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Cleared for Duty

Posted on Mon Jun 10th, 2024 @ 1:39pm by Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant Commander Oscar McDonald MD

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: MedBay

This was a surprise: getting a leg up the career path so quickly. Adrianna had put it down to the connections she had made in her previous postings and her time in intelligence. It had come a bit suddenly, and realistically Adrianna could have done with another week or so off. Towards the end of her last posting, she had dislocated her shoulder and, whilst fixed, she maybe had another week or so of light duty remaining. The woman was keen to return to duty but was sensible. Further to finding her new quarters, she decided to get the ‘paperwork’ sorted- i.e. medical clearance to partake in the next voyage.

She ran her finger around her collar. No matter how used to the uniform she was, it still felt uncomfortable to her. Adrianna walked into the medical bay and saw, who she assumed was, the chief, “Scusi, Doctor. Do you have a moment?”

Setting aside the equipment tray he was inspecting, McDonald turned at the unexpected question. Today the bay had been quiet - for the most part. So he had passed the time by creating a never ending list of tasks to keep his staff busy and ensure they had the best prepped medical bay in the damn fleet. He had a reputation to uphold.

His gaze studied the young woman standing nearby. She did not appear to be wounded or showing any visible signs of illness, so an emergency was unlikely to be the cause of her visit. But she also wasn’t a familiar face and by now he had completed physicals on -

“Of course!” He announced, snapping his fingers as he made a connection between his new arrival and the updated manifest which had crossed his desk last night. “You are our new communications officer, yes?”

Adrianna smiled warmly, "Si, that is correct. I'm Adrianna Baciami." She paused a moment to shake his hand before continuing, "I apologise for being late. My last ship was delayed in getting here. I promise that I am an easy case though. Just a tick box exercise."

“I assure you, Lieutenant,” McDonald scowled, “there is no such thing as a tick box exercise in my sickbay. Now, pick any space you wish, our customer reviews on the ship forums ensure we stay quiet as you can see.”

Adrianna raised a brow and the scowl before chuckling, "oh, I like you." She hopped up on a biobed and got down to business, "I am usually fit and healthy. I look after myself. A few weeks ago, I did have my shoulder dislocated though. I have been as sensible as I can about it. I probably need another week of not lifting too heavy, but otherwise, it has been fine."

“If it causes discomfort after that, right back here, understood?” McDonald instructed as he took baseline readings. “No need to be a hero.”

"You do not have to ask me twice," she replied, "I have dislocated something in the past and not sought help- I will not be repeating the same mistake again."

“Well…” he hesitated, unaccustomed to having someone be so agreeable. Taking a small blood sample he placed it in the analyser. “Pleased to hear it. I think many of your crewmates believe they have secret medical degrees… alright, scans all clear. You are right and there is still some minor inflammation in that shoulder but it appears to be mending well enough. You know where to find us if it becomes a worry. That aside you do indeed have a clean bill of health and are cleared for duty.”

Ade sat up, teasing, "many of my crew mates have probably not been in a situation whereby less you are nice to a doctor, you'll find yourself out of an airlock. Let me know if any of my department give you trouble. I'll personally see to it that they the choice of airlock or doctor."

“I think,” McDonald chuckled, “we are going to get along famously, Lieutenant. Welcome aboard.”

Adrianna smirked, a glint of cheek in her eye, "here's to hoping."


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