this but...I can't stop this. I can only recommend that Fang Lee take my place. If you want someone you can trust as Chief Engineer I endorse him. He's an engineer, a warrior, and so much more. Plus in my absence I think he's proven he can more then run the department and somewhat better then I ever could."

Lanna sat listening to the discussion. “Is there someone else that could be recommended for the Capella position? It doesn’t have to be someone here. Either that or could we ferry you there, and get the job done quick?”

"No. Unfortunately there is nobody that is willing to go there. Having been friends with Fang and Zai, who are both from Capella, I know a lot about the history and I know about the tech. So I'm the best choice. And honestly if I may, I will disclose a secret. Fang Lee is a lot smarter then he lets on. He beat me every time in scores at the Academy yet he's humble and has refused promotion after promotion just to ensure he does what he loves, be an engineer. I like to try new thing and innovate and sometimes Starfleet doesn't alight to that but he can do the same thing within guidelines." She looked at Kerrigan. "You cannot tell me you were not put out by my modifications to the engines but I can assure you because Fang actioned them no Starfleet inspection would call them radical, he stayed within the guidelines."

She looked at Lanna next. "Thank you for all your help Counselor. I am sorry we didn't have more of a chance to chat."

“I’m just sorry to see you go Calliope, I wish you all the best.” Lanna smiled warmly.

She smiled. "Thank you counselor." She looked at Kerrigan. "With you permission sir I will prepare for the shuttle transfer."

"Under my sincerest damn protests," Kelly said crossing his arms. "Lieutenant. I do not want you leaving this ship. I do not want you leaving this crew, but orders are orders." He pursed his lips and let out a heavy sigh.

"Permission granted, but take care of yourself out there. If you need anything, ever need anything. We're here."

Ito gave a nod. With one last salute she headed out.



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