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What are you still doing here

Posted on Sat Jan 18th, 2025 @ 5:56pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Jynx

1,002 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well

Adrianna couldn't sleep, but not could she keep looking at a screen anymore. She was hoping for inspiration and perhaps a breakthrough. Something wasn't sitting right about the data they were reading. She soon found herself in the coffee place and was surprised to see it still open with staff. She saw her favourite barista and smiled, though looked confused. "Buonosera. Are you considered essential staff because of the caffeine addiction on board the ship?" She playfully teased, "I'm surprised you didn't leave with the other civilians."

Balancing somewhat precariously on a stool in order to add more decorations to the walls and shelves, Jynx smiled at the familiar voice and offered a friendly wave before securing another pink love heart to the menu board. Right in the middle of the old fashioned chalk board was a hand drawn heart shape with three words scrawled inside.

Happy Valentino Day.

“Someone has to make sure we have the Valentino spirit. I made most of the decorations by hand since someone thinks it’s just a stupid holiday. But you gotta love love, right?,” the teen enthused with a bright smile as she jumped down from her perch with the box of decorations in hand. It was perhaps graceful but apparently not gentle enough as a container of glitter seemed to burst, sending an explosion of red and pink glitter up into the air. It lasted but a moment, but a moment was enough.

Frozen to the spot, her hair, face and apron almost completely covered, Jynx stared at the sparkling chaos for a long moment before uttering a meek “oops…”

Adrianna had just been out of the bomb zone. In one sense, she was grateful as glitter and bomb references just seemed to trigger a memory of almost dying. She rushed over and looked at Jynx, "oh gawd! I don't think cupid would be happy with that spillage! Are you ok?"

Jynx blinked a few times, glitter falling from her eyelashes as she nodded. “Ew, I think I ate some,” she realised, making a face.

Once confirmed that the poor girl was ok, Adrianna returned to topic, "actually, Valentine's Day is my birthday too. My family and people that I have dated in the past all thought it made me a romantic." Adrianna chuckled shaking her head, "I'm not sure my husband knows when my birthday is, it's a long story but I think he thinks my birthday is in September."

Carefully setting aside the box she had been carrying, Jynx removed her apron and stood over it as she tried to shake off as much glitter as she could without making an even bigger mess while she listened. “He doesn’t know your birthday?” she asked. From her time among humans most seemed to find it a special day to be given gifts and to celebrate. “How will he know to bring you a present?”

"Act of service, I suppose," Adrianna shrugged in response, "I'm not a materialistic person anyway-- except when it comes to what I consume." Adrianna spotted a non bedazzled towel on a nearby table and handed it to the woman, "I hope it's edible glitter."

“I’ve eaten worse,” Jynx shrugged as she wiped her face and hands off, grateful that at least for now their boss was not on board. Lots of time to clean up.

“Well if you are hungry, we have some cake,” she added as she began cleaning up. “Help yourself, on the house.”

"Is it now covered in glitter?" Adrianna asked somewhat amused.

“Erm…” biting her lip, she turned to face the little cabinet where all the cakes and pastries were kept fresh and - thankfully- glitter free. Clapping her hands in delight and relief she turned back and declared, “not a single bit.”

Adrianna chuckled at the enthusiasm. "I shouldn't," Adrianna sighed, "but si, yes please. Just a small piece though." She paused before adding, "and I, whilst sacrilege to say because it is an abomination to any and all gods, I should probably have a decaffeinated coffee too, please."

Jynx eyes widened as she leaned in to whisper, “are you feeling ill?”

Adrianna snorted in amusement. Her favourite barista seemed to know her all too well, "no, I promise. I just know that I need to sleep. The lack of slumber is messing with my mind. I can feel it, so perhaps I need the taste to soothe my lack of soul but the decaffeination to ensure I actually use the soothing to sleep." She paused, "under normal circumstances, if I ever ask for decaffeinated coffee, know that it is a cry for help and you should call security."

“I… am very confused,” the teen admitted, “but customer is never right… no that’s not it…. Always! Yes, that’s it - the customer is always right. Slice of cake and a not really a coffee coming up.”

"A shot of de-presso," Adrianna commented with a chuckle and a shake of her head, "tell me, why did you choose this job? Not many join StarFleet vessels in your capacity so young."

“De-presso,” Jynx giggled as she grabbed a brush and swept the glitter into a corner to deal with later. “They don’t? There are worse places and it’s a job,” she answered with a little shrug as she cut a slice of cake and put it in a litre box, securing it closed with a pink ribbon before starting on the drink. “And a busy one. This crew loves coffee.”

Adrianna nodded, "this is my first StarFleet ship, but I know that all the ships my brothers have been on have all been older beings." She shrugged, "still, do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."

“Oh I don’t love this, Jynx loves music,” the teenager enthused as she handed over the lieutenant’s order. “Enjoy your de-presso!”

"Enjoy is not the correct word," Adrianna groaned, "but thank you."


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