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Secrets of the Past

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 11:15am by Lieutenant Lanna Alexander & Lieutenant Fang Lee

1,913 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Arboretum | USS Arcadia


This ship had one thing that Fang would never tire of. In the middle of an Arboretum there was a willow tree replica and though a replica it was the place that Fang preferred. He sat down now in front of it and lit a small candle that he'd brought with him. He bowed his head as if in prayer and muttered words in Capellan as he did often.

Lanna was taking some time to herself having finished a stressful counselling session that touched a little close to home, a young woman who was struggling to have children. As much as Lanna had a son, she wanted another baby but so far it didn’t seem to be happening. Walking around the Arboretum she was surprised to come upon Fang, not that she wanted to intrude on his private moment.

Fang kowtowed towards the tree and then placed a little sun amulet on the ground next to a wood box. He extinguished the candle and then replaced the amulet in the box. He'd sensed someone there, his instincts had told him but he followed his usual ritual to the T. Once the box was closed and he'd tidied the other items he turned. "Counselor Alexander. I didn't think anyone would be here at this hour."

“Ohh... sorry Fang, it wasn’t my intention to interrupt your private moment.” Lanna offered an apologetic glance. “I was just...” She paused. “Clearing my head.”

He stood up gathering the items. "Not a problem I was done anyway." He looked at her. "What requires mind clearing? Is everything okay?"

Lanna shrugged her shoulders. “It is, and it isn’t” she paused. “Long story short, Jarin and I are trying for another baby, and it’s taking time to happen. It’s probably just me worrying about nothing, but...” she sighed.

"Ah yes, you once mentioned that." He smiled. "When we were here before. When Zai came in and had his flip out." He stood and pointed towards the bench not far off. "Let's sit."

Lanna nodded and smiled heading towards the bench.

They walked over to the bench and sat down. "Keep in mind that the body is an interesting device. The slightest imbalance could cause it to tense up. Perhaps stress is something that is contributing to it. Have you been to the doctor to see if there is anything physically wrong?"

“I had my boarding medical and nothing was found, plus Jarin is a doctor so I’m sure he’d be the first to suggest it if he thought something was wrong.” Lanna paused. “You are right about stress and imbalance though, the job of a Counsellor is rarely stress free.”

He smiled. "Meditation with the Vulcans. I do it too all the time. One of my Engineers runs sessions a few times a month so try that." He looked down at the box in his hand and then placed it gently beside him on the bench. "The people of Zai's tribe used to have a saying. Not in our time but the gods will swirl the cooking pot when they see fit." He smiled. "In other words patience is a virtue."

Lanna nodded and looked at the box Fang had put on the seat. “Would I Be prying if I asked about your ceremony and box? I don’t want to appear rude.”

He smiled. "I did promise to tell you about this the last time we talked." He looked at the box and then lifted it gently opening it. Inside was a necklace that held a carved pendant that looked to be in the shape of a sun. It was carved in a deep purple stone. He smiled. "How are you on long stories?"

“I’m all ears!” Lanna smiled a wry smile. “I’m in for the long haul.”

"You know counselor...I haven't even told this story to my adopted family nor even to Zai. I guess I've kept it hidden for a long time. Maybe it's time for me to ... release it. Can I count on your confidence in the matter?"

“Total confidence” Lanna nodded. “What is said here will stay between us, that is a promise.”

He sighed. "Many years ago, when I was still young, about twelve. Things were...difficult at home. On Capella strength and war are the way. Those who want to be philosophers, thinkers, artists...they are not looked kindly upon. My family knew of my love for building things and my desire for peace and unity and didn't go over well. Things got so bad that I ran away from home. It appears that things were no different for Xingtian, a member of another tribe on Capella. He ran away from home." He smiled. "Great minds think alike I guess. Anyway Xingtian was eleven at the time. We somehow saved one another and we decided that since we ran away from home we'd live in one of the forests on Capella." He grinned, "children think they are invincible don't they"

Lanna nodded. “They do, but it rarely works out as children expect.”

"Well we made it two and a half years. We survived and thrived. Xingtian learned his mother was ill so he went back home and we agreed to meet again within a few days, I went for provisions." He sighed. "Xingtian was my friend, family, everything to me."

Fang looked up. "After a few days we met again. We were on our way back to the forest when war broke out. I was I think I was about 14 and Xingtian, he was 13. We got separated. Both taken home to our tribes. We swore we'd find a way to run away again."

