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The Puck Will be Joining Us

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 9:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant Fang Lee
Edited on on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 10:27pm

1,176 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Captain's Quarters | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Fang Lee had wanted the opportunity to prove himself capable of stepping up and taking the role of First Officer of the Arcadia, Kelly's right hand in command. There was perhaps no better proving ground than handing out an assignment to test the patience and stamina of his candidate for First Officer than the task contained on the data tablet Kelly was looking at. Of course they would he thought to himself, skimming through the report that read like a Starfleet Intelligence report. Far from it however. Nevertheless, Kelly had asked for Fang to come to his quarters to discuss the position that Fang had wanted. Kelly remained seated on the sofa when the door chimed. "Impeccable timing" he muttered to himself and pulled himself up off the small sofa to meet Fang at the threshold.

"Perfect timing, Lieutenant. I was just brushing up on some assignment details," he said gesturing for Fang to come in. "You'll probably want to make yourself at home, Fang. Grab something to drink and have a seat on the sofa" instructed Kelly. "We have to discuss what our plans are going forward now that Starfleet Command is moving forward with declaring Captain Morelli as Missing in Action, and letting command of the Arcadia fall onto my shoulders for the foreseeable future."

Fang gave a slight bow. "To start, sir. I am sorry about Captain Morelli. I know you were quite concerned and I cannot imagine what you must be feeling."

"Lost," replied Kerrigan. "As much as I wanted to hear news that she was found safe, I would have accepted news that they recovered her. I find myself more taken aback by the uncertainty. She's still missing."

He paused to think about the Chief Medical Officer. "She was married to Doctor McDonald at one point. They're divorced, but I cannot even fathom what he's going through."

"I will check on the doctor. I can more relate to what he must feel." He paused. "As for lost, I can understand that. A chapter with an open ended ending is never easy. The key is to go on and keep things going while never loosing hope that we will find her. Loss of hope is the real enemy." He took the CO's suggestion and got a drink. "Can I get you a drink?"

Kelly nodded. "Coffee, hot with two cubes of sugar and whipped cream on top" the young Lieutenant Commander stated his order as he fetched a bottle of whiskey from a liquor cabinet. He did not feel the need to explain his logic to Fang.

Fang got both coffee drinks and settled on the sofa. He said nothing about the whiskey. "If you wish something a little more potent may I suggest the Engine room Hooch that my Engineers are producing and that I am ... turning a slight blind eye to."

Kelly chuckled at the home brewing operation. "Engineering hooch is a little too brazen for me. I'll stick to a little splash of Irish whiskey. I don't mind your engineers partaking off duty, just make sure they don't report for their shifts boozed up."

"Oh they won't. Personally I think Engineering hooch is a Starfleet tradition. I'm hoping ours wins first prize at the next Starfleet Engineering Convention."

"Well, you may need a bottle or two" prefaced Kerrigan. "I have avoided small assignment for you while the Arcadia is in port at Starbase 2."

He looked up after his sip of coffee. "Oh? What is the assignment."

"There's a VIP passenger waiting to be picked up in the ArcturIan system, planet Q. If you've never been, I hope you enjoy the theatre. It is a very theatrical world. You and Doctor McDonald need to take a shuttle and attend the performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Kelly fixed his Irish coffee together and took a sip. "The Puck will be joining us. He's behind on a few inoculations for deep space travel, Doctor McDonald will be sent his records and know what to bring."

"I see. Theatrical is not by strong suite but I have been friends with Zai a lot time so I am well prepared for theatrics." He smiled. "I won't drop the puck, I do promise."

"Please and thank you" replied Kelly. He sighed. The headaches that were to come. "Whatever you do, Fang, don't let him out of your sight. The part of Puck is more than just a role, it's practically a moniker for him."

Kelly reached over to hand the tablet to Fang. "Calum Kerrigan, age eleven. My brother. He's been living with our aunt and uncle on Planet Q, but he's been too much of a handful for them."

Fang smiled. "You must not worry. I promise to bring your brother back safely." He chuckled. "As far as handful don't worry. He's at the age where that is normal. We'll bring him back here and I am sure he will integrate well. Perhaps we can find him some responsibility here on the ship. If you tell me about him a little I can find something for him to help with while getting an education. We do have a teacher here but perhaps he can help with some ship tasks. Responsibility makes us grow."

"I'm sure Federation labor laws won't permit me to utilize him as my Yeoman," teased Kelly. "Though something to keep him busy would be good. I know from experience what he is capable of when he's board and has too much idle time."

He smiled. "You can count on me and the doc sir. I'll start prepping Engineering. Zai will take over. You should meet with him, him being my right hand down in Engineering he'll be of great help to you when I need to step away like this."

Kelly nodded. "The play is tomorrow evening at 16:00 hours. I imagine you'll be heading back to the Arcadia by 22:00. Planet Q is not far from the starbase, it will be a relatively quick trip."

He gave a nod. "Indeed. So does that make things official? Is this my official XO test?" He smiled a little.

"Let's see how you do" stated Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan. "I filed everything that Starfleet needs. I will need them to approve it, but I put in a good word."

He gave a nod. "Thank you sir. Coincidentally if I get it my mother might call you to thank you. That's a head's up to not pick up. Our Coms officer did and well...she's now my adopted sister." He grinned.

"Noted" stated Kelly. "Safe travels, Fang."

He gave a bit of a bow. "Indeed. See you at the shuttle launch. I will leave you with Zai to take you through the new upgrades in Engineering. I will make sure he behaves himself."

"Which one?" Kelly smiled playfully. He knew the cantankerous physician could also be a problem at times.

He laughed. "Everyone I guess." He shrugged. "Until later then." With that he left to complete the tasks that needed doing.



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