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Hope for the best

Posted on Sat May 4th, 2024 @ 5:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD
Edited on on Sat Jun 22nd, 2024 @ 3:35pm

925 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Sickbay

A contemplative silence had fallen, punctuated as two whisky glasses were set down on the table before each one was filled to a respectable measure and then - after a moments thought - topped up further. Setting aside a bottle which was certain not to survive the night, Oscar handed over one glass to his companion before sinking into the chair behind his desk. He made no move to drink the delightful single malt, instead watching the patterns form as he gently moved the glass. Despite what many of his ex wives may have claimed at various points in time, he was capable of restraint now and again.

Across from him, Chloe O'Connor was digesting the news he had just shared and displayed none of his restraint as she raised the glass to her lips, tilted her head back and drained it with a somewhat troubling ease. Yet his only response was to gesture towards the bottle in a 'help yourself' gesture. Instead. she nursed the empty glass while her piercing blue eyes studied him intently. "I imagine retirement looks like a much better option right now?" she mused.

"Yes," he nodded, before sighing, "and no."

Leaning forward in his chair, he fixed his guest with an equally piercing look, "yes because I would be blissfully ignorant, as some might say. I would never have been told about what is going on out there, or the fact that so many of my family are in grave danger. Or worse..."

She tilted her had slightly, considering his words and smiling ruefully, "and no because Oscar McDonald does not like being in the dark?"

"Figuratively or literally," he agreed with a sign as he took a sip of his drink, pausing to update the log to show he was officially declaring himself off duty. The last thing he needed was some sort of misunderstanding to land him in the brig.

"I remember," she added quietly, reaching for the bottle.

He watched her, shaking his head after a moment. When she caught the gesture she paused, the bottle poised to dispense more liquid into the glass as she aimed a questioning look in his direction.

"I also remember holding a tiny infant in my hands, screaming down a cave and almost ending any chance of escape," he explained with a small, but decidedly fond smile. "Now that drink is a vintage single malt - you shouldn't drink it like it is a keg of beer on spring break."

"It is very good," she commended.

"You are supposed to savour it, young lady. Appreciate it. Years of patience and skill and nature all in that glass you hold. That deserves more than a few nanoseconds on your tastebuds."

In response she stuck her tongue out at him and for an instant his temper threatened to flare before he chuckled, shaking his head. While many things seemed wrong right now, this... this was exactly what he expected and perhaps needed. She laughed too, shaking her head as she poured her drink and then slid the bottle aside.

"Besides," she added with a mischievous grin, "do you even remember what spring break was like?"

"Vividly. It is how I met my first wife."

"Ah, the vampire," Chloe recalled, taking a more reserved sip this time. "She is heading up some neurology study at Cambridge the last I heard. In case you were wondering."

"I wasn't," he promised. "I figured the screams of children and chains of natural disasters would warn me if she were near. Or her mother's broomstick flying by the window."

"Do vampires need broomsticks?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Only Vivian was a vampire, her mother was the wicked witch," he corrected with a rueful chuckle, taking a drink herself. "At least my taste improved, if not my luck."

"As I recall that luck is what had you in the right place at the right time to rescue my mother, and by default me. So I think the universe balanced out. Found a way to get you to where you needed to be. Maybe, just maybe, it is doing the same again?"

"So have faith and hope for the best?"

"Something like that," she agreed, raising her glass, "and whatever comes, I've got your back. Anything you need, consider it done."

He raised his glass, "just like old times."

She touched her glass to his, "just like old times."

"Now, drink up then go get some sleep, in the morning I want you in here and ready for duty, Doctor," he told her as he emptied his own glass and climbed wearily to his feet. His hand lingered for a moment, debating on what to do with the bottle until it was slid to the other side of his desk. He huffed but nodded. It was for the best. "I think you'll get along well with Dr Alexander. I haven't felt the need to throw him out an airlock or throw any equipment at him."

"High praise indeed," she grinned.

"I'm going to do the same before someone realises I'm not at some ungodly reception. Like I need to be their friends to patch them up and send them out to have some -" His grumblings were cut off as the doors closed behind him, leaving the newest addition to the medical staff alone to savour the last of her drink as she gazed out at the currently empty medical bay.

So this was her new home from home.

This was going to be interesting.



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