Lanna nodded as she listened without interruption until Fang stopped talking. “It must have been difficult for both of you, especially being from different tribes.”

He smiled. "You know it wasn't. We were so similar and there was almost this feeling as if we'd known one another all our lives. Anyway we managed to get some time together. I got us tickets off Capella...I would do what Starfleet wanted if they got me and Xingtian off Capella. That was the deal. By the time we met again I was seventeen and Xingtian was 16. We had figured out that we loved one another very much. We were still very much exploring our feelings but we bound ourselves to one another promising that until we were sure of what we felt we would not enter any relationships."

A shadow darkened his face. "I was the only one who made it off Capella. Starfleet told me that Xingtian never made it in time and we had to shove off. I tried to get off the shuttle but...anyway now I learn that a Klingon agent posing as Starfleet tried to kill Xingtian that's why he never made it to the shuttle. All these years I have been looking for Xingtian and Starfleet, my adopted father knew what had happened but nobody told me. If Zai hadn't said what had happened to the prince of his tribe I would never have known." He shook his head. "This necklace was my promise to Xingtian. I carved the sun because he was my sunshine, a beautiful soul and the moon was mine. He said because I was dark and mysterious. We traded these tokens and I swore never to love anyone but Xingtian. Zai says Prince Xingtian died but... Lee Chen is convinced he's alive. I just don't know. But in a nutshell that is why I can never love anyone again. Not until I know if Xingtian is alive or not."

Lanna had a feeling there was more to Fang than met the eye, now it was confirmed. “The two of you were very wise to wait and explore your feelings, I am sorry that you don’t know what has happened to Xingtian.” She paused. She had a feeling there was more to Zai’s feelings than he let on, but if her gut feeling was right Zai would be extremely upset.

"Xingtian's birthday is coming up. I always do a remembrance ceremony. Our people believe that if two souls are meant to be they will feel the one thinking of the other on days like that. I don't know how true that is but...I hold the ceremony every year."

Lanna nodded. “It’s possible given the bond that lovers share, especially when you’re bonded to another person. The two of you weren’t bonded, but maybe if you were both looking up at the same star...” she offered a warm smile. “Miracles do happen.”

He shrugged. "Yeah. Honestly part of me wonders if Zai and I became friends because he reminds me of Xingtian. I mean they are different but same tribe, the same violet eyes and there are days I can pretend that Zai..." He shook his head. "That's just nonsense. They are very different. Xingtian was calm and loving and kind, he was the gentlest soul. He couldn't even hold a dagger to save himself." He smiled. "He was smart as a whistle and a born leader. I remember that he accidently stepped on a Cappellan slug and cried." He looked up. "He must have felt so betrayed when he thought I'd set the damned Starfleet officer to hurt him." Fang blinked rapidly. "Zai says that the people of his tribe say that Xingtian survived but died of a broken heart and honestly...I can see that and I feel...broken."

Lanna nodded her understanding. “Maybe you should sit down with Zai, be completely honest and see what happens? The longer you hold onto your secret the harder it will be in the long run to let Zai in.”

"There is no need to trouble him. We are friends my projection of another person onto him is not his problem, it is mine." He shrugged. "Besides you saw what happened with Rogers...we are still not on talking terms."

Lanna nodded. “It’s not a case of troubling Zai, it’s a case of being honest with him. A friendship built on secrets isn’t a good thing, I’m a firm believer that honesty is the best policy.” She smiled a warm smile.

"And what would he say? He knows I'm from the first tribe but the man that started a war against his people is my biological father. He would hate me and living with a secret is easier then being without my friend."

“Ohh that is a problem” Lanna paused. “This whole thing between the two of you is turning into a very complicated matter, the longer the truth is withheld the more likely it is that something disastrous will happen in the future. It would be so much better for Zai to hear that from you, even if it did upset him.” She sighed.

He smiled a little. "I will think about it. The relationship with me and Zai is very complicated. I know he has his own secrets. It's funny that we can be close without being honest, it is a weird feeling."

Lanna nodded. “I’d imagine it is my friend.”

"Well, I should get going. I'll leave the arboretum to you then. I have work and some things to think about."

Lanna nodded and smiled “I should be getting back anyway, I’ll see you later Fang.”



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