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Resignation Letter [Part 6]

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Fang Lee

782 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Klingon Ship
Timeline: ---- Past ----


The drinks were flowing and the group of Klingons were aggressively friendly-- as was usual for Klingons. They were shoving each other playfully and enjoying having their general back. Adrianna felt like she may have a permanent hand print on her shoulder and arm from the amount of hits. She laughed them off, easily conversing in Klingon. She tapped her glass in a familiar rhythmic pattern. They'd had the code between the group of smugglers for some time-- it was a subtle hint for them to leave. Even though it was just Adrianna and Vance in this group, it meant all the same.

Vance picked up on her hint. "Well gentleman. We should be getting back. You have your general and we have another job waiting. Your hospitality has been most kind. I look forward to doing business with you." He knew full well that this was it but the Klingons didn't need to know that.

Adrianna stood up and thanked everyone before going to follow Vance out. She was stopped by the General looking up from a place behind the bar, "that, that's it! I knew you looked familiar! You're Adrianna Baciami! Heiress!"

Another Klingon snatched the bottle from him and looked between the bottle and her. The picture was small, but it was clear as day. He handed Vance the bottle and pointed at Adrianna, "you have a fleeter in your crew."

Adrianna looked confused and peered over at the bottle. It was a Baciami branded bottle, she recognized it from the shape. What caught her attention was the family photo and bio on the back, with a short blurb about celebrating almost 500 years of production. Adrianna went pale. No training could account for this. She'd just been outed in front of the best warriors Kronos had to offer. "Merda," the cuss slipped from her lips before she could stop it.

She laughed and shook her head, "oh, I get that a lot-- I have the standard look of an Italian woman. We all look like that--"

"No, no you are her!"

Vance went slightly pale. This could go wrong so many ways. He thought a moment and then, "Now accusations like this need to be reviewed. I promise that I will take her into custody and deal with her if she is who you say she is."

One of the Klingon's snorted. "You, Vance, have always been helpful but she is a liability either way. We'll deal with her."

Before he could reply the ship coms officer called. "Long Range Probe detected Telerite and Starfleet ships moving this way."


At the shout from the Klingon Vance twitched. "They probably followed the warp signature."

"Or she betrayed us!"

Suddenly daggers and phasers started coming out. Vance, who was close to the door mercifully saw his opportunity. He covertly hit the light switch, an old but true tactic. He grabbed Adri's hand and yanked her out the door. "Run!" He yelled.

Adrianna didn't have to be asked twice. She ran at full speed heading towards their shuttle. "I'm sorry, Vance," she urgently said to him as she ran next to him, "I wanted to tell you. I did. This is not how I wanted you to find out!"

"Not the time. They're dumb but not that dumb!" Just as he finished talking the footsteps of the Klingons could be heard not far behind. He stopped and ripped open a tube. "Get in. This is a covered J hatch it will take them a minute to find us...on second thought you go in. Head north and then when you get to a panel find the transporter room. It should be two decks up and fifty meters to the right. I'm going to meet you there and hopefully divert their attention."

Adrianna reluctantly nodded. He'd not failed her yet and his plans always seemed to work out unless she had intervened. She got in, scrambling in the direction he'd told her to. She was keen to make a swift exit. Whilst she knew the risks of being undercover, she'd always been the optimist in thinking that she'd die of old age-- not being pulled apart by Klingons. Today was, most definitely, not a good day to die.

She soon found a panel and worked her way up to the transporter room, only having to shoot three men in the process. She got to the panel and started typing in the ships transporter details. She paced a little, waiting for Vance. Ade didn't want to leave without him. All he had to do was run in, press a button and get on the transporter pad next to her.



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