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Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 @ 7:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan & Lieutenant K’Var

815 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis

Lieutenant k’Var was the newly assigned Chief Security and Tactical Officer assigned to the USS Arcadia . She was excited to start the next leg of her journey as a Starfleet Officer. She had been granted a five day leave between assignments. Today was the day she left Earth for the Constitution class starship, but first she enjoyed a nice tuna stake and then it was on through security to check in.

After a short stop at her quarters to drop off her personal belongings the Lieutenant had an appointment to check in with her new Commanding Officer she took a deep breath before stepping onto the bridge of the USS Arcadia .

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan was there to meet the arriving Caitian officer. "You must be Lieutenant K'Var, our Security Chief. I'm Lieutenant Commander Kelly Kerrigan, First Officer. Our Captain is unfortunately not available to meet with you as she's off the ship. I will be standing in for her for the time being, Lieutenant."

K’Var came to attention “yes sir” was the reply the Lieutenant gave.

"Captain Morelli had spoken briefly with me about you and your service record. I have reviewed it just to brushen up a bit. I think the Captain made a wise decision in selecting you as Security Chief for the Arcadia."

“I appreciate that, Captain” Lieutenant K’Var said with a respectful tone to her voice.

Kelly smiled. "I appreciate a good officer as part of a good crew. I wish Captain Morelli were around to see us off on our shakedown cruise, but it seems that duty is going to fall onto my shoulders. I want you to have a look at the tactical systems, offensive and defensive. I don't want to release the docking clamps until I know our Security Chief is satisfied with what we have."

“I understand, sir” the Lieutenant was doing as she was asked and started toward the console she would spend a lot of time at. It was important to make sure the defensive and offensive systems were up to standards. “Any particular threats we are going to face” the Chief Security Officer asked as she access the console.

Kelly Kerrigan drew a deep inhale. "You know the usual suspects," he said. "We are just getting over the war with the Klingons, uncomfortably. The Gorn are ramping up to Gods know what. The Romulans remain quiet, and Orion piracy is at an all time high."

“I’ve studied what I can about the Gorn and Orion attacks” she paused for a brief second “I’ll have our teams as prepared as possible.”

"That is greatly appreciated, Lieutenant. The Gorn appear to increasing their presence" stated Kelly. "Small bites into unclaimed territory, inching closer and closer to our own. They are pushing us to the brink of a war."

“Aye sir” K’Var agreed “the Gorn are dangerous and I do not look forward to facing them but we will be prepared.” Hopefully her confidence was held up if they faced the challenge “I’ll run some extra drills with the security personnel” the security chief added with a nod.

"Dangerous, deadly, and unpredictable," stated Kelly. "I do not look forward to encountering them either. Though it will be inevitable. As many drills we can run in the meantime will be valuable in the long run."

“Aye sir” she would go over all the I formation she could get her hands on when it came to the species and schedule extra drills “I’ll have my department as prepared as we can be.” The Lieutenant had to show a certain level of confidence but she was nervous.

"It's alright," Kelly said gently to the Caitian. To what he was referring to was unclear initially. K'Var had said little to spark the response from Kerrigan. "If I were in your position, I would be sweating phaser beams. I'm not as composed of an individual as you. I know the crew is expecting me to be hardened and battle ready, but truth be told, I envision myself an explorer with a diplomats tongue. That won't do much good against the Gorn."

"No sir" K'Var admitted "sadly it will not affect the Gorn, but we will be ready." The Caitian made eye contact "and I have your back, sir" she added confidently.

Kelly gave a nod. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I will leave you to see to your preparations and adjustments. I have no doubt that you'll have ship and security personnel ready. If there's nothing else?"

“Thank you sir” K’Var had some work in front of her but they would be prepared.

Kelly stood and walked the lieutenant towards the doorway. He needed to stretch his legs and get away from the office work. At least that was his hope. It was definitely the least enthralling aspect of command.


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