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The Captain's work is never done

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 3:09pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan

1,827 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Captain's Quarters | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Post Ito Departure


Fang stood outside the door having rung the chime. Part of him wanted to turn back and run and leave things as they be, while another part of him wanted to rush in there say his peace and then let the captain decide. This was, by no stretch of the imagination, going to be an easy task, nor a fun task, nor a simple one but it was one that needed to be done. Fang was, if nothing else, a man of honour and truth and keeping the CO in the dark was wrong not matter what his adopted father or Fin or anyone else said.

In his soul, in his heart, in his mind, Fang knew that he was doing the right thing. He rang the chime again knowing that the hours was late but having the urge to purge his soul and make his request.

Moving into the Captain's quarters had been uncomfortable. The moment he first stepped into the quarters that had belonged to Captain Morelli was like crossing the threshold into a museum. Everything had been just as she had left it, prepared for her return. Threshold problem was she had not returned and until further notice, Arcadia was Kelly's. He had all of the Captain's items and belongings moved to storage, not daring to have them shipped back to Earth. He still was holding out hope for her return even as unlikely as that was seeming.

With Ito gone, Feng had naturally taken over Engineering. That still left vacancies, and the most glaring was the vacancy his ascension caused. He needed a First Officer. Kelly Kerrigan had been lounging in a sofa in the quarters looking over personnel files.

The chime pulled him up from the comfortable position he was in, exhausted legs carrying to the door. The Captain's work is never done he reminded himself as the doors parted ways. "Lieutenant Lee," he said greeting the man. "Engineering issues?"

"Uhhhh so sir. I wish to speak to you on a staffing matter." Fang studied the Captain. "Preferably before I turn chicken as Ito would say."

"You need more engineers," Kelly replied. "I know. With Ito gone, you moving up. We're short staffed in Engineering. It's on my list, Lieutenant. I promise. Right after..." Kelly sighed. "It's in the list."

"No...that's not it. I wish to apply for first officer." He paused. "May I come in and speak with you sir?"

Not what Kelly was expecting to hear. "Oh, where the hell are my manners? Yes, Fang, come in" said Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan stepping aside and gesturing the Chief Engineer in.

"First Officer?" Kelly made his way back to towards the sofa and left room for Feng. "What would possess you to consider that. I had to practically wrestle Ito with even considering it temporarily."

He smiled. "Yes, she's not a fan of rank increase and neither am I but...I think I would do a good job as first officer. To be honest I have been avoiding leadership roles because of my life on Capella but thanks to the good doctor and a few others I think that my fears in taking a leadership role are...for lack of a better word silly."

When they reached the sofa he sat down and gave a shrug. "Honestly. By closing myself off and not giving my best It shows that I truly haven't let go of my old life. By embracing this role I think I can start a new chapter and I think I can bring a discipline to the position that is necessary. I know that the old Captain may come back and you'll be first officer at that point and I'll step down but I would like to try for however long the ship and crew and you need me to. Zai will help with Engineering. I think the added responsibility of being Deputy Chief will make him grown up a little and I know he's a top rate Engineer so I'll be able to rest easy while doing my duty as first officer." He paused. "But before you make your choice or decision perhaps I can tell you a bit more about my history?"

Kerrigan nodded. "Tell me. Because I am interested in learning more about you, but also my options for First Officer are rather limited aboard. I'd be looking at exterior options if I can find an internal one." It was a simple fact. Doctor McDonald was the oldest and held the highest rank, but a medical officer was far from command ready.

He sighed. "Well qualification wise I do have the bridge officer's test and command training. During the Klingon war I lead a team of engineers that were also a warrior squadron. My record is clean and recommendations you will find plenty of. I understand discipline and order and frankly I find paperwork relaxing...something that apparently is a trait of insanity according to my last CO."

"Warrior engineers?" Kelly Kerrigan shook his head. "Not exactly the sort of thing one thinks about, but the war did cause for some interesting choices."

Kelly knew the man's record was clean. "I know your record is clean. Honestly, as clean as my own if not cleaner. People like us though don't usually end up commanding starships. At least ones like this."

