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Resignation Letter [Part 7]

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Timeline: ---- Past ----


"Come on. Come on," she muttered to herself as she fidgeted on the marker, phaser aimed at the door, just in case.

Vance entered the room and as he did the distinct sound of a transporter going offline filled the room. He muttered a curse. "Addie listen. When we get on the ship you yell Code 1997, can you remember the code?"

"Simple, now come on!" She screamed, beckoning him.

"Good!" before more could be said the room filled with Klingons.

"I'm afraid there will be no transporting. The transporters are down."

Vance knew this he'd heard them but he'd also seen the ship had yet to raise shields. He'd managed to obtain a device on ship that could help. He held his hands up to the Klingons. "Now wait! We can figure this out."

"There is no figuring. She's Starfleet. Step away from her."

Adrianna watched in horror. The man who she had betrayed still loved her. Sure it may have been a heat of the moment thing, but it meant so much. If she was going to die-- at least she knew that she hadn't hurt him as bad as she thought she would have by telling him.

Vance had to think fast. "Okay, okay. I will let you deal with this but just let me...give her a hug. You Klingons know how important that is."

There were some mutters but nobody saw any harm. They had been scanned and there were no weapons on them. He turned and caught her eye giving her a signal that he'd used before that said go with the flow.

Adrianna nodded subtly, and watched him carefully, starting to ramble a little to keep up appearances but meaning everything she said, "Vance, I'm sorry. I know that I betrayed you. I wanted to come clean. I wanted to tell you everything but I was scared of losing you. I did everything in my power to try and not fall for you, but you caught my heart. I even wrote my resignation last night. I want to be with you. I want that life. I don't want starfleet as much as I want you and I was prepared to lose everything. I didn't want you to find out like this because I didn't want you to hate me. There were a lot of lies, but I never lied about loving you. I swear-- that was real. I love you, Vance--"

Vance smiled at her. "Adi...count to five. Remember the code."

"One nine nine seven," she whispered nodding before reaching out and kissing him softly.


The Klingon bellowed and raised a dagger. Vance saw it was about to hit her and dove blocking its path.

There was a commotion and then a familiar hum of the shuttle transporter. One that Vance had been able to manipulate using the wrist band that Zai, a friend of his, had made. Within seconds the Klingon ship was gone and Vance's shuttle's voice rang over the speakers. "Emergency Transport complete. Code."

"Vance-- " she screamed desperately and went to help but was taken away.

"1 9 9 7 Warp initiated scramble pattern. Rendezvous with Denobulan cruiser in five hours. Signature Adrianna detected. Vance missing. Control transfer will be complete upon reaching safety. Vance A final Message available for review."

"No, no, no!" Adrianna panicked, "stop, no, we need to get Vance!" The code was clearly one that overrode her authority. One that would take her to safety. She tried to tap the console but she was merely denied. She slammed her palms down on the console in frustration. Adrianna didn't cry often, but this was breaking her heart, "Figlio di puttana, Vance!" She screamed to herself, desperately trying to override the system to save Vance.

Adrianna slumped in the captain's chair, having no choice but to give up. "Review message," she quietly demanded, shaking with a mixture of emotions.

The screen flickered and an image of Vance appeared.

Hi Love,

If you are seeing this then things went south with the Klingons and I didn't make it. The ship is set to rendezvous with the a few friends of mine. I'm guessing you want to go back for me so I locked the ship. It will defend itself should there be need but you can't co back. You have to survive Adi. In hind sight I should have had more crew but I wanted this to be the two of us so we can retire on the funds, speaking of which they will be all released to you when you reach the Denobulan ship. Now then. The other reason I didn't call the others is cause we have a Starfleet leak. If you noticed normally I didn't mind getting my plans foiled by Starfleet. In all honesty I don't hate them, or the leak. Each is doing their job and they have helped get a few baddies of the bad off the system. I know how that sounds but in some ways I admire them.

I never told you this but I washed out of the Academy. Hence the fancy digs.
He waved his hand around the ship. In the video he was seated in the very chair that she occupied.

She sat back in the seat, her eyes going up to the familiar voice. Adrianna smiled softly as if he could see. She hadn't known about him being a Starfleet wannabe. It made some sense though-- he knew their protocols all too well when it came to them plotting escapes. She sighed, muttering in Italian, 'gawd, you knew, didn't you. You cheeky bastard.'

The image of Vance smiled, Now here's the thing Sweet Pea. When you arrive at the rescue ship these are all friends. They will treat you like a queen and they will get you back to Earth. All my stuff, my home, that's all yours now. In all honesty I fell for you the moment we met and I knew that it was you or nobody else. I hope I got to tell you that before I went. Also I wanted to provide you with someone you can rely on. When I was in the Engineering program in the Academy I met a friend. He was a lovable Villain who couldn't be a Villain to save his life. You'll read about him in my journals. If ever you need help he's my Starfleet Contact and a great friend. If ever you need a safe space find him. Hell if things went wrong I have no doubt that I will be avenged by him. He's that close to me.

Adi listen to me. I need you to be okay. Leave this life and be honest. Life happy, fall in love and know that at least in my life you made a huge difference. The reason I wanted to retire and live happy...well that was all you. Take care Adi, live happy.
Vance gave a final smile and wave and the video ended.

Replaced by the voice of the computer. "Rescue ship acknowledged hail, they are on intercept course. Time to intercept twenty four hours. Space scan all clear."

Adrianna grumbled something in her native tongue and silently wiped away tears, as if anyone could see or hear her. She needed to contact Starfleet, but she was better off waiting until after they met up at the rendezvous point. She shook her head, what was the point? She was blown anyway. "Computer, override Comms system. Put in a message to Commander Derrick Johnson, Starfleet. Code: Alpha Bravo six nine two, Mission Reference: Drifting Gallivant. Message: AB requesting extraction. Details on pick up to follow. General heading--" she listed off where the rendezvous point was. She needed time though. Time to back up Vance's stuff, time to keep his memory, but also to wipe any trace of their relationship.

She paused and looked back at the frozen screen of Vance smiling, "I am so sorry, my love. In another lifetime."



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