
Bad Dreams and New Assignments

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 12:50pm by Lieutenant JG Sawyer Leighton

597 words; about a 3 minute read


"Computer Start Personal Log"

The computer buzzed and whirred to life as soon Sawyer walked into his now spartan quarters on Starbase one. He had spent the last 4 days packing up his room and getting ready to transfer to the USS Arcadia.

"Well here we are 2 years on from the Klingon war, I have been aboard starbase one for as long as I can remember, good thing really as the war really did change me in ways I dare to even think about"

Sawyer walked over to his replicator "Tea Earl Grey Hot" he spoke as the replicator whooshed to life the cup formed in the hole of the wall and he sawyer to returned to his chair. This had been a long time coming, and this reassignment had been a welcomed break, even if that meant flying straight out into another potential war, Sawyer was grunt through and through the Battle of J'Gal taught him that, it was a bloody and awful conflict so many people lost there lives. As a shuttle pilot, he ferried dead bodies to and from the dead zones and returning them to the forward operations base. That was the part that changed him the most seeing death and experiencing it in a war setting is best enough to fundamentally alter someones brain chemistry.

"A brand new constitution class couldn't script it even I tried, My last ship assignment was a sheppard class and by today's standards there a pretty far begone class of ship, but now with the crisis at parnasus beta we seem to flying straight into war with the gorn hedgemony" The last few days of the battle J'Gal flashed through his mind the PTSD flashbacks never stopped his hands tapped on his desk and his gkazed over as he remembered the last time he saw his best friend Patrick Callahan, that was a death that stayed with him he tried to revive Patrick in the back of the shuttle, blood was absolutely everywhere, he looked at hi hands and they flashed red for a few minutes it was almost like he was transported back to that memory.

He took a swig from his tea shaking his head, to try and resurface from the memory. The Hot tea soothed him a little as he continued to to talk at the computer.

"Whatever the gorn have in store I'm sure it wont be as bloody as the 4 years war or at least I can only hope this doesn't envelope into an even bloodier war than before, Starfleet have had very little interactions with the gorn hedgemony until Parnasas beta. i wasn't present for it but I watched the coverage of it on the federation news service, my room is now all packed up and all I have to do now is make my way to the transporter pad tomorrow morning to make sure I'm on the Arcadia for first light"

"I hope my new commending officer will be as accommodating as my last, however I'm sure being with a brand-new constitution class whatever happens we will have the fire power to withstand whatever those reptillian arseholes throw at us we will be ready and waiting "

"Computer End Personal Log"

As the final words were spoke he drank another length of his earl grey sat at his desk, a few small tears formed in the corners of his eyes "Sorry Pat" He said as he wiped his eyes of the tears "Computer transport my belongings to the USS Arcadia" he said as he drank the rest of his tea.




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