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Part III - Engineers, Doctors, and Shots Oh My

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 6:49pm by Lieutenant Chloe O'Connor MD & Lieutenant JG Zai

1,610 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: Sickbay | USS Arcadia
Timeline: Current

Previously on Engineer, Doctors, and Shots Oh My....

Fang seemed fascinated with the tricorder. He picked it up and sat on the bio bed with his legs crossed as he began turning over the tricorder. "Most interesting. Perhaps the sensor is off." He looked up. "May I open it here?" He pulled out his own engineering tricorder and a small tool kit he kept on his belt.

"Go for it," she encouraged, doing her own work around the pair as the medical tricorder was quickly stripped of the outer casing to expose the inner circuitry. She didn't dare mention how this was a 'break in case of emergency' contingency that Dr McDonald kept on hand. Instead she just allowed the engineer to focus on the task so that she could get some genuine base readings to complete the medical. He didn't even seem to notice when she took a small blood sample for analysis as both engineers seemed to be in deep discussion as they threw ideas back and forth.

Fang was indeed engrossed in his work. The scans, the blood sample, even the shot to his neck for the regular vaccine was unnoticed. Within the hour he was done and Zai insisted on sending him back with the tricorder now in parts. Once he was gone Zai turned to the doctor. "Thank you," he bowed as he spoke. "I am grateful that this was not stressful on the Lieutenant."

"Quite," she agreed as she saved her notes on Fang's file before turning to face Zai, "I guess that means one down, one to go?"

And now the continuation....

Zai jumped back on the biobed. "I am ready for my physical then." Unlike Fang he had no fear of sickbay.

"Then I shall not keep you waiting," she promised, studying him as much as the readings displayed in the screen above his bed. They were overall within acceptable limits, but it was more his calmness which was in stark contrast to his friend. For it was obvious the two were at least good friends from the brief time she had spent around them. Initiating the body scan she reviewed his medical file, including notes from previous physicians who had been involved in any medical care.

Zai studied her back his lip twitching. "I see you are a keen observer and people watcher. I will be open and say that I am an empath. What has...peeked your curiosity? I sense kindness, I notice a sharp mind, compassion for those you tend to, a high standard of care and courage to deal with a...grumpy boss and curiosity. Perhaps I can assist with the last item."

"Grumpy boss," she repeated with an amused grin. "You shouldn't judge him so quickly, or harshly. I'd appreciate you not using that empathy... it's kind of cheating. Unfair advantage. But yes, I am curious. You and the Lieutenant, clearly friends but he seems terrified of being in a medical bay while you seem to be the polar opposite. Almost over confident. Although judging from these scans, you've had enough broken bones to have possibly spent as much time in a medical bay as any first year medical student."

He chuckled. "Do not worry I will not fully judge him. My experience is that those that seem grumpy have the softest sides to them…at least with humans. As for Empathy I will attempt to curb it when you are around. I cannot read minds just emptions and feelings.” He sighed. “Yes….the med bay. The Med bay and I are not strangers and my tribe... we are healers. Our medical care is somewhat more primitive than Starfleet. We still set bones the hard and painful way. My friend has been terrified since the Klingon war. We were on special assignment and he bore the brunt of punishment provoking the Klingons for the safety of his Starfleet brothers. The Klingons also decided to learn about Capellan physiology before we got him out. He will need time to mend. I will accompany him to the med bay whenever possible.”

"They had quite the talent for inflicting pain," Chloe conceded quietly. "The war was hard, on everyone. Hopefully he will learn in time that nobody in this med bay is either Klingon or looking to inflict any harm. Perhaps if he spent more time here, he'd feel more comfortable. Or perhaps the counsellor can suggest something to help? From what I hear she is very nice.

Which... unfortunately, is not something I can really say for how this arm healed," she added, raising his right hand and turning it this way and that as if she could see the bone. "Sorry, that probably sounded rude. But right here where my finger is? The bone is weaker here. It will be prone to breaking so take some extra care. We could do a break and reset but if it isn't causing you pain, then I wouldn't force your hand."

Placing his arm down flat on the biobed she hopped up onto the stool beside the bed, "so, in general, any complaints or issues? Your blood pressure is a little high so I'm going to let the tests run a more detailed scan on your cardiovascular system while we talk. It could be nothing more than some anxiety about the exam or worry for your friend. But if you have anything you want to discuss..?"

He gave a nod. "I agree to the re-break and rest. I do not like to have weak bones. I do have issues with my right knee. There is pain there, it too was previously broken." He paused as if thinking and weighing things. "I also require a sleep aid."

"Perhaps I can recommend sleeping in some form of protective bubble?" she offered as they talked, "it's been a while since I saw so many bumps and bruises. As they say. We can scan the knee as well. Is the pain something recent? Or been with you for a while?"

Zai's hands closed into fists. He clenched his jaw to almost breaking and let out a shuttered breath. "I am a refugee from the Capellan war, Doctor. I have seen my fair share of injury and have escaped with barely a breath left in me. The knee injury was from there, before I left Capella. It was...aggravated at the Academy and then was better until recently. I reinjured it a month ago. I have a high tolerance for pain doctor. I once existed on a punctured lung for a week during battle. My reaching a level I have not yet experienced."

“Then let’s see what we can do to help with that,” she replied with a reassuring smile as she made another note for herself in his file and made a quick adjustment to the scanner. War. Always war…

"And the issue sleeping?” She asked, snapping out of her train of thought. “Is that new? Can you tell me more about the issue?"

"Another side effect of the war on Capella. I brought it under control but ... perhaps something has aggravated me with this transfer to the ship here. Perhaps memories that were locked away demand their offering of pain. Something to allow me to sleep without dreaming would be... appreciated."

“I can give you a short term aid,” she assured him, “but it comes with a condition of speaking with the counsellor to understand the cause and address it. Sleeping pills hide the problem, they don’t cure it. And from what you’ve said, I think you are more than capable of facing whatever events have troubled you.”

"I think your confidence in my abilities might be more then I have in my own self but I am grateful for your assistance." He studied her his head quirked and eyebrow raised. "Fascinating. You are human, not an empath, yet I have spoken to you more then I have to anyone. You have...a disarming ability to make people talk." He smiled a little. "I venture my people could learn much from you. I will... consider your words. About the counselor. I am not yet convinced. Perhaps the memories are what you Humans call Karma." He sighed. "How do the results look?"

“Your right knee has absolutely seen better days. The pain is from swelling around some ligament damage. We can deal with most of that today, but I’d like you back for some regular physiotherapy to ensure we get full movement back.

Your blood pressure is slightly elevated but not hugely and given what you’ve said, it seems stress may be a contributing factor. That said. There is some evidence of mild tearing in cardiac tissue. Nothing you’d likely be aware of and it is not having any detrimental effect. We will definitely monitor that though.”

"Perhaps a side effect of living with an unending broken heart. As for the knee any pain relief would be appreciated and I will return as per your instructions."

“I don’t have a hypo that cures one of those,” she apologized, “but let’s fix what we can and schedule your follow up appointments.”

He genuinely smiled. "I expected no cure for that one but as you say let us fix what we can." He caught her eye. "Thank you doctor. I never forget a kindness, especially since I have seen so little of it."

“All part of the service,” she assured him. “Okay, just sit back and I will get you something to help that knee and get you some sleep…”



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