"That is true also. So that's my record then and now background. As for my background you know that I come from Capella right?"

"I do," stated Lieutenant Commander Kerrigan. Capella was a strange planet. "The Klingons find it of strategic value thus the Federation courting your home world for future membership."

"Indeed and it is currently still in a war state. I left the planet when I was fifteen and was adopted by Lee Chen and his wife Lee Ren. Vice-Admiral Lee Chen is now in the Starfleet Intel division as you are aware but there is something in my past that may disqualify me from the position. While my father, wishes me to not announce it to the world I see no reason not to share it with you."

"I can't think of anything that would disqualify you from the position, Lieutenant. Unless you are an Illyrian or a DNA test comes back Romulan, I am unaware of anything. Is there something sealed in your file?"

He shook his head. "Not sealed but not written in there either. I was born with a different name. Lee Fang was given to me by my parents, adopted or not I only recognize them as my real parents. On Capella my real name was Ainar of Capella, Seventh Prince born to Tier Altori leader of all tribes. The man who started and is causing problems on Capella. At the time Starfleet thought I would work in their favour, get me off planet raise me as Starfleet and send me back to challenge my father. I had no interest in that. I left Capella body and soul. My mind may still be there on those I left behind but I consider myself a Starfleet officer first and Capellan last." He signed. "I have avoided power all this time or taking leadership roles for fear of being like Altori but over the last while I have come to the conclusion he was just a person who lent his biology to my creation. I am not him and I detest him enough to know I will never be him. I was punishing myself for his... actions. I think it time to stop."

He sighed. "So there you have it. I am a run away prince on a planet that is at war with one another and that is fought over by Starfleet and the Klingons. Tier Altori is one of the people to start this mess and you may not want his biological son as your XO. I will leave that choice to you."

"Lieutenant, I do not want you as my First Officer. That has nothing to do with you. I do not want anyone to be my First Officer because I should not be Captain. I'm supposed to be the Executive Officer here, learning from a very seasoned Captain, but the stars clearly have other plans." Kelly smiled.

He looked at Fang. "If we stopped people from becoming leaders because of their genetics, we would be missing out on some exceptional minds. I do not care that you are or were a prince, what I do care about is that you are a capable engineer and if you believe you can step into the shoes of First Officer, then I see no reason not to believe you."

He looked at Kelly Kerrigan, really looked at him. Fang's eyes held a find mist. "I have not revealed my true identity to many, even to father was the cause of so much grief to his Tribe and I worry about loosing a good friend. But those who know never had your response. Usually they distance themselves." He paused as if swallowing had become difficult. "Thank you, Captain. If chosen I promise to not let you down."

"Nobody will need to know unless you disclose it," Kelly assured him. "You are Lieutenant Fang Lee. That is how I'll address you and see you as, not Prince of whatever."

He chuckled. "I am the prince of paperwork." He shrugged. "I find it calming and I look forward to formally applying for the post."

Lieutenant Kerrigan got up from his seat. "I look forward to the formal application." There were going to be some interesting days ahead. That much Kerrigan knew for certain.

Fang stood too. "Again sorry for dropping in so late. I figured I'd state my intention before I could talk myself out of it again." He grinned as he scratched the back of his neck. "Confidence is an ongoing struggle with me."

"Something to work on overcoming if you are going to be First Officer" Kelly replied though he immediately regretted saying it. "Pot calling the kettle black. Something we both need to work on."

Fang smiled. "Then we shall work on it together." He motioned to the door. "With you permission I'll take my leave."

The two parted and Fang headed straight for the mess feeling happy and relieved and letting the tension of the last few days leech out of him. He grabbed a coffee and found himself in engineering where an hour later he submitted his application for XO. Happy that it was done and proud of himself for the step he took he finished his now cold coffee and headed to rest for a few hours. They were short staffed so the nap would be brief but he found that after his conversation with the CO he had boundless energy. This was a new start for him, if he got the job, and he was looking forward to it.



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