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Meddling Mothers and Marriage

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 7:16pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

1,484 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Baciami's Office |USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current


Ren Lee sat staring at the screen. She looked around as of not wanting to get caught and to be honest if she had gotten caught her husband would be none too pleased that she was using his private channel to run some recognizance on her son. He very much believed the boy should live his own life but he was her son.

Determination took over and she used the intel code she's slyly swiped from her husband. She entered Adrianna Baciami's call code and sent a request for video chat.

Always one for being tidy Ren checked her reflection in the dark screen. Not a gray black hair out of place. Her almond shaped eyes were perfectly outlined with the deep green liner she was fond of and just a touch of lipstick since makeup had never been her thing. She smiled as she waited for the call to connect.

Adrianna looked up from a PaDD she was reading, and frowned. The name rang a bell, but she couldn't quite place it. Answering It in her office, in case it was a contact, she smiled, "Baciami, speaking."

"Ahhhh Ms. Baciami! Just the person I was seeking. My name is Lee Ren. I'm the wife of Vice-Admiral Lee Chen and mother to your very handsome and available Lieutenant Lee Fang."

Adrianna nodded, "what can I do for you, Ms Ren?" Adrianna held one hell of a poker face when she heard the comment about her son.

"Just Ren dear." She grinned. "Now then my husband is the Starfleet intel officer but I need some help with some intel myself. First off I was looking over some of your crew profiles, the benefits of being on contract to Starfleet in the HR position and my! Your picture doesn't do you justice. You are quite lovely. You're not single by chance are you dear?"

Adrianna raised a brow before flatly asking, "so, you commandeered your husband's intel to try and find your son a date?"

"Well...Uh... when you put it that way dear it sounds so...meddlesome. No no. I commandeered it to get some intel from you...on my son...who never calls his mother and is very single and handsome by the way."

Ade muttered something in Italian shaking her head in amusement. "You sound like my mother-- if she was more tech savvy, I could see her doing this," Adrianna couldn't help but chuckle, "would you like for me to tell him to call you?"

"Ohh no I'd rather keep this little chat between us. He thinks I meddle too much but you can subtly remind him to call his mother! Oh!" Ren's eyes widened. "If you are not interested in my son keeping an eye out for any suitable candidates would be so much appreciated! Just send their bio to me and I will do the rest!"

"My mother's name is Tanina Baciami," Adrianna replied, "I have 8 brothers, of which only two are married -- she could use your help. When you speak to her, tell her you spoke to me and that I'll call her soon." Adrianna couldn't help but genuinely chuckle at the situation, "I'll see what I can do about your son."

"Oh! You are a peach! I'll look your mom up!" She smiled warmly. "And tell her she has an amazing daughter! Again keep my son in mind. He's a good boy and I," she gestured to herself, "would make a grand mother in law!"

A sound in the background rumbled through the room like a door hissing open. "Ren! What are you doing in my office?"

"Ohh. Nuts!" She muttered. "Busted!" Nothing honey, just dusting!"

There was another sound. "Who are you talking to?" The man's voice seemed to be hovering just out of sighed. "And where is your duster."

"Ohh you know me! Hands push dust a lot better." She stood and gestured wildly then looked at the screen and leaned down. "You're an angel we'll talk again! I'll look up your mom then. Safe travels dear!" She disconnected the call.

"Thanks," she smiled.

Just then her door chimed. Fang had been on his way, unaware that his mother had just talked to the very person he was here to see.

Ade looked over to her office door and allowed entry. Seeing it was Fang she offered an amused shake of her head. Such timing, perhaps foresight. "Just the man I was about to go find," she stood up, politely and gestured to the seat in front of her desk.

"Oh?" He shook his head looking tired and worn. "No, let me go first. I know your shift is almost over and I apologize but Starfleet needs these engineering schematics sent Engineering HQ, some of the upgrades that Ito did when she took over. Normally there is no problem but because they are...prototype upgrades they need to go secure and honestly I'm exhausted and afraid I'll send them wrong. May I trouble you to send them for me scrambled and secure?"

He dropped into the chair in front of her desk like a lead weight and then looked up.

Adrianna nodded. She knew the process well.

" you said you were looking for me?"

"Yes, you had impeccable timing," she replied, "whilst I'm sending those out, can I get a set of eyes on the following transcript." She tapped her PaDD a few times before handing it over to him, showing the transcript of the call she had just had with his mother, "your eyes only, if you don't mind."

"Of course." He took the PaDD reviewing the content and becoming more pale with every moment that passed. He turned off the PaDD and pressed his lips together a moment collecting his thoughts. He tried to push the emotions down and react calmly but there were signs of stress. "Lieutenant I'm deeply mother is...on a mission and has been since I graduated the Academy but this..."

"Our mother's are the same," Ade waved him off, "there's nothing to apologise for. You saw that call. I gave her nothing. Equally, I never spoke to you about it. What you read is something else." She sighed, "she'll be busy for a while if she does contact my mother. 6 of 8 brothers needing help more than you or I."

He laughed. "For that I owe you big. Have no doubt she will contact your mother. Lee Ren is a fierce matchmaker. My father takes a shuttle daily to the San Fran HQ of Starfleet because he knows my mother won't go there. She's tried to match up his co workers when he was working in our home city. She's matched up everyone at her work." He sighed. "She means well, I know this but still contacting you like a bit much. But again thank you for diverting her."

She chuckled, and nodded, "honestly, don't worry. My mother is the same. Your mother is hilarious for thinking of me though. No offence sir, but I don't see you as my type and vice versa." She then added, "when I'm ready to give in regarding whether or not I meet a man naturally, I will be sure to contact your mother, then."

He smiled, "No offence taken. In all honestly I don't think your my type either. Frankly, I have already given my heart to someone on Capella and I don't have the courage to tell my mother...especially since I don't know weather that person is still alive." He sighed. "But when you are ready trust me she will be more then happy to help...It's your brothers I feel for. I have a feeling that our mothers will...make an interesting pair. Do you know that for my Academy graduation party she held girlfriend interviews....I kid you not and when I got there she'd picked out ten suitable brides." He shook his head and laughed. "I told her I didn't want to marry and well she set to work matchmaking them and honestly they are now all happily married some with families!"

"Be grateful, my mother all but signed the papers on my behalf," Ade chuckled shaking her head, "almost married my childhood best friend because our mother's made a deal. He only backed out because he finally came clean about already being married."

"Oh boy." He smiled. "I have to thank you again for being so understanding." He sighed. "Well I should head back to Engineering we're down a few hands and this was the only brake I dare take."

Ade nodded, "if you need to vent at any point about meddling mothers, I'll be here and I have the perfect bottle of grappa to help."

"Sounds good. I will extend the same offer to you." He stood and gave a final goodbye bow heading back to engineering.



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