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Temporary Truce - Part I - The Truth

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 4:22pm by Lieutenant JG Zai

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Zai's Quarters | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Just before arrival at Starfbase


Zai had been curled up on the sofa just staring at the wall when the door chimed. He sighed not bothering to use his usually sensing ability. It wasn't Fang, he knew that, Fang would just come in.

He sat up and turned to the door. "Come in."

The door hissed open and the woman who'd caused a lot of trouble for him walked in. "Rogers! What the hell do you want?"

She held up both hands as if in surrender. "Easy, I'm here jus to talk. No insults, no jibes, nothing horrible. It's about Lieutenant Lee. I want to talk to you before I leave the ship."

Zai raised an eyebrow. He didn't sense any falsehood nor did he sense the usual animosity. Mostly she felt resignation and perhaps a hint of sadness and it's that sadness that he responded to.

"Oookay." He motioned to the small table with two chairs. "Sit. I'll get you some water." It was the most hospitable he was willing to be.

She gave a nod and headed over seating herself quietly.

Zai got two waters, one for himself and one for her. "Alright. Let's start with... you're leaving?"

"Yes. Lieutenant Lee transferred me out when we get to Starbase two."

"Lieutenant Lee not Fang?" Zai raised an eyebrow sensing a true shift in the woman. Part of him didn't believe it but the part that believed in people was keeping a small lamp of hope lit.

"Yes. Listen I was contacted by Mrs. Lee a while ago and she mentioned that her son was looking for a wife."

Zai snorted. "I'll bet."

"Anyway," Rogers continued. "She told me to go after him and to ignore you and any obstacles you put in my path."

Again Zai snorted. "I'll bet she did. She's never liked me."

Rogers studied him for a long moment before she looked down at her steepled hands. "You like him a lot. I gathered that."

"I do like him, yes. He's my friend."

Rogers looked up at him and pinned him with a look that would have made his own mother proud when he was sprouting nonsense. "Your Friend."

He sighed. "Cut me a break."

She said nothing for a long while. "Listen none of this justifies things. The truth is the Lieutenant didn't write that letter. His was gentler and I changed it to sound that way and I sent it when he wanted to meet with you and discuss things. I gathered that he wasn't actually going to go through with the suspension."

Fang sighed. "I know that. I know Lee Fang's writing. I guess that the stress and everything made me not see it then but I can on reflection. I said some things and he said things and lets just say we both need time."

She tilted her head. "I gather you said more asinine things then he?"

Zai's eyes narrowed. "I was just starting to like you a little. Don't say things like that."

She laughed. "But I'm right."

There was silence and then Zai said, "Yeah."

"Well, my advise is don't let things fester. Things like this can be a slow poison in a relationship. Any relationship. It's better to talk it out then just ignore it."

Zai raised an eyebrow. "You're giving me advice?"

She laughed. "I guess I am. Anyway. I just wanted to tell you all that."

Zai studied her. "You're disappointed that Lee Fang didn't return your feelings?"

She sighed as she sipped her water grateful for the coldness. "Yes, I am. But also I'm disappointed in myself. I let myself get carried away with all this and honestly not for me. My family would have loved Lieutenant Lee and then I perhaps wouldn't be a screw up with them."

That he could understand. "Yes, I know the feeling well. You cannot do anything right in their eyes and when you do something it's not your accomplishment but theirs for all the work they put into you."

She laughed. "On the nose Mr. Zai." She looked up. "By the way is Zai your first name or last name?"

"Just my name," Zai said. "On Capella it's one name. Just like Fang's name is Fang but Lee he took out of respect for the Lees who adopted him."

"I get that. Does Zai have any meaning to it?"

"On Capella it means little moon." He shrugged. "We are given one name at birth and then if you are not part of the Royal family you choose one when you come of age."

"So you choose this name?"

He smiled fondly as if remembering something long ago...

Many Years Ago on Capella.....

The moonlight was bright tonight. The orb of light seemed bigger and brighter then any other and it was right, the Festival of Hosts was tonight. A night when the souls of the dead visited family to bless them and those left in this world honoured those gone before.

Fifth Prince Xingtian of the eleventh tribe sat on the cliff dangling his legs over and watching the moon. His mind was on his family, did they miss him? He'd been gone a year now, living in the forest with an unlikely ally Ainar of Capella Seventh Prince of the first tribe. The son of the mighty Tier and the person who was fast becoming as necessary as air to Xingtian.

"I thought I would find you here Little Moon."

Xingtian didn't turn around. He just smiled. "I thought I was the sun."

Ainar laughed. "You're both. Sunshine and moonlight but I say Little Moon because you are my light in the darkness." Ainar sat down beside Xingtian who gently laid his head on Ainar's shoulder.

"I like that name."

Ainar smiled and pressed his cheek to the head on his shoulder. "Then that is your name. Little Moon."

He snapped back to reality with a jolt. "No," he said as he sipped his water and took a moment. "I did not choose that name. It was chosen for me a long time ago on Capella. It's one that reminds me how bitter and sweet the clouds of life can be."

Before she could respond the door chimed. Both looked up at the same time.

To Be Continued...


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