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Shuttle Away

Posted on Fri Apr 26th, 2024 @ 12:27am by Lieutenant Calliope Ito & Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant JG Nasir Patel

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Shuttle bay + Various - Space
Timeline: Current


Calliope entered the shuttle bay early. She'd been in there, in fact, an hour. All her modifications were checked and checked out. She'd contacted a few fellow Engineers, the ones she spoke to, and had some ideas with the Gorn Coms station.

Wiping the sweat off her brow she jumped down off the shuttle roof and took a moment to catch her breath. Her Cats were well taken care of by the Sakura CO, the shuttle would be back before both ships left the station, she hoped.

She looked up just as the doors opened and her CO and the Tact Officers walked in. She waited for them to catch up.

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan and Lieutenant Patel walked through the doorway with Nasir Patel taking lead though it was Kerrigan that spoke. "Lieutenant Ito," he said addressing the woman. "The coordinates have been sent to the shuttle's navigational systems. It's going to be the two of you on this."

He looked at Calliope. "I am sure the two of you will behave yourselves and get along" teased Kelly. "This is going to be pretty straightforward. Get there, disable it, and meet us at the extraction point. We'll rendezvous with you there."

Calliope snorted. "Gorn, nothing is simple." She sighed. "Reminds me." She walked across to a crate and pulled out two plush toy looking items but made of more substance. She handed each man one and took one for herself. She sighed. "I have modified the shuttle." She took several steps away from the men. "You may wish to step back. It's localized but attracted to tact people who speak on long rides."

"Run modifications through me in the future" state Kelly. He needed the crew to follow him, to trust him, and not go rogue. "You will need to be care on this one, both of you. We cannot alert Gorn to our presence."

Nasir nodded. "We are also going to be on our own" he reminded Calliope. "It's just us. No reinforcements are likely to arrive if we get ourselves into trouble."

"My modifications will get us out of trouble." She shrugged. "Gorn are not to be played with."

"I have no intentions on playing with those cold blooded beasts" Nasir replied. "Come. The sooner leave, the sooner we can return. Safely" he added. He had heard horror stories about the Gorn.

Kelly nodded. "Stay safe out there. If there's any indication of trouble, tuck tail and run. I don't want to lose two fine officers to the Gorn."

"I would suggest one thing before we go."

Kelly had no issue with people just speaking their mind so long as it wasn't something that berated him on front if crew. "Name it, Lieutenant" he said reassuringly. He wanted her to know that he fully meant that.

"We need to come up with plan in case we're captured. It's not fun to think of so..."

Nasir looked at her. "We don't get captured," said the tactical officer. "Self destruction should be activated. We won't let them get anything we have, especially us."

"Good. We're clear then." She said. She looked at Kelly. "Well then. We shall see you soon or not." She turned and headed into the shuttle.

Kelly looked at Nasir glaringly. "Don't even," he said crossing his arms. "Don't get captured, but remember to come back."

Nasir Patel nodded. "Yes, Sir. I will do what I can about that, but those overgrown iguanas may have different plans."

The Acting Captain shook his head. "Avoid the iguanas, Lieutenant. Outrun them if you have to. Don't engage unless necessary. Understood?"

"Crystal" replied Nasir. He began making his way aboard the shuttle.

Inside the shuttle she sat in the chair checking all the systems. Soon they would be on their way and she wasn't confident but wasn't concerned. She waited for her shuttle mate to join her.

"Commander Kerrigan said we need to run away from those giant alien iguanas if we encounter them. He doesn't want us to engage them, but I'm with you. I think we are on the same page of not getting captured?" Nasir would not allow that to happen if he could prevent it.

"One of the few things we can agree on." She studied him. She shrugged. "Let's get cracking." Her hands flew over the consoles. It took several moments for the pay to clear and for clearance to be granted for the shuttle to set out. This would be a rough one with half the battle being getting there.

Ito's studied the instruments. Someone in her position would be afraid of the Gorn and what things could happen but for her part she felt comforted in the fact that it would be what it would be.

As the shuttle lifted and headed out of the bay her eyes drifted to her partner. They would make an interesting team. "Well Mr. Patel. I heard a saying. Out of the belly of the beast and into the demon's ...well behind. So we're off. Good luck to us I guess."